Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Moved In

Well, I am finally moved in and settled! It has taken close to a month. Moving date was supposed to be April 25 - but - was delayed a week because I spent 5 days in the hospital.

I will try to make some pictures and upload - it's really cute and I'm very much enjoying it. It's nice and cool and very quiet. I have a 6x9 foot closet that I've turned into a craft room - which is very exciting to me! I actually have time to do some of the projects I've been accumulating for years. I plan to do that too - there are quilts to be quilted - wreaths to be made, purses to be sewn and decorated, and I have a ton of cross stitch stuff as soon as I can get new glasses and some kind of magnifier that works for me!

More later!