I mentioned this in last post - providing a list of worse things than not liking the person your child has a romantic interest in - here's a few of my thoughts!
1. Going to see your child in a physical rehabilitation hospital and seeing them lifted from a wheelchair to the exercise platform and having their limbs moved by the therapists because they've been in a car wreck and are paralyzed from the neck down.
2. Taking your child for another round of blood tests, hoping the last round of chemo has made some difference.
3. Watching your child struggle with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, knowing that the hurt you feel can't compare to the hurt they're feeling behind the self-medication.
4. Buying flowers on special occasions for your child, and delivering them to the cemetary.
5. Trying to console a child who is heartbroken because they've been rejected because of some physical attibute (hair,size,skin color)that makes no difference at all.
6. Watching a son/daughter leave on that airplane bound for harms way when they are part of the military fighting for our freedoms.
7. Answering the door to see a police officer or a uniformed military officer standing alone and asking if you are the mother of your child.
8. Signing in at the prison on Sunday for family visitation day.
9. Watching your child struggle because of decisions you made that were messed up. Don't think it doesn't happen because it does.
10. Outliving your child for any reason - it's not part of the natural order of things and forces you to make decisions no parent should ever have to make.
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