Today I changed some of the lists in my blog. I've added a list of things that really tic me off - in fact, I could probably make a whole new blog and post daily on the latest, newest thing that has ticked me off, but I won't (right now).
I've just been irritated the last few days beyond words. For one, I have a hard time moving around. And when I'm done for the day, I'm just done. That's it - I'm wiped out and there's nothing else to do but get parallel to the mattress and rest. On more than one occasion (the latest being Sunday) I've found myself in this state when somebody (and yes they are people I know!!) starts knocking on my back door like the house was on fire.
I chose to ignore them - I hadn't invited them over and they hadn't called, when they start yelling, etc. because they think I may be inside and unable to get to the door. (Duh)
I suppose I should appreciate the concern and let it go, but, the pain of getting up, getting redressed, putting the cat up because they're scared of him, walking to the door, and letting in guests I didn't want to see far outweighs any appreciation I've been able to summon.
There wasn't anything critical that needed tending to - they just wanted to visit and wanted my opinion about a project they'll be working on this fall. They really are nice people and I'm going to tell them in a nice way not to ever show up again unless I know plenty in advance they're coming - I just have to calm down another day or two before I talk to them.
You know, blogging is like great therapy and it costs so much less!!
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