Sunday, April 5, 2009

Another Class Reunion!

Yes, got the invite yesterday. Glencliff's Class of 1979 is having their 30 year reunion in early June and they've invited those from surrounding years. It really is a nice way to have a large turnout of folks and see the most folks you can.

I need to RSVP a big yes - I'm looking forward to going to this one as a guest only. I had a ball last fall, believe me, but this time I can just kick back and relax. Heck, I may even get a DD and throw a few back while I'm at it!

I loved high school - it was a great deal of fun, more than I realized at the time. I wanted both of my kids to love it, Renee did and had a ball. Lynn didn't - well - not the school part and he loved the social scene just a little too much. Good days those were!

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