Yesterday I drove to Memphis and back. It was a beautiful day and the drive wasn't too bad - it's usually grueling to go down and straight back for me.
Twice I saw a person hitchhiking on the interstate. Neither time had I seen a broken down vehicle - and one man - elderly - had on a backpack. As I drove past them I did feel a twinge to reach out and help someone, then common sense or fear and knowledge of what could happen took over and I kept right on driving. They were on my mind though - and why were they hitchhiking? I sometimes wonder if the present economical status of so many of our citizens won't lead to much more hitchhiking - of course that's a whole website to itself - my opinions about what the future holds that is.
I've never picked up a hitchhiker - probably never will - my favorite author - King - has never written a successful horror story about doing such a thing - and the real stories on the television news have been almost as bad as his fictional accounts. But, I remember growing up as a child in Southern Kentucky - every time we went somewhere you were bound to see a hitchhiker. Some regular folks - but mostly soldiers.
It was the late 60's and they (soldiers) would pretty much all be headed to Ft. Campbell. My dad always stopped and picked them up, asked them where they were from and where they were headed, and drove them as far as we were going, or dropped them wherever they were headed if not as far. It seemed like the most perfectly normal thing to do. I remember their gratitude and Daddy telling them good luck. I remember fear in their face too - most of them would be in Vietnam within a week of us seeing them.
Us kids were all aware of Vietnam, we had one uncle there with the Marines, one in Germany with the Army, and another just home from the Navy. Stopping and giving them a ride, if only for a few miles, well, we felt like we were doing our part to support the troups and our nation. That made us proud.
I thought I saw that same look of fear yesterday - but my own kept me from doing my part to support a fellow citizen. That makes me sad.
including detours thru Derry, ME, Boulder, CO and now Forks, WA.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
World Series
I did watch - not every single minute of every game - but around a third to half of each of the four games. I'd flip back and forth during commercials, etc. But I always watched the last 2 innings in entirety.
Go Sox! Now, I can't say I'm a lifelong Sox fan - just in the last ten years or so - since I discovered that my favorite author of all times - The King! - favs the Sox. Of course, some of the players have kept me watching - this year my favorite was Manny Ramirez! What a cutie!!
Watching the games brought back a lot of memories - my dad was a big baseball fan - not the kind to leave us sitting at home to go to a game, but definiately one who watched it when he could and taught us all how to play. He favored the Cincinnati Reds and the St. Louis Cardinals.
Daddy was a left handed pitcher - as a youngster I couldn't play pitch with him - but the boys did. He could put a spin on a ball, send it right up your arm if that glove didn't hold it, burn the skin right off! Even after open heart surgery and multiple bypasses, he threw a ball clocked at 90 mph at the old throwing game in Opryland. I noticed the guys pitching major league during the series were only hitting 94-96 mph.
Daddy died October 15, 1995. I've watched some of the World Series every year since then - makes me feel close to him. I know he's watching, from the best seat in the house!
Go Sox! Now, I can't say I'm a lifelong Sox fan - just in the last ten years or so - since I discovered that my favorite author of all times - The King! - favs the Sox. Of course, some of the players have kept me watching - this year my favorite was Manny Ramirez! What a cutie!!
Watching the games brought back a lot of memories - my dad was a big baseball fan - not the kind to leave us sitting at home to go to a game, but definiately one who watched it when he could and taught us all how to play. He favored the Cincinnati Reds and the St. Louis Cardinals.
Daddy was a left handed pitcher - as a youngster I couldn't play pitch with him - but the boys did. He could put a spin on a ball, send it right up your arm if that glove didn't hold it, burn the skin right off! Even after open heart surgery and multiple bypasses, he threw a ball clocked at 90 mph at the old throwing game in Opryland. I noticed the guys pitching major league during the series were only hitting 94-96 mph.
Daddy died October 15, 1995. I've watched some of the World Series every year since then - makes me feel close to him. I know he's watching, from the best seat in the house!
Friday, October 26, 2007
Public Service
I don't mean the kind you get when you've been in trouble and have to do what used to be called "Community Service". I'm talking about those folks who run for and are elected to public office to serve their communities, cities, states, and nations. God Bless Them All!!
I'm concerned, of course, about Nashville, Tennessee, our nation, and the world in general. But, my own little area of town, District 16 in Metropolitan Davidson County, is where my primary concerns are and maybe where I can do something to better the neighborhood and hope it trickles on to the bigger picture.
All this leads up to me saying though, I could not be the elected council person for this district in no way shape, form or fashion. Bill Gates couldn't pay me, he does have enough money. I thought I cared, but, I'm not sure I could remain gracious and in control if I was faced with what I'm sure every council person faces, but particularly what I've seen up close and personal in my own district. Hell, I haven't stayed gracious and in control just as a constituent!
There are about 5,000 registered voters, give or take, in this district. That means there are probably 25,000 residents. So, at least 25,000 folks have an opinion, that's good, all of them think they are right - hmmm - and most of them will call to ask for something or just to complain about their neighbor.
I would cautiously say that there is some diaglogue happening that may actually lead to some successful brainstorming without brain-bashing. I'm not holding my breath - just waiting to see. And, I've added my own fuels to the flames a few times - which I regret only in the sense that I don't want to make the job for the council person any worse.
I suppose this is democracy at work - sometimes it just looks like democrazy!
AND - REGISTER TO VOTE!! There is no excuse and no reason to delay any longer!!

I'm concerned, of course, about Nashville, Tennessee, our nation, and the world in general. But, my own little area of town, District 16 in Metropolitan Davidson County, is where my primary concerns are and maybe where I can do something to better the neighborhood and hope it trickles on to the bigger picture.
All this leads up to me saying though, I could not be the elected council person for this district in no way shape, form or fashion. Bill Gates couldn't pay me, he does have enough money. I thought I cared, but, I'm not sure I could remain gracious and in control if I was faced with what I'm sure every council person faces, but particularly what I've seen up close and personal in my own district. Hell, I haven't stayed gracious and in control just as a constituent!
There are about 5,000 registered voters, give or take, in this district. That means there are probably 25,000 residents. So, at least 25,000 folks have an opinion, that's good, all of them think they are right - hmmm - and most of them will call to ask for something or just to complain about their neighbor.
I would cautiously say that there is some diaglogue happening that may actually lead to some successful brainstorming without brain-bashing. I'm not holding my breath - just waiting to see. And, I've added my own fuels to the flames a few times - which I regret only in the sense that I don't want to make the job for the council person any worse.
I suppose this is democracy at work - sometimes it just looks like democrazy!
AND - REGISTER TO VOTE!! There is no excuse and no reason to delay any longer!!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Rainy Days and Mondays
Does anybody remember this song by The Carpenters? I loved them - I spent a lot of time trying to sing like Karen Carpenter - her voice was so pure. Actually - I tried to imitate a lot of my favorites - easy to do if you can't sing - never did nail any of them but it sure was fun.
Anyway - a last note about The Carpenters - back in 1970 or 71 - my Uncle Bob came down from Bowling Green with one of his friends to go to a Carpenter concert at the Municipal Auditorium. They were dressed in suits - I guess it was the time and the group - but I remember it fondly. I never went to a concert in anything but jeans and tennis shoes with some band t-shirt, preferably from the last concert I'd been to.
My whole point with the title is that we've recevied much needed rain the last three days here - Monday it rained all day long, very heavy at times, but always steady. It rained most of yesterday and has started again today. The best part has been to wake up, see how dark it was outside because of the clouds, hear the water in the downspout on the edge of the house, and go back to sleep for a great nap!
Let it rain! (a line from a great Temps song!)
Anyway - a last note about The Carpenters - back in 1970 or 71 - my Uncle Bob came down from Bowling Green with one of his friends to go to a Carpenter concert at the Municipal Auditorium. They were dressed in suits - I guess it was the time and the group - but I remember it fondly. I never went to a concert in anything but jeans and tennis shoes with some band t-shirt, preferably from the last concert I'd been to.
My whole point with the title is that we've recevied much needed rain the last three days here - Monday it rained all day long, very heavy at times, but always steady. It rained most of yesterday and has started again today. The best part has been to wake up, see how dark it was outside because of the clouds, hear the water in the downspout on the edge of the house, and go back to sleep for a great nap!
Let it rain! (a line from a great Temps song!)
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Old Friends
Tuesday night an old friend from high school and her husband came by to visit.
I had not seen Tammy in probably about 25 years - I think the last time was right after she and Greg had married and they celebrated their 25th anniversary this year. About a year ago she contacted me thru We've emailed back and forth and talked on the phone - but I have to tell you it was wonderful to see her and just spend some time sitting in the same room reminiscing. She lives out of state - probably a 3 hour drive or so - but I hope we can make time to spend more time together in the future.
After reconnecting with Tammy I was inspired - I went looking for a couple of other old friends - one from Kentucky, Sondra, that I had not seen since we were both freshmen in college in 1978. I found her sister - so then her! We've been emailing back and forth for a few months - she only lives about 60 miles from here and hopes to visit Nashville soon and come by for awhile.
My whole point is - if you've lost a connection with someone from you past that was a dear friend - then try to find them. is a great place to start if they were school buddies. Sharing with these two has so enriched my life - I'm not sure why we drifted apart other than life's paths forked at some point. All these years later though, things weren't so different after all when it came to raising kids and trying to live the best life you can. For all three of us, we've buried all of our parents and have been driven insane by our kids as teenagers. Tammy nor I are grandparents yet, but Sondra is - she is enjoying the children without having to raise them, and enjoying seeing her kids pay for their raising!
I feel deeply blessed to have been able to share my life with these friends again - it has been wonderful and I look forward to much more reminiscing in the future.
I had not seen Tammy in probably about 25 years - I think the last time was right after she and Greg had married and they celebrated their 25th anniversary this year. About a year ago she contacted me thru We've emailed back and forth and talked on the phone - but I have to tell you it was wonderful to see her and just spend some time sitting in the same room reminiscing. She lives out of state - probably a 3 hour drive or so - but I hope we can make time to spend more time together in the future.
After reconnecting with Tammy I was inspired - I went looking for a couple of other old friends - one from Kentucky, Sondra, that I had not seen since we were both freshmen in college in 1978. I found her sister - so then her! We've been emailing back and forth for a few months - she only lives about 60 miles from here and hopes to visit Nashville soon and come by for awhile.
My whole point is - if you've lost a connection with someone from you past that was a dear friend - then try to find them. is a great place to start if they were school buddies. Sharing with these two has so enriched my life - I'm not sure why we drifted apart other than life's paths forked at some point. All these years later though, things weren't so different after all when it came to raising kids and trying to live the best life you can. For all three of us, we've buried all of our parents and have been driven insane by our kids as teenagers. Tammy nor I are grandparents yet, but Sondra is - she is enjoying the children without having to raise them, and enjoying seeing her kids pay for their raising!
I feel deeply blessed to have been able to share my life with these friends again - it has been wonderful and I look forward to much more reminiscing in the future.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
The Maniac Moo Moo
Today my cat made me really mad - mad enough in fact that I seriously think he has to find a new home.
He has always been somewhat of a maniac - you never know when or where he may attack - it used to be just my son - and he would lie in wait for him, pounce on his heels or back of his legs - and shred as much flesh as he could in the 2-3 seconds he had the chance. Believe me, in that short a period of time he could do some damage.
This morning he comes into my room, jumps on my bed, and is purring. He comes over and head butts me so I think he'll be safe to pet - not! He grabs my forearm and rips a place, plus makes two holes with his fangs - which are way too long to be in a cat's mouth. I was able to grab him and thought for a second about choking the life right out of him - but I didn't! I just pushed him off the bed and have proceeded to ignore him the rest of the day.
He is three years old - plenty old enough not to act like this. I've decided that I will get him declawed - I had not done so because it is an amputation, however, I don't think his ten claws on two front paws can be compared to one of my legs or arms. I've put this off too long - family and friends have told me over and over he needed Prozac - and they can put cats on some sort of meds to calm their aggressiveness. If I have to take it to keep from killing him, then, he can take it too!
It's a good think I'll pick Renee up shortly - at least someone will feed him today - because it won't be me, not today!
He has always been somewhat of a maniac - you never know when or where he may attack - it used to be just my son - and he would lie in wait for him, pounce on his heels or back of his legs - and shred as much flesh as he could in the 2-3 seconds he had the chance. Believe me, in that short a period of time he could do some damage.
This morning he comes into my room, jumps on my bed, and is purring. He comes over and head butts me so I think he'll be safe to pet - not! He grabs my forearm and rips a place, plus makes two holes with his fangs - which are way too long to be in a cat's mouth. I was able to grab him and thought for a second about choking the life right out of him - but I didn't! I just pushed him off the bed and have proceeded to ignore him the rest of the day.
He is three years old - plenty old enough not to act like this. I've decided that I will get him declawed - I had not done so because it is an amputation, however, I don't think his ten claws on two front paws can be compared to one of my legs or arms. I've put this off too long - family and friends have told me over and over he needed Prozac - and they can put cats on some sort of meds to calm their aggressiveness. If I have to take it to keep from killing him, then, he can take it too!
It's a good think I'll pick Renee up shortly - at least someone will feed him today - because it won't be me, not today!
Friday, October 12, 2007
For a year or so I've been on a mission - to declutter my house as much as possible. That's a tough one - I'm from a long long line of pack rats. You'd never believe how much stuff my mom had - and my grandmother before her.
The kids and I have lived where we do for 5 years - when I first moved in I had a philosophy - no cardboard boxes anywhere in any closet. If it wasn't out being used, or displayed, and couldn't be scrapbooked, it had to go. That worked well, but then my Mom passed away, and I brought tons of stuff into the house. I finally found a place for all of it - and every closet, cabinet, cupboard, nook and cranny I had was filled to the brim!
I've used HGTV and Martha Stewart as resources on organizing, along with The Fly Lady, which helped me tremendously. I'm still not where I need to be - but I am getting better. I like to see space when I look in closets - especially on the shelves and when the floor is empty.
Today I'm adding a website to my blogpage - and a couple more blogs I like. I have a tremendous amount of fabric and sewing projects that I want to work thru - these blogs have some great ideas on keeping it organized and actually getting the stuff done.
The kids and I have lived where we do for 5 years - when I first moved in I had a philosophy - no cardboard boxes anywhere in any closet. If it wasn't out being used, or displayed, and couldn't be scrapbooked, it had to go. That worked well, but then my Mom passed away, and I brought tons of stuff into the house. I finally found a place for all of it - and every closet, cabinet, cupboard, nook and cranny I had was filled to the brim!
I've used HGTV and Martha Stewart as resources on organizing, along with The Fly Lady, which helped me tremendously. I'm still not where I need to be - but I am getting better. I like to see space when I look in closets - especially on the shelves and when the floor is empty.
Today I'm adding a website to my blogpage - and a couple more blogs I like. I have a tremendous amount of fabric and sewing projects that I want to work thru - these blogs have some great ideas on keeping it organized and actually getting the stuff done.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
You know, once it's been 90 degrees or more for 30-45 days in a row, and then magic happens and the high only gets to about 70 - and the early morning is in the 50's - well, it feels like it just might snow!
Yesterday a weather front came through that didn't drop the promised rainfall, but did usher in fall in a big way. Me and the cat attempted to sit on the deck this morning, but since the sun had not hit it yet, and there was a good breeze, I actually got cold and had to come back inside. This on Wednesday when I never went outside Saturday or Sunday because it was so hot!
I came in a few minutes ago from driving my daughter and her roommate back to campus - there is a really good breeze right now and the low tonight is supposed to hit the 40's. Can you believe that? Anyway, I might have normally stopped to sit on the deck for awhile and watch the sun finish setting - but tonight I came right in. I will be in pajamas shortly, with socks no doubt, to watch some t.v. before I fall asleep.
It never ceases to amaze me how we go from one extreme to the other without so much as a blink!
Bundle up - winter is on the way!!
Yesterday a weather front came through that didn't drop the promised rainfall, but did usher in fall in a big way. Me and the cat attempted to sit on the deck this morning, but since the sun had not hit it yet, and there was a good breeze, I actually got cold and had to come back inside. This on Wednesday when I never went outside Saturday or Sunday because it was so hot!
I came in a few minutes ago from driving my daughter and her roommate back to campus - there is a really good breeze right now and the low tonight is supposed to hit the 40's. Can you believe that? Anyway, I might have normally stopped to sit on the deck for awhile and watch the sun finish setting - but tonight I came right in. I will be in pajamas shortly, with socks no doubt, to watch some t.v. before I fall asleep.
It never ceases to amaze me how we go from one extreme to the other without so much as a blink!
Bundle up - winter is on the way!!
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Grammatically Correct
You know something that drives me insane? The use of the phrase "gone missing" or "went missing".
I don't think either are especially grammatically wrong, BUT, I think that sound ignorant and backwoodsey. I had not heard the phrase until I was about 11 and my roommate at church camp was from a little hillbilly town in East Tennessee. I don't think I'd heard them again until recently when they became the works of choice on television.
Now, our newscasters on every station use them regularly. For something to 'go missing' and 'went missing' doesn't the phrase indicate that the object or person has purposely acted in such a way to be missing. For instance, I've heard everyone of the news anchors refer to Janet March - it's been ten years since she went missing. Well, none of us know where Janet went or if she went anywhere, at least voluntarily.
It just grates on my nerves beyond belief - and I believe if I'd spent 4-8 years in college, was on public t.v. everynight, and got paid what these yo-yo's do, I'd find better terminology to use.
If I was to use these terms in my sentence, it'd been one like "Yeah, well Sander Claus done gone missing down at the Walmarks. Rudolph and dem udder reindeer went missing too."

I don't think either are especially grammatically wrong, BUT, I think that sound ignorant and backwoodsey. I had not heard the phrase until I was about 11 and my roommate at church camp was from a little hillbilly town in East Tennessee. I don't think I'd heard them again until recently when they became the works of choice on television.
Now, our newscasters on every station use them regularly. For something to 'go missing' and 'went missing' doesn't the phrase indicate that the object or person has purposely acted in such a way to be missing. For instance, I've heard everyone of the news anchors refer to Janet March - it's been ten years since she went missing. Well, none of us know where Janet went or if she went anywhere, at least voluntarily.
It just grates on my nerves beyond belief - and I believe if I'd spent 4-8 years in college, was on public t.v. everynight, and got paid what these yo-yo's do, I'd find better terminology to use.
If I was to use these terms in my sentence, it'd been one like "Yeah, well Sander Claus done gone missing down at the Walmarks. Rudolph and dem udder reindeer went missing too."
Saturday, October 6, 2007
October is not Cooling Off
Today is October 6 - and the high in Nashville today was 89 degrees. That is way too hot for a Saturday in October.
Today was the marching band competition at my alma mater. I was supposed to work today, but woke up way under the weather. As the day has turned out, it was the best all around that I didn't even try to go - I doubt I would have make it very long. Even I was feeling bad, I believe the heat would have got to me.
I have to wonder what the winter is going to bring. In Tennessee, there are several counties whose primary water source is near depletion. Expectations are for at least 5 counties to be without any water supply by January, unless we get some major rain for the next 4 months.
I traveled to Huntingdon yesterday - at one point you cross the Tennessee river. Now where I cross, the river is very very wide. I hate bridges, especially those over the water, but yesterday I made myself look at the shorelines. There is at least 10 feet of shore showing, maybe more, since the bridge is so high it's hard to gauge. But, I realized that has to be several million gallons of water that is just not there.
And, I realize this hasn't happened in the last 7 years - it is a long term thing - but it is another reason I cannot vote for a Republican. They simply do not do anything about the environment, or anything good. Personally, I don't have to worry about too many more years, but I don't want my kids or grandkids to suffer because there is no fresh water or readily available food. I believe we'll see both of these in the next 25 years - maybe much sooner.
Today was the marching band competition at my alma mater. I was supposed to work today, but woke up way under the weather. As the day has turned out, it was the best all around that I didn't even try to go - I doubt I would have make it very long. Even I was feeling bad, I believe the heat would have got to me.
I have to wonder what the winter is going to bring. In Tennessee, there are several counties whose primary water source is near depletion. Expectations are for at least 5 counties to be without any water supply by January, unless we get some major rain for the next 4 months.
I traveled to Huntingdon yesterday - at one point you cross the Tennessee river. Now where I cross, the river is very very wide. I hate bridges, especially those over the water, but yesterday I made myself look at the shorelines. There is at least 10 feet of shore showing, maybe more, since the bridge is so high it's hard to gauge. But, I realized that has to be several million gallons of water that is just not there.
And, I realize this hasn't happened in the last 7 years - it is a long term thing - but it is another reason I cannot vote for a Republican. They simply do not do anything about the environment, or anything good. Personally, I don't have to worry about too many more years, but I don't want my kids or grandkids to suffer because there is no fresh water or readily available food. I believe we'll see both of these in the next 25 years - maybe much sooner.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
T.V. Taking a Back Seat
I can't believe I haven't posted for almost a week. This has been a very busy week for me.
Lynn was home for the weekend - we had a very good visit. He is such a darling!
This Saturday the high school my kids have gone to hosts a marching band competition. Did I tell you I was a band mom? Well, it seems you never get to retire from that job - so I've been busy putting together the souvenir program - with a lot of help from Mitzi - see if I teach her I can retire!! It's gone pretty good - not every page lined up as good as it should have - but maybe no one will notice it too much.
As far as the television goes - this week I got to see Two and a Half Men, most of Bones, the last 20 minutes of Private Practice and that's it. I will try very hard to see tonights lineup. I don't tivo or dvr - I'd never get to them anyway - but by the time we're in re-runs marching season will be over and it'll be cold so I'll have to stay in the house - I'll catch up then!
That is - if I have time from all the other things I leave to winter to catch up on - reading, scrapbooking, sewing, etc.
Have a great weekend!
Lynn was home for the weekend - we had a very good visit. He is such a darling!
This Saturday the high school my kids have gone to hosts a marching band competition. Did I tell you I was a band mom? Well, it seems you never get to retire from that job - so I've been busy putting together the souvenir program - with a lot of help from Mitzi - see if I teach her I can retire!! It's gone pretty good - not every page lined up as good as it should have - but maybe no one will notice it too much.
As far as the television goes - this week I got to see Two and a Half Men, most of Bones, the last 20 minutes of Private Practice and that's it. I will try very hard to see tonights lineup. I don't tivo or dvr - I'd never get to them anyway - but by the time we're in re-runs marching season will be over and it'll be cold so I'll have to stay in the house - I'll catch up then!
That is - if I have time from all the other things I leave to winter to catch up on - reading, scrapbooking, sewing, etc.
Have a great weekend!
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