Friday, November 30, 2007

Christmas Music

I just love Christmas music!

I remember as a child and teenager - my parents owned several Christmas LP's and we were always playing Christmas music while we cleaned up and baked, etc.

They had a tradition of "going to see Santa Claus" a few nights in December. We'd have the responsibility of straightening up some, sometimes I'd bake cookies, and we'd listen to the albums. On a Zenith Circular Sound stereo too - one of the first that was available in Glasgow, KY (the little town we come from).

I have several CD's now - but my favorite is and has been for several years now, Martina McBride's White Christmas. It has the standards - her version of "O Holy Night" is absolutely beautiful and probably the best I've ever heard.

And, somehow, before it's played through, I end up crying. Not sad tears really, just tears of remembrance of days gone by and missing you tears for Mom and Dad. It's all good - I'm so grateful for my love of music, family times, and loving the holidays - something my parents passed on to all of us.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Things Can Always Get Worse

You know, sometimes I just induldge myself in a pity party. I don't mean to do it, it just happens and before I know it, I'm crying and feeling sorry for myself about the way life has turned out. I can barely walk most days, I've raised my kids practically alone, my parents are gone, I live paycheck to paycheck and barely that sometimes, I loved someone who didn't love me back (at least I don't think so).

Then, someone shares a story with me about a person they know whose straits are so much more dire than mine - and I have to realize life ain't so bad and I need to shut up, get up, and go on.

Sure, it hurts to walk - but hey - I'm alive and have my mind. I have a wheelchair if I decide to give up - and I could buy new legs!

My kids are almost grown, and while there've been some really tough days - they are smart kids who look to their futures positively, they're healthy, opinionated, and respectful. They haven't made decisions that have ruined their lives - what else could I ask for?

I had my dad for 35 years and my mom for 42, longer than any of my siblings and longer than a lot of folks in this world. I have lots of good memories and I truly believe I'll see them in heaven one day - can you expect anymore? And, I have brothers and sisters I love dearly - we all still speak and can spend time together - not something every family can claim. Kudos to Mom and Dad on that one!

Money - oh well - ever see a Brinks truck in a funeral possession?

And on love - at least I did love - and while it ended badly - I know I did everthing I was humanly capable of to do the right thing everyday - I don't have to claim his baggage.

So - during this holiday season - if you get to feeling lonely and sad - concentrate on all of the good things in your life! You'll be surprised how many there are and just how much worse things could get. Bow you head and thank God for all your blessings and his grace in your life.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Time - Where does it go?

I can't believe it - it's been almost a month since I posted and I used to try and post everyday!

Well - life has been in the way. Many updates - just a couple right now - first Lynn is home! YEAH! So far, so good - he is still a 17 year old male and that's stressful enough - trying to figure out how to live in the same house again is trying for both of us but we're making it. He starts back to school tomorrow - I hope he finishes with a diploma, but I've come to realize the world will not stop revolving if he doesn't.

2nd - the computer crashed big time. Lost the hard drive and nothing was recoverable. That is the pits since Renee had all of her pictures on there. Everything else can be rebuilt - the pics cannot. The little guy at Computer Renaissance is going to try one more time - and he has the name of a company that guarantees they can recover - it just costs about $500. (I'll be if the CIA or FBI thought I had something on there, they could recover it all, hmm)

AND - I am trying to work part time again - it is so tough and I am mostly very uncomfortable - but - I'm trying. If I'd known I would live this long, I'd been much kinder to my feet and legs!!