Sunday, December 28, 2008

MySPACE is Out!

Well, I had gotten a myspace. The big deal for me was to keep up with what then 16 year old Lynn and 18 year old Renee was putting on theirs. Lynn dumped his a few months ago and I don't know if Renee looks at hers or not. But, I'm going to delete mine.

I never look at it, well, unless I get an email that I've got a message. Most of the time I was working on the class reunion, it was a good way to message folks but we had a special myspace for that. And, then to cap it all off - Myspace has deleted playlists!

I love - something I've said often! I have about 10 different lists with themes, eras, etc. I even have Ms. Lisa's Wedding and Ms. Lisa's Funeral list!!! I know the funeral is coming - wedding, maybe, maybe not, but I'm ready if it does!

I'm on Facebook now - send me a friend request - still Lisa Martin, still me!

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