Tonight is my 2nd favorite night of premier week. On FOX, I'll watch Bones and House. Bones is a great show - never mind that David Boreanis is beautiful (and BTVS and Angel alum) but all of the characters have endeared themselves to me. I could almost have been Bones herself - if I'd pursued a doctorate and left everything else alone - I could see it. Hodge Podge and Zacaroni (you'd had to have been there) are so cute, especially in the way they love their work. Angela is beautiful and smart and her dad is played by Billy Gibbons!!! Freakin' awesome!!!
Hugh Laurie on House is great - his one liners are so true but cutting - he's a genuine smart ass who doesn't care what anyone else thinks - a man after my own heart no doubt!
At 9:00 - I'll flip to NBC for Law & Order SVU. My daughter turned me on to this show - I'd watched the old Law & Orders, but lost interest. Last year, the USA Network did some SVU marathons, Renee got hooked, then hooked me. It's a good show - sometimes it can be heart wrenching - especially when children are involved.
I guess if I count hours - after tonight it's CBS - 3 hours, FOX - 2 hours and NBC - 1 hour.
Don't call me between 7:00 and 10:00 tonight - I'll be busy!
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