Saturday, September 1, 2007


The cutest thing I heard today - the song I'd written about earlier - "I Thought I was Tough" - my daughter has that has her ringtone for me! That says a lot - she and I never discussed the song - makes me feel all warm and fuzzy!!

On to something else - remember how I said I attracted folks with problems? From out of the blue this week, the ex husband called - not something that happens very often. AND, someone I thought I liked until I found out how crazy he really was surfaced again. It's like they run in cycles - you can bet if Ronnie (the ex) ever calls that Glenn (the psycho stalker) will surface shortly. There was a full moon earlier in the week - so that probably explains it. I just have to shake my head - neither of them stand a chance in hell around here!

Something good coming up Monday - I'm driving my son back to Memphis - which is kind of sad, but, it may be our last if not next to last trip! My daughter and I are going to stop at this scrapbook store - Eclectica - in Bartlett. I'm excited about it - they have a really cool website - and they have card and book kits each month. Maybe since we're getting their on the 3rd I'll be able to get them - they're having a 60% off sale today and tomorrow only - I'll miss that dang it!

Have a great Labor Day weekend!

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