Tuesday, August 14, 2007


I heard a song last night - don't know who by or the name but it's a man singing about his wife and all the things she's done, including surviving breast cancer, and the refrain is something like "I thought I was tough".

Really got me to thinking about inner strength and drive. My mom always called it 'grit'. One day, not too long before she passed away, we were walking side by side going in somewhere and we were talking about still driving on no matter what life gave you. I'm sure it came up because neither of us looked or were moving like we needed to be up must less outside somewhere. She made a comment that people didn't realize how "tough us two old birds are".

I don't think I'd realized until then how tough I am. Not tough in a mean streetwise way - I've never mopped the floor with anybody - but tough with perseverance, determination and drive - grit.

And I thought about something else - folks who cave in, give up, have a 'woe is me' atittude, who whine and complain, whose glass is 'half empty' and those who become drug addicts, alcoholics, life long criminals - do they have grit?

Is it there and just untapped, or is is missing altogether? Something to ponder - I'm sure I'll write plenty more about this subject.

Scarlett O'Hara - now she had grit! Even though the sequel was decades in coming, who had any doubt at the end of GWTW that Scarlett wouldn't get Rhett back?

Let me know what you think!

1 comment:

Intern Kris said...

Lisa - I love you to death and I'm having fun reading these and everything. But I gotta say - where's Moo Moo's blog?