Sunday, January 31, 2010


For the first time this year we got snow! About 5-6 inches or so - well - it's snow with ice on top and it's all glittery and shiny. It's been cold enough that it has not melted anywhere.

The main roads in Nashville have been scraped and they are pretty passable - side roads are still a mess. I'm sure there is no school again tomorrow - I haven't been out since Wednesday and don't expect to go out tomorrow - although I really do need to go to work. BUT, I'm sure I won't make it.

Lynn has my van - which scared me to death. The one good thing - he has broken the key and cannot unlock the door and if it was unlocked, he can't start the van. Amy and Renee have duplicate keys - but they are both snowed it. Thank God - Lynn can't be out driving on the slick roads.

I should never let him have the van - he was supposed to take care of some very important business Thursday morning - which he didn't of course - so I had let him take it. When I get it back, he'll never get it again. I've said that 100 times, but I have to stick to it. He's just so stupid and special needs that I feel sorry for him. That's for a whole other blog!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Where was I?

Twenty one years ago right now I had finally gotten a little relief (epidural YES!) and was dozing off and on. We'd been at the hospital since 5:00 AM and it was plain to see that this child we're waiting on is taking her sweet time.

Just a little under 11 hours from now at 5:55 in the morning, my baby will be 21 years old!

Today I've done a lot of reflecting - some of the funnies, some of the hurts, some of the sads, and all of the love. Renee has been a pure joy to me from the moment I realized I was pregnant. At some point in her life, but not too soon, I hope she will know the joy of being a mom and how much you can love someone.

She is a very special young woman, and that's not just because I am her mom and maybe a little prejudiced. She is thoughtful and caring about everyone she meets. She has unusual empathy for children and the elderly - the folks here where I live think she is a doll! And she is!!

It's easy for me, when I start thinking about the last 22 years, to only remember the things I did wrong or the times I should have made a better decision. Renee reminds me everyday that I did a lot of things right!!

I picked Martina McBride's song "In My Daughter's Eyes" for Renee's part of the family video Amy and Ben put together. The words of that song were never more true for any two persons than for me and Renee - I may have been an okay person before she came, but she truly rescued me and made me try everyday to be a better person. I don't know how Martina sang that song - I'm crying right now.

Renee - I love you more than you can ever imagine! Thank you for being who you are!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Back on Internet at Home

Yes - I am finally back on the Internet from home. I got a wireless modem and adapter and Ben came over and got it all hooked up and working! Thanks so much - I'd be lost without his help!!

It has been fun already - I've actually done some work for the flower shop, read emails, poked around a little, updated my blogs, and now I'm about to embark on the adventure thru fan fiction that my sister and daughter are so addicted to - this may be the last you hear from me if I get hooked.

Seriously, I can handle it!! Will let you know how the reading goes!