OK - just about the time I think I'm wrapping up at least one project and I'm moving a little closer to really being in retirement, something else comes up. Yesterday a friend mentioned to me a book club starting in our neighborhood and then laughed when she said my face really lit up!
I love to read - always have. It's hard for me now - so next month I'll make the trip to the opthamologist and get those new glasses I need. I had already planned on getting a reading chair and high power lamp to read by - so I should be set. Reading outside in the natural light is easy - if I could just stand the heat!!
When we moved to Nashville in 1969, one of the first things my mom did was take us to the Public Library and get us cards. The little town we came from in Glasgow didn't have one. Back then, you could check out 8 books at a time, and I did. On library day, I'd sat up almost all the way thru the night and finish 1, 2 or even 3 of the books I'd checked out. Mysteries were always my favs even back then.
It's exciting to think about a book club. I have been way impressed with the young lady who suggested this - she has quite a list of authors she enjoys. So, I really look forward to expanding my horizons in reading. Also, reading is one of those things that keeps your brain working and helps to delay, if not prevent, Alzheimers. I'd like to avoid that if at all possible.
So, something else to keep you updated on in the future - look for our first selection and my opinions on it as we begin this adventure.
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