OK - after all of the time I've sworn I would not give the man a nickel's break on what he owed me, I decided to sit down and recalculate child support.
I went back to the time I'd left him, calculcated the original amount I'd ask for of $100.00 per week - more than reasonable, but he said $400.00 per month was a lot of money!!!. I even reduced it to $50.00 per week after Renee graduated from high school. Added up to November 11 this year when Lynn turns 18, added the costs of their insurance premiums which I was granted by the court, and reduced it by not only what he has paid thru the courts but what he paid me before I got the court order. That whopping amount was $300.00 in 18 months!!
I didn't charge him the extra $20.00 per week I got in court because he declined any visitation with the kids. I didn't add up all the copays and deductibles I'd paid thru the years either.
Anyway, after all of that, the amount was $19,500 - about 10 grand less than what the state says he owes. But, I'll take it IF it means I never am forced to deal with him ever again.
BUT, guess what? Yep - he says that's too much and he's choosing just to forget it and not pay anything. And do you know how much that frickin idiot asshole paid this week - a whole $5.00 - yes FIVE DOLLARS!
If I'm ever forced to have to speak to him, he's always handy to tell me he's looking forward to the day that Jesus says to him something like 'well done good and faithful servant, enter into the gates of heaven.' Gives me the chance to remind him that first St. Peter's going to ask if he paid all of his child support! Shuts him up real quick!
I really believe there is a special place in hell for men like him!
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