Thursday, December 26, 2013

Beginning Again (AGAIN!!)

So today I finally figured out how I'd set this (and the other two blogs) up and how exactly to get back to them.  I am going to try to post entries much more often than I have - it blows me away that it has been three years since I've posted.

Three Years!!  Where did that time go?  And what the hell has happened?  A lot for sure, some of which I'll get around to in other posts.

Right now, it is December 26th and I have been contemplating the new year.  I don't make resolutions so much anymore, just set some goals and make a few lists of things I'd like to do and things I need to accomplish!

For instance:

1 - get more organized - this is an ongoing thing with me.  I am much better organized now that I only have 650 square feet of an apartment - but there is still room for improvement.  For that, I've bought a Filofax to replace at least three books I have laying around with notes, etc.

2 - The list of stuff to buy!  I've had a list for years I keep in my wallet of things I want for me or the apartment.  Sometimes they get marked off because I buy them, get them as gifts, or change my mind on that item.  Right now, that list is not too long - of course Christmas was yesterday.  I do have a couple of big items I want this year, a guitar and a keyboard!!  Loving it!!

3 - Things to do - like right now I need to see the ortho, the plastic, a dermatologist and get some bloodwork.  Some of these are regular, a couple are new for this year - or returns - yes I still have a wound on my right ankle that has never healed.  I don't want to see ortho - but there is just no choice at this point.

4 - Health issues - besides the ortho thing, I need to really try to get more weight off.  From my last post in my healthy blog - I've put back on 75 pounds.  A very dangerous slope - I could probably knock 25 of that off in extra fluid pills, but that brings problems too.  A major goal this year, since it seems I am going to live much longer than I ever imagined!

More tomorrow!