Today is Palm Sunday. I made it to church for services - something I haven't been doing enough of lately for various reasons, none of them really valid, just excuses.
We had a guest speaker. Our pastor is recovering from illness, but he was present today. It was great to see him.
The speaker used Isaiah (various verses) as his text. The theme was basically this - is your spiritual well, your "reserve" if you will, enough to get you through tough times and/or allow you to share with others that need help? I'm sure I am oversimplifying it - let me try again.
What I got was that if I'm not feeling my soul and filling my well with God's grace to nurture my faith, how can I possibly be ready for the hard times that will come? It really hit home to me, with the way things have gone lately, that I've not stayed "prayed up". That's my Mom's phrase, but it works and she was right. Filling your well is not something that just happens on Sunday morning, it's a process that starts when you fully saturate yourself with God's word and have a heart open to Him. He'll do the rest - you just have to open yourself up and have your heart in tune.
If it sounds too simple to be true, it's not - it really is just that simple. Making it hard is something we let the enemy trick us into doing to ourselves.
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