Today my son asked me a question - first, I guess it was rhetorical because I'm sure he knew what the answer was going to be, but second, I was glad he asked!
He came out of his room and said "Mom, you know that song "Freebird? Isn't that the greatest rock and roll song ever? What is the greatest rock and roll song ever?"
I'm quite sure I said something like, "heck yeah it's Freebird - wanna hear it?" Took me about 10 seconds to start it playing on playlist - the version I have is the live one from "One More From the Road". Of course, I am saying the words Ronnie Van Zant said just right before he said them.
I did tell him that I was a redneck thru and thru, Southern born and bred and damn glad of it!
There may be hope for him yet!
including detours thru Derry, ME, Boulder, CO and now Forks, WA.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
MySPACE is Out!
Well, I had gotten a myspace. The big deal for me was to keep up with what then 16 year old Lynn and 18 year old Renee was putting on theirs. Lynn dumped his a few months ago and I don't know if Renee looks at hers or not. But, I'm going to delete mine.
I never look at it, well, unless I get an email that I've got a message. Most of the time I was working on the class reunion, it was a good way to message folks but we had a special myspace for that. And, then to cap it all off - Myspace has deleted playlists!
I love - something I've said often! I have about 10 different lists with themes, eras, etc. I even have Ms. Lisa's Wedding and Ms. Lisa's Funeral list!!! I know the funeral is coming - wedding, maybe, maybe not, but I'm ready if it does!
I'm on Facebook now - send me a friend request - still Lisa Martin, still me!
I never look at it, well, unless I get an email that I've got a message. Most of the time I was working on the class reunion, it was a good way to message folks but we had a special myspace for that. And, then to cap it all off - Myspace has deleted playlists!
I love - something I've said often! I have about 10 different lists with themes, eras, etc. I even have Ms. Lisa's Wedding and Ms. Lisa's Funeral list!!! I know the funeral is coming - wedding, maybe, maybe not, but I'm ready if it does!
I'm on Facebook now - send me a friend request - still Lisa Martin, still me!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
I Love This Kid!
He is so damn cute! I must have watched this 100 times already!
What Does This Mean?
A couple of nights ago I had a dream. Not that unusual of course, but this dream has a recurring person and theme and it's been going on for years. So, I've had this thought that if I bear my soul about it on my blog one of two things will happen. The dream will end OR I will reach some level of understanding within myself on why it happens.
At least 4 times a year - maybe more - I dream about a classmate of mine. I first met Marvin when my family moved onto Desoto Drive in Nashville when we came here in 1969. He lived up the street and was in the classroom I was assigned to when I went to school. In fact, the teacher sat me in the desk next to him.
Marvin was a cute little boy - blond hair and blue eyes - and even at 8 years old that combination was already my favorite. We finished out the school year, only 17 days, and during that time the principal let us know we were in the wrong school. That's a whole other blog - the craziness of school zoning, but for the purpose of this one, I went to a different school in 4th and 5th grade than Marvin did. We still saw each other - he was just up the street - and as weather permitted the street kids would gather at our house to play ball or in the vacant lot next to his to climb on a big tree that had fallen.
In 6th grade, we ended up in the same school again, and stayed that way until we graduated in 1978. We were always on the same bus, and, in high school, would catch a ride with someone if the bus didn't come or if Rickey was driving his 1957 Chevy. I think thru the years we only had 2 or 3 classes together, but we sat together on the bus quite a bit.
We didn't always travel in the same circles either. Marvin played football, I was a band kid! I was Miss Goodie Two Shoes (according to my brothers!) and Marvin walked the fence of danger! I was in the Top Ten and I think Marvin was glad to make the graduation requirements! Get the picture? But there is more to this, through the years I don't think anyone ever knew that we were closer than it appeared. Years of riding the bus and the conversations, and just the camaraderie that we'd built from knowing each other since we were 8 years old.
Sometimes I say crazy stuff - Marvin never missed an opportunity to peg me if I'd said something that was insane or if it left open a window of innuendo for him to prank on me or laugh at me. Example - one day in chemistry - we were about to do an experiment and I couldn't get my Bunsen burner to light. I said OUT LOUD!! "I need someone to light my fire". He never let me forget that!
After graduation, I didn't see Marvin so much. I went off to Bowling Green for a little while, he went to Murfreesboro. But, for sure I'd see him on the street sometimes and we'd stop and talk - or - on Halloween when I was walking Amy around the neighborhood we could catch up for a few minutes. The last time I saw Marvin I was walking my own kids around mom's neighborhood on Halloween - we would have been 32 at that point. He laughed at me and said I had my hands full with Lynn!
Sometime in the next year or two, Marvin killed himself. He had been married and had two little boys and I understand going through a bad divorce. My mom called me at work to tell me - I can still recall the numbness I felt at that moment. And, sixteen years later I still wonder if maybe just one more person could have gotten to him - if only I'd seen him that day to make him laugh or remember good times - if only.
I've never reconciled myself to the fact that he's gone. We've lost plenty of others from the class of '78. Those hurt, but, none like my friend Marvin.
And, periodically, almost like clockwork, the pain resurfaces because I dream about him. We are always somewhere at the same time with a big group of GHS alumni - but they are all fuzzy except him. And, in my dreams, we converse. Like we did back then about bands (we were both big Grand Funk Railroad fans) or music (like Van Halen or which album I should buy David Agee for Christmas because I had his name) or which girl he really liked (he told me liked Susie Williams at least a month before he started talking to her).
I know what the Holy Bible says about suicide, but I hope oneday when I'm gone, I'll see my friend again. I want to hug him and tell him I never stopped loving him.
At least 4 times a year - maybe more - I dream about a classmate of mine. I first met Marvin when my family moved onto Desoto Drive in Nashville when we came here in 1969. He lived up the street and was in the classroom I was assigned to when I went to school. In fact, the teacher sat me in the desk next to him.
Marvin was a cute little boy - blond hair and blue eyes - and even at 8 years old that combination was already my favorite. We finished out the school year, only 17 days, and during that time the principal let us know we were in the wrong school. That's a whole other blog - the craziness of school zoning, but for the purpose of this one, I went to a different school in 4th and 5th grade than Marvin did. We still saw each other - he was just up the street - and as weather permitted the street kids would gather at our house to play ball or in the vacant lot next to his to climb on a big tree that had fallen.
In 6th grade, we ended up in the same school again, and stayed that way until we graduated in 1978. We were always on the same bus, and, in high school, would catch a ride with someone if the bus didn't come or if Rickey was driving his 1957 Chevy. I think thru the years we only had 2 or 3 classes together, but we sat together on the bus quite a bit.
We didn't always travel in the same circles either. Marvin played football, I was a band kid! I was Miss Goodie Two Shoes (according to my brothers!) and Marvin walked the fence of danger! I was in the Top Ten and I think Marvin was glad to make the graduation requirements! Get the picture? But there is more to this, through the years I don't think anyone ever knew that we were closer than it appeared. Years of riding the bus and the conversations, and just the camaraderie that we'd built from knowing each other since we were 8 years old.
Sometimes I say crazy stuff - Marvin never missed an opportunity to peg me if I'd said something that was insane or if it left open a window of innuendo for him to prank on me or laugh at me. Example - one day in chemistry - we were about to do an experiment and I couldn't get my Bunsen burner to light. I said OUT LOUD!! "I need someone to light my fire". He never let me forget that!
After graduation, I didn't see Marvin so much. I went off to Bowling Green for a little while, he went to Murfreesboro. But, for sure I'd see him on the street sometimes and we'd stop and talk - or - on Halloween when I was walking Amy around the neighborhood we could catch up for a few minutes. The last time I saw Marvin I was walking my own kids around mom's neighborhood on Halloween - we would have been 32 at that point. He laughed at me and said I had my hands full with Lynn!
Sometime in the next year or two, Marvin killed himself. He had been married and had two little boys and I understand going through a bad divorce. My mom called me at work to tell me - I can still recall the numbness I felt at that moment. And, sixteen years later I still wonder if maybe just one more person could have gotten to him - if only I'd seen him that day to make him laugh or remember good times - if only.
I've never reconciled myself to the fact that he's gone. We've lost plenty of others from the class of '78. Those hurt, but, none like my friend Marvin.
And, periodically, almost like clockwork, the pain resurfaces because I dream about him. We are always somewhere at the same time with a big group of GHS alumni - but they are all fuzzy except him. And, in my dreams, we converse. Like we did back then about bands (we were both big Grand Funk Railroad fans) or music (like Van Halen or which album I should buy David Agee for Christmas because I had his name) or which girl he really liked (he told me liked Susie Williams at least a month before he started talking to her).
I know what the Holy Bible says about suicide, but I hope oneday when I'm gone, I'll see my friend again. I want to hug him and tell him I never stopped loving him.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Sometimes I'm Slow
to catch on - but boy when I do! Lately I am so obsessed with Twilight I can't think of anything else. I've convinced Renee to take me again this week to the movie - she's out of school after Tuesday for the semester end!
I have only listened to the soundtrack in the van for over a week, and last night driving some of Lynn's friends home had them all mad because I would not allow them to touch the stereo - they normally only listen to rap like they are in a union or something - BUT - last night they got exposed to some culture!
The characters in Twilight - my favorite changes everyday. Today I am liking Emmett because he is funny - especially during the baseball game and when Bella comes to the house. He waves while holding a big butcher knife. Killen Lutz plays Emmett - the best part is in the cafeteria scene when the vampires have food, Killen doesn't know that vamps don't eat and he is eating the food!
The character of Alice is precious - having read all of the books I know a little bit about the future, which only endears her more to me in Twilight. She is too cute - but all of them are outrageously gorgeous!
I love vampires!
I have only listened to the soundtrack in the van for over a week, and last night driving some of Lynn's friends home had them all mad because I would not allow them to touch the stereo - they normally only listen to rap like they are in a union or something - BUT - last night they got exposed to some culture!
The characters in Twilight - my favorite changes everyday. Today I am liking Emmett because he is funny - especially during the baseball game and when Bella comes to the house. He waves while holding a big butcher knife. Killen Lutz plays Emmett - the best part is in the cafeteria scene when the vampires have food, Killen doesn't know that vamps don't eat and he is eating the food!
The character of Alice is precious - having read all of the books I know a little bit about the future, which only endears her more to me in Twilight. She is too cute - but all of them are outrageously gorgeous!
I love vampires!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
More on Twilight
Well, I went to see the movie again yesterday. It was only my 2nd time to see it - but I LOVED IT!!! way better than the 1st time. I was past the excitement of just trying to see what was going on, and I had read most of the book again. I was able to really watch things and pay attention to the music - which is a major part of making this movie as special as it is!
While I realize this movie is not going to win any Oscars - I have to say that I have enjoyed it as much as any movie I've seen for a long long time. It will be on my list to buy as soon as it's released on DVD so that I can see it whenever I want to! I've bought all four books, the movie guide, and the soundtrack. I almost never buy a CD and only buy groups/bands that I truly love!
I'm changing my blog list of music to my playlist for Twilight.
BTW - it does not hurt that Robert Pattinson, who plays the part of Edward Cullen, is a drop dead gorgeous hunk of manliness!
While I realize this movie is not going to win any Oscars - I have to say that I have enjoyed it as much as any movie I've seen for a long long time. It will be on my list to buy as soon as it's released on DVD so that I can see it whenever I want to! I've bought all four books, the movie guide, and the soundtrack. I almost never buy a CD and only buy groups/bands that I truly love!
I'm changing my blog list of music to my playlist for Twilight.
BTW - it does not hurt that Robert Pattinson, who plays the part of Edward Cullen, is a drop dead gorgeous hunk of manliness!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
First, let me apologize for not blogging more often! So much has happened and some of it has taken a very large toll on me. Honestly, I'm on one 20mg Prozac a day, but I don't think it's enough. I've started a new vitamin regimen and includes a B Complex to see if I can get my mental outlook improved.
I will get around to sharing all of the bad things - right now let me tell you about something very exciting!
I went to see Twilight almost two weeks ago! Amy had bought tickets for a special screening - she and I, Renee and Meaghan went out to Cool Springs to view the movie! IT WAS AWESOME! I loved it! Everyone else has seen it 3 or 4 times. I will see it for the 2nd time this Saturday - I am so excited!!
More later, BUT, if you've not read the book please do so!! It will bring back the sweetest memories of your life!
I will get around to sharing all of the bad things - right now let me tell you about something very exciting!
I went to see Twilight almost two weeks ago! Amy had bought tickets for a special screening - she and I, Renee and Meaghan went out to Cool Springs to view the movie! IT WAS AWESOME! I loved it! Everyone else has seen it 3 or 4 times. I will see it for the 2nd time this Saturday - I am so excited!!
More later, BUT, if you've not read the book please do so!! It will bring back the sweetest memories of your life!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
About 4 weeks ago, the Sunday after Halloween, I arrived at church and found that one of the families had a couple of kittens with them. They smaller children had actually received this kittens when trick or treating a few nights before!
First, let me say I was appalled that someone, an adult even, gave away kittens to trick or treaters! If you have puppies or kittens, I believe it is your responsibility to try to place them in good homes where they are wanted and can be cared for. These kids stay with their grandmother, and she's a very nice lady, but she can't afford and doesn't need two kittens!
So, one of them was a little tabby striped cat, somewhat gray but with a lot of brown. And, he was so sweet when I was holding him, so the sucker that I am brought him home! I told myself he would be Renee's cat - Moo Moo is gone, a blog I'm not ready to do - and this one kitten would help her with the grief besides being great fun.
So, into our world came Isaiah. She wanted something biblical for him and started out with Leviticus, Levi for short. But Chris, the boyfriend, didn't like that so they agreed on Isaiah. Being a young kitten and being quite mouthy, I kept him the first night. The 2nd night he stayed with Renee in her room and the next morning she announced his named had been changed again, still biblical, but to Lucifer! That was a joke! He is still Isaiah!
He is the sweetest little thing I've ever seen! He lets me hold him like a baby and most of the time I can't do anything for holding him! He's been to the vet once already - who promptly announed that he was barely 4 weeks old when we got him - no wonder he was so mouthy! Right now, he's about 8 weeks old and getting really funny playing, etc. He eats good and is improving (some intestinal problems).
I call him my 'grandcat' - he's the only thing considered a grandchild I want to see for a few more years!
First, let me say I was appalled that someone, an adult even, gave away kittens to trick or treaters! If you have puppies or kittens, I believe it is your responsibility to try to place them in good homes where they are wanted and can be cared for. These kids stay with their grandmother, and she's a very nice lady, but she can't afford and doesn't need two kittens!
So, one of them was a little tabby striped cat, somewhat gray but with a lot of brown. And, he was so sweet when I was holding him, so the sucker that I am brought him home! I told myself he would be Renee's cat - Moo Moo is gone, a blog I'm not ready to do - and this one kitten would help her with the grief besides being great fun.
So, into our world came Isaiah. She wanted something biblical for him and started out with Leviticus, Levi for short. But Chris, the boyfriend, didn't like that so they agreed on Isaiah. Being a young kitten and being quite mouthy, I kept him the first night. The 2nd night he stayed with Renee in her room and the next morning she announced his named had been changed again, still biblical, but to Lucifer! That was a joke! He is still Isaiah!
He is the sweetest little thing I've ever seen! He lets me hold him like a baby and most of the time I can't do anything for holding him! He's been to the vet once already - who promptly announed that he was barely 4 weeks old when we got him - no wonder he was so mouthy! Right now, he's about 8 weeks old and getting really funny playing, etc. He eats good and is improving (some intestinal problems).
I call him my 'grandcat' - he's the only thing considered a grandchild I want to see for a few more years!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Blogging Writer's Block
I think I've suffered a bad case of that recently - I hadn't had any ideas to write about or anything I wanted to say. Things have been a little rough.
The week before Halloween I fell on the deck one morning. I'd argued with myself all morning about staying home, but it was payday and I was so broke, I thought I had to get out anyway. But, halfway across the deck I started sliding and I knew I was going down. It seemed like slow motion for sure and it didn't seem to hurt so very much, right then.
Because I was on tab warfarin and injections of Lovenox at the moment, my knees were already black with brusing by the time I got myself set up. The cell phone was gone from it's pouch on my purse, so I looked, rather nervously, over the side of the deck to see if it had hit the ground. Not seeing it, I laid myself back down, yep, I was sitting on it!
Saying a quick prayer of thanks that it hadn't gone over the deck and was still working - I called my son who was inside asleep. He came outside quickly while I sat on the deck, in the pouring rain, and covered me up with a throw I keep in the living room. Oh yeah, I had noticed my right pinky finger was broken - it looked like the zig zag road sign! so I had set it myself. Again, no pain, right then!
After surveying the situation, I decided the best way for me to get back to a standing position was to scoot myself over to the steps and let my legs hang over them, then pull myself to a standing position using the rails. Lynn stood in front of me so I wouldn't topple down the steps and spotted me after I got in a standing position so I could make the turn around and come up the three steps to the deck landing. Oh Lord, I have to try to walk across the deck again!
Lynn ran in the house and grabbed the throw rugs I use in the dining room and put them down on the deck, creating a dry and non skid surface for me to walk into the house on - where I went to my room, peeled off the wet clothes, put my gown back on, and climbed in the bed.
I did call the doctor - they said to come in!! That would have just hurt so much worse - so I didn't go. Renee did come home from work and went and got me a finger brace. After three weeks, my finger is still swolen but it is improving.
The pain did come - in major waves - between my finger, the knees and my right foot. Any lick it gets causes major bruising, etc. because of the metal plates. And, the cell phone died a couple of days later - I'm sure it's terminality started on the deck that morning!
I'm still black and blue around my knees, but it is improving too. I tell you what, I have been so very careful not to fall because it was cause significant pain and damage AND I am a big woman, getting me back upright is not an easy task. So, while it's early November I have made a vow, if it's raining or less than 30 degrees outside, I'm in - no exceptions!
Oh yeah, while I was sitting on the deck trying to figure out how to get up - the girl I work part time for called and said since it was so nasty outside and everyone else was at work, for me to stay home and inside!! They are all a great bunch and called and checked on me since I didn't make it back into work for about a week!
Glad I can laugh about it now!!
The week before Halloween I fell on the deck one morning. I'd argued with myself all morning about staying home, but it was payday and I was so broke, I thought I had to get out anyway. But, halfway across the deck I started sliding and I knew I was going down. It seemed like slow motion for sure and it didn't seem to hurt so very much, right then.
Because I was on tab warfarin and injections of Lovenox at the moment, my knees were already black with brusing by the time I got myself set up. The cell phone was gone from it's pouch on my purse, so I looked, rather nervously, over the side of the deck to see if it had hit the ground. Not seeing it, I laid myself back down, yep, I was sitting on it!
Saying a quick prayer of thanks that it hadn't gone over the deck and was still working - I called my son who was inside asleep. He came outside quickly while I sat on the deck, in the pouring rain, and covered me up with a throw I keep in the living room. Oh yeah, I had noticed my right pinky finger was broken - it looked like the zig zag road sign! so I had set it myself. Again, no pain, right then!
After surveying the situation, I decided the best way for me to get back to a standing position was to scoot myself over to the steps and let my legs hang over them, then pull myself to a standing position using the rails. Lynn stood in front of me so I wouldn't topple down the steps and spotted me after I got in a standing position so I could make the turn around and come up the three steps to the deck landing. Oh Lord, I have to try to walk across the deck again!
Lynn ran in the house and grabbed the throw rugs I use in the dining room and put them down on the deck, creating a dry and non skid surface for me to walk into the house on - where I went to my room, peeled off the wet clothes, put my gown back on, and climbed in the bed.
I did call the doctor - they said to come in!! That would have just hurt so much worse - so I didn't go. Renee did come home from work and went and got me a finger brace. After three weeks, my finger is still swolen but it is improving.
The pain did come - in major waves - between my finger, the knees and my right foot. Any lick it gets causes major bruising, etc. because of the metal plates. And, the cell phone died a couple of days later - I'm sure it's terminality started on the deck that morning!
I'm still black and blue around my knees, but it is improving too. I tell you what, I have been so very careful not to fall because it was cause significant pain and damage AND I am a big woman, getting me back upright is not an easy task. So, while it's early November I have made a vow, if it's raining or less than 30 degrees outside, I'm in - no exceptions!
Oh yeah, while I was sitting on the deck trying to figure out how to get up - the girl I work part time for called and said since it was so nasty outside and everyone else was at work, for me to stay home and inside!! They are all a great bunch and called and checked on me since I didn't make it back into work for about a week!
Glad I can laugh about it now!!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Really Slacking Lately
Yeah, I've really been way off in the blogging biz lately. Lot of things going on, some good, some bad, the usual I guess you could say. Today - I need to do some housekeeping of sorts!
First - don't forget that Tuesday is Election Day. If you have no early voted, please please plan to make it to the polls. We're voting to save our lives here folks - and while some of you disagree with m on who the liferope is, be sure and get out and cast your vote!
A funny here - several of Renee's friends have blasted her big time over her support of Obama - and they've said plenty of hurtful and spiteful things. The funny is - they aren't even registered to vote! So, while Renee voted very early for her man, they've only got their words to stand on this year!
Second - don't forget that Twilight starts November 21. The books were incredible and the movie trailers look great - I can't wait!! I will say this, and I continue to say it - my next husband is going to be a vampire!
Third - I've got new wheels! Didn't want to do this - but the other van was terminal and although I don't like the way it happened, Lynn finally killed it dead so I was forced to buy something. I am saying the new van is nice - it's pretty plain but it's cute, the windows go up and down, the AIR CONDITIONER WORKS!!!, it has two working headlamps and I can actually lock the doors. Pretty amazing how cars are supposed to work, and how you can make do if you have to!
Fourth - Christmas is coming! Start saving now! Seriously, I think we all want to really downplay it this year in our home.
I'm sure I have so much more to say, etc. but I'm just glad to have had the time to do this and that I finally remembered the password!
First - don't forget that Tuesday is Election Day. If you have no early voted, please please plan to make it to the polls. We're voting to save our lives here folks - and while some of you disagree with m on who the liferope is, be sure and get out and cast your vote!
A funny here - several of Renee's friends have blasted her big time over her support of Obama - and they've said plenty of hurtful and spiteful things. The funny is - they aren't even registered to vote! So, while Renee voted very early for her man, they've only got their words to stand on this year!
Second - don't forget that Twilight starts November 21. The books were incredible and the movie trailers look great - I can't wait!! I will say this, and I continue to say it - my next husband is going to be a vampire!
Third - I've got new wheels! Didn't want to do this - but the other van was terminal and although I don't like the way it happened, Lynn finally killed it dead so I was forced to buy something. I am saying the new van is nice - it's pretty plain but it's cute, the windows go up and down, the AIR CONDITIONER WORKS!!!, it has two working headlamps and I can actually lock the doors. Pretty amazing how cars are supposed to work, and how you can make do if you have to!
Fourth - Christmas is coming! Start saving now! Seriously, I think we all want to really downplay it this year in our home.
I'm sure I have so much more to say, etc. but I'm just glad to have had the time to do this and that I finally remembered the password!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Ignorance and the Political Sign
So it's no joke that i am a died in the wool Democrat. I was born into a Democratic family and raised that way. I have voted for a Republican twice in my lifetime - probably just weak moments if the truth be known when I had not educated myself enough to know and may not have even been in my right frame of mind.
That being said, this year I've volunteered some time and GIVEN MONEY to the Obama campaign. I don't have alot of money - that's why it's in all caps.
My sister and her husband made a nice donation to procure a 4 x 8 foot sign and since I live on a big corner lot, decided to put it up in my yard to get maximum exposure. No problems there, right. NOT!
They spent about $50.00 on the supplies to put the sign up and spent a couple of hours making sure it was secure, etc. That was Saturday.
Sunday - pretty nice day with no real problems.
Monday - first I get a call from the office of the property owners telling me the sign has to go. I live in a housing development that was funded by Low Income Housing Tax Credits, a federally funded program, and I suppose one of their rules says you cannot advertise for anything federally political. Don't know for sure, don't really care at this point.
BECAUSE - when I got home Monday evening, the sign had been kicked down. OK - so it can go and we'll put it somewhere else safer.
Lynn (my son) recovered the sign and the $50.00 worth of rebarb and tie downs - the sign was not destroyed - and we can reinstall it somewhere - God knows I wish it could be the roof after what took place Tuesday night.
Tuesday evening about 8:30 Lynn and one of his friends discovered there was a fire in my side yard. Upon investigation, there were three McCain/Palin signs put up and one Obama sign (the small yard type I'm sure stolen from somewhere in the neighborhood). The Obama sign had been torched, the can of accelerant was laying on the ground.
But, little did the perps know my neighbor was watching EVERYTHING and they are so fricking stupid - they are boys she knew from down the street. She came over to my house, she had already called the police, and they came shortly. A report has been filed and it's labeled as a 'hate crime' which brings in bigger guns and more punishment.
My kids were very upset - Renee cried and cried because she is tired of being treated different because she is bi-racial. She has experienced more racial prejudice at the Christian based univeristy she attends than I could have ever taught or exposed her to in a lifetime. She left her bedroom window up last night so she could hear if they came back - they did - but only in drivebys yelling "we hate niggers" each time.
My son, well, I hope he doesn't do anything stupid. He left the house after I begged him not to and to let the authorities handle it. He has no faith in the justice system at all.
Yes, I will pursue prosecution to the fullest extent of the law, even though I fear retaliation and further abuse and harassment. But, I will not live in fear nor back down from what I believe.
You want to know the best part - these young men are over 18 and guess what - neither Dumb Ass is registered to vote!! How much more ignorant can you get?
That being said, this year I've volunteered some time and GIVEN MONEY to the Obama campaign. I don't have alot of money - that's why it's in all caps.
My sister and her husband made a nice donation to procure a 4 x 8 foot sign and since I live on a big corner lot, decided to put it up in my yard to get maximum exposure. No problems there, right. NOT!
They spent about $50.00 on the supplies to put the sign up and spent a couple of hours making sure it was secure, etc. That was Saturday.
Sunday - pretty nice day with no real problems.
Monday - first I get a call from the office of the property owners telling me the sign has to go. I live in a housing development that was funded by Low Income Housing Tax Credits, a federally funded program, and I suppose one of their rules says you cannot advertise for anything federally political. Don't know for sure, don't really care at this point.
BECAUSE - when I got home Monday evening, the sign had been kicked down. OK - so it can go and we'll put it somewhere else safer.
Lynn (my son) recovered the sign and the $50.00 worth of rebarb and tie downs - the sign was not destroyed - and we can reinstall it somewhere - God knows I wish it could be the roof after what took place Tuesday night.
Tuesday evening about 8:30 Lynn and one of his friends discovered there was a fire in my side yard. Upon investigation, there were three McCain/Palin signs put up and one Obama sign (the small yard type I'm sure stolen from somewhere in the neighborhood). The Obama sign had been torched, the can of accelerant was laying on the ground.
But, little did the perps know my neighbor was watching EVERYTHING and they are so fricking stupid - they are boys she knew from down the street. She came over to my house, she had already called the police, and they came shortly. A report has been filed and it's labeled as a 'hate crime' which brings in bigger guns and more punishment.
My kids were very upset - Renee cried and cried because she is tired of being treated different because she is bi-racial. She has experienced more racial prejudice at the Christian based univeristy she attends than I could have ever taught or exposed her to in a lifetime. She left her bedroom window up last night so she could hear if they came back - they did - but only in drivebys yelling "we hate niggers" each time.
My son, well, I hope he doesn't do anything stupid. He left the house after I begged him not to and to let the authorities handle it. He has no faith in the justice system at all.
Yes, I will pursue prosecution to the fullest extent of the law, even though I fear retaliation and further abuse and harassment. But, I will not live in fear nor back down from what I believe.
You want to know the best part - these young men are over 18 and guess what - neither Dumb Ass is registered to vote!! How much more ignorant can you get?
Monday, October 13, 2008
Renee's First Car
My daughter bought her first car Saturday! It is the cutest little car I've ever seen and I am so very proud of her!
I would have given her a car the day she turned 16, if it had been possible. She's never questioned me, or fussed or argued with me about not having her own set of wheels. She's been great about sharing the one vehicle we've had - especially when she had to go early or wait on me because our schedules didn't exactly mesh.
I've felt so bad that I had not been able to buy her a car - but she was always "It's ok momma". Thank God she's not been as hard on me as I've been on myself that I didn't pulll it off. There's always been something else that took precedence, like the roof and food.
A few years back, my sister Amy and her husband, Ben, did a video for our family for Christmas. It's so awesome I can't fully describe it, but it starts with pictures of our parents as children, then them getting married and us kids, each of us had our own 'song' and each grandchild had their own song that backgrounded the pictures.
Searching for a song for the kids first seemed like a daunting task to me - but - about that time Martina McBride had released "In My Daughter's Eyes". It's the most beautiful song I've ever heard, and I still can't hear it without balling like a baby. But it's true, for Renee changed me. I saw the person I wanted to be in her newborn eyes, a good example, an upstanding person, someone who never hurt her, embarass her, or make her anything than proud to call me "Mom"! She was truly sent from God to rescue me!
Renee, you've worked so hard and been so very patient - I am so happy for you and I am proud of you and I love you very much!
I would have given her a car the day she turned 16, if it had been possible. She's never questioned me, or fussed or argued with me about not having her own set of wheels. She's been great about sharing the one vehicle we've had - especially when she had to go early or wait on me because our schedules didn't exactly mesh.
I've felt so bad that I had not been able to buy her a car - but she was always "It's ok momma". Thank God she's not been as hard on me as I've been on myself that I didn't pulll it off. There's always been something else that took precedence, like the roof and food.
A few years back, my sister Amy and her husband, Ben, did a video for our family for Christmas. It's so awesome I can't fully describe it, but it starts with pictures of our parents as children, then them getting married and us kids, each of us had our own 'song' and each grandchild had their own song that backgrounded the pictures.
Searching for a song for the kids first seemed like a daunting task to me - but - about that time Martina McBride had released "In My Daughter's Eyes". It's the most beautiful song I've ever heard, and I still can't hear it without balling like a baby. But it's true, for Renee changed me. I saw the person I wanted to be in her newborn eyes, a good example, an upstanding person, someone who never hurt her, embarass her, or make her anything than proud to call me "Mom"! She was truly sent from God to rescue me!
Renee, you've worked so hard and been so very patient - I am so happy for you and I am proud of you and I love you very much!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Waffling Down the House
Something pretty amazing happened this week. Lynn got his first 'real' job working at the Waffle House.
Now, this is significant for so many reasons, but probably the most important being that maybe, just maybe, he has decided that he has to really become the adult he so desperately wants to be.
He started on Wednesday and spent the first two days in training. As mom, I watched as he got himself up - I didn't have to wake him, threaten him, coax him, threaten him again, or any of the usual activities that take place with Lynn has to be somewhere before late afternoon. He got up, got ready, had the appropriate clothes on, and seemed relatively happy about going. In fact today, he has worked two shifts - this morning 8 to noon and tonight 5 - 9.
Now, he's hourly pay is pretty pathetic - like most restaurant jobs it's just a little over $2.00 per hour - but - if he does good he can make pretty good in tips. He got a taste of that today when one man left him $4.00. Can't begin to tell you how much confidence that raised in him.
Lynn has struggled, mostly against me, but the root of it has been his own self-confidence. The big bad wolf persona had to come out to cover up that. As his mother, I've known that only too well and been the brunt of most of his anger, etc.
But today, well, I see the young man beginning to emerge that I've known was there from day one!
BUT, don't let me take any credit for this! No, GOD is faithful and prayers are being answered minute by minute.
Now, this is significant for so many reasons, but probably the most important being that maybe, just maybe, he has decided that he has to really become the adult he so desperately wants to be.
He started on Wednesday and spent the first two days in training. As mom, I watched as he got himself up - I didn't have to wake him, threaten him, coax him, threaten him again, or any of the usual activities that take place with Lynn has to be somewhere before late afternoon. He got up, got ready, had the appropriate clothes on, and seemed relatively happy about going. In fact today, he has worked two shifts - this morning 8 to noon and tonight 5 - 9.
Now, he's hourly pay is pretty pathetic - like most restaurant jobs it's just a little over $2.00 per hour - but - if he does good he can make pretty good in tips. He got a taste of that today when one man left him $4.00. Can't begin to tell you how much confidence that raised in him.
Lynn has struggled, mostly against me, but the root of it has been his own self-confidence. The big bad wolf persona had to come out to cover up that. As his mother, I've known that only too well and been the brunt of most of his anger, etc.
But today, well, I see the young man beginning to emerge that I've known was there from day one!
BUT, don't let me take any credit for this! No, GOD is faithful and prayers are being answered minute by minute.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Think About How You Will Really Feel
First, let me say I watched Hillary Clinton say something along this line, but I just have to expand on it.
In your mind - skip ahead 3 weeks, 6 days today was Election Day - and after you'd worked all day, stood in line to vote, got the kids fed, put in a load of clothes, homework, kids to bed, maybe ran a load of dishes too, talked to your mom, had a late supper with your significant other - my point is that you've had a full day and you are watching the returns, but the tiredness and fatigue take over before the election is called. You have to go to sleep. There is no shame, you must take care of yourself.
But, you go to sleep without knowing what's happened. And the next morning you wake up and it's the first thing on your mind. Hoping for the best, praying it's a good result, but wanting to avoid disappointing news as long as possible, you lollygag around. Hillary said you take 10 minutes to brush your teeth and make really strong coffee - but finally you have to know.
So, you turn on Diane and Robin or Matt and Ann, you logon your computer, or you call your best friend and you ask "Well, what's the verdict?"
How are you going to feel with they say "Obama won". Me, I'm going to be elated. I will know that there is a chance in hell I can get out of debt and get these kids out on their own, Renee will be able to finish school and if Lynn does join the Armed Forces, maybe I won't have to watch him fly off to Iraq to come back mangled and mutilated, alive or not. I'll know I can truly retire next year and rest these bones. I think some of the worried look will leave my face and I'll believe, again, there is a good future. I'll know that my brothers and sisters, all working class, tax-paying, law abiding citizens have a chance too - they can begin to breathe and see a light at the end of the tunnel.
But, if I have to hear "McCain took it", well my deflated sails will shrink even more. I'll begin to wonder how we'll eat this winter, how I'll ever pay the light bill, how I'm going to put gas in the one vehicle we have that takes three of us to work and school, and my tiredness will overwhelm me. I'm not a spendthrift, I budget and try to plan for the rainy days, but on this morning, I will know the light at the end of the tunnel is just the oncoming train that will destroy the rest of what I have left.
Those feelings run deep in me - and for that reason I'll vote, I'll early vote actually, and I'll urge everyone I know to please go and vote. It won't just be for me, it'll be for my children, my brothers and sisters, my elderly mother in law in Kentucky who shouldn't have to struggle like she does after working her entire life, my other relatives that are elderly and have seen their investments shrink to nothing because of greed and lack of accountability.
You - YOU - have the chance to be "THE DECIDER" now. You must decide and follow thru on bringing the change we so desperately need. You do not have to be afraid and you should not let social issues like abortion or gay marriage be the deciding factor on HOW you live in next four years. There is a big difference between 'living' and 'surviving' and unless we see a major change in Washington D.C. come January - there'll be very little of either taking place.
Can you feel it?
In your mind - skip ahead 3 weeks, 6 days today was Election Day - and after you'd worked all day, stood in line to vote, got the kids fed, put in a load of clothes, homework, kids to bed, maybe ran a load of dishes too, talked to your mom, had a late supper with your significant other - my point is that you've had a full day and you are watching the returns, but the tiredness and fatigue take over before the election is called. You have to go to sleep. There is no shame, you must take care of yourself.
But, you go to sleep without knowing what's happened. And the next morning you wake up and it's the first thing on your mind. Hoping for the best, praying it's a good result, but wanting to avoid disappointing news as long as possible, you lollygag around. Hillary said you take 10 minutes to brush your teeth and make really strong coffee - but finally you have to know.
So, you turn on Diane and Robin or Matt and Ann, you logon your computer, or you call your best friend and you ask "Well, what's the verdict?"
How are you going to feel with they say "Obama won". Me, I'm going to be elated. I will know that there is a chance in hell I can get out of debt and get these kids out on their own, Renee will be able to finish school and if Lynn does join the Armed Forces, maybe I won't have to watch him fly off to Iraq to come back mangled and mutilated, alive or not. I'll know I can truly retire next year and rest these bones. I think some of the worried look will leave my face and I'll believe, again, there is a good future. I'll know that my brothers and sisters, all working class, tax-paying, law abiding citizens have a chance too - they can begin to breathe and see a light at the end of the tunnel.
But, if I have to hear "McCain took it", well my deflated sails will shrink even more. I'll begin to wonder how we'll eat this winter, how I'll ever pay the light bill, how I'm going to put gas in the one vehicle we have that takes three of us to work and school, and my tiredness will overwhelm me. I'm not a spendthrift, I budget and try to plan for the rainy days, but on this morning, I will know the light at the end of the tunnel is just the oncoming train that will destroy the rest of what I have left.
Those feelings run deep in me - and for that reason I'll vote, I'll early vote actually, and I'll urge everyone I know to please go and vote. It won't just be for me, it'll be for my children, my brothers and sisters, my elderly mother in law in Kentucky who shouldn't have to struggle like she does after working her entire life, my other relatives that are elderly and have seen their investments shrink to nothing because of greed and lack of accountability.
You - YOU - have the chance to be "THE DECIDER" now. You must decide and follow thru on bringing the change we so desperately need. You do not have to be afraid and you should not let social issues like abortion or gay marriage be the deciding factor on HOW you live in next four years. There is a big difference between 'living' and 'surviving' and unless we see a major change in Washington D.C. come January - there'll be very little of either taking place.
Can you feel it?
Saturday, October 4, 2008
On To The Next Project
I had this grand idea that after the class reunion was over, I'd be sitting down, kicked back, and relaxing for a month or two, at least! NOT!
I've decided now that I gravitate toward activities and there's just nothing to be done about it. I meant to take the entire month of October to rest - but check out these activities:
Tuesday I have an all important doctor's appointment - which may change the rest of the month regardless of my intentions. I do hope to get some relief from the arthritis pain that I'm enduring, as my mom would say, I am hollering calf rope!
October 14 we'll have the final reunion meeting - just to catch up and close any loose ends. And we've still got the yearbook to finish, print and mail, but some of that will be in November. The 18th is Old Timer's Day, an activity at one of the community organizations I've been involved with many years, the 23rd is a Town Hall Meeting that I don't really have to be at, but my part-time employer is hosting so I am somewhat involved. The 25th is not only the fall festival in Flatrock, but the Colt Classic at the high school. And, I need to go to a couple of football games - the 17th is Homecoming and the 30th is Senior Presentation. My sister in law is having a Halloween Party on the 31st and my nephews birthday party is Saturday, November 1st.
So, add in all the running for the kids and trying to keep the house going, and I am tired already. I will prevail though, a strong work ethic and a good attitude, along with the fact that I loathe failure, well, I'll hang in and keep pushing. It may be that sitting down is not ever going to be in my cards!
I've decided now that I gravitate toward activities and there's just nothing to be done about it. I meant to take the entire month of October to rest - but check out these activities:
Tuesday I have an all important doctor's appointment - which may change the rest of the month regardless of my intentions. I do hope to get some relief from the arthritis pain that I'm enduring, as my mom would say, I am hollering calf rope!
October 14 we'll have the final reunion meeting - just to catch up and close any loose ends. And we've still got the yearbook to finish, print and mail, but some of that will be in November. The 18th is Old Timer's Day, an activity at one of the community organizations I've been involved with many years, the 23rd is a Town Hall Meeting that I don't really have to be at, but my part-time employer is hosting so I am somewhat involved. The 25th is not only the fall festival in Flatrock, but the Colt Classic at the high school. And, I need to go to a couple of football games - the 17th is Homecoming and the 30th is Senior Presentation. My sister in law is having a Halloween Party on the 31st and my nephews birthday party is Saturday, November 1st.
So, add in all the running for the kids and trying to keep the house going, and I am tired already. I will prevail though, a strong work ethic and a good attitude, along with the fact that I loathe failure, well, I'll hang in and keep pushing. It may be that sitting down is not ever going to be in my cards!
Friday, October 3, 2008
The Veep Debate
OK - so I watched the debate last night. I was actually somewhat surprised that it was not the bloodbath I'd expected. I suppose someone told Joe Biden to take it easy on the kid - like when you're the team with all the big blockers and a group of small amateurs take the field opposing you, well, you just don't hit them normal, now do ya?
This thought kept running thru my mind - and you know how I just love to relate things to old movies or television! Do any of you remember on The Andy Griffith Show when Howard Sprague ran against Aunt Bea for city council? They had a debate - Howard had his facts and figures and years of experience and knowledge and Aunt Bea, well, bless her heart, she had her heart. And, that was about all.
Last night's debate was pretty much like the one filmed 44 years ago for a sitcom. The only thing, at the end of the debate Aunt Bea conceded to Howard before one vote had been cast.
The only other impression I had was that she was somewhat like a first grader trying to debate a senior in high school. Imagine how hysterically I laughed when Jay Leno had a picture of the first meeting of Biden/Palin and it was a picture of Joe Biden in a kindergarten class with a little girl and her crayons!
I imagine my neighbor wondered what I was cackling so loud about!
This thought kept running thru my mind - and you know how I just love to relate things to old movies or television! Do any of you remember on The Andy Griffith Show when Howard Sprague ran against Aunt Bea for city council? They had a debate - Howard had his facts and figures and years of experience and knowledge and Aunt Bea, well, bless her heart, she had her heart. And, that was about all.
Last night's debate was pretty much like the one filmed 44 years ago for a sitcom. The only thing, at the end of the debate Aunt Bea conceded to Howard before one vote had been cast.
The only other impression I had was that she was somewhat like a first grader trying to debate a senior in high school. Imagine how hysterically I laughed when Jay Leno had a picture of the first meeting of Biden/Palin and it was a picture of Joe Biden in a kindergarten class with a little girl and her crayons!
I imagine my neighbor wondered what I was cackling so loud about!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Party of the Century
Yes it was! It really was a great time!
First, let me say that after all the planning and meeting, I was really very nervous. But as Saturday morning dawned, things started looking pretty good and I was really calm.
Picked Renee up at Lipscomb at 11:00 am and we headed downtown. This was after staying up until about 12:15 in the morning finishing up some posters with pictures from the yearbook and Renee and Chris loading up the van. That might have been a little bit of a problem because I moved Lynn home that morning, but hey, he made it!
We got to the venue and called the others to come down and unload the van. Then Renee and I headed over to get the balloons all helium'd up! When we got back, she went on upstairs with the balloons and then I went up to preview.
It was my first time to see the venue, which was phenominal to start with, then add to that the decorations, flowers, etc. Well, tears came to my eyes! It looked better than I could have imagined, the girls setting up had done a wonderful job and everything was perfect! We had some beautiful floral arrangements and lots of Glencliff red and blue everywhere! There was a special memento - a bookmark - that commemorated the event for each guest.
Home we went to rest - I laid down about 1:00 PM which meant I had about 3 hours to rest up. I even got a little sleep.
Up at 4:00 pm, into the shower, then dressed, etc. Jimbo met us here to follow us - we had to make one last stop to pick up the specially decorated cake - and head downtown.
We had live music, CD's between sets, lots of door prizes, lots of fun, and plenty of booze!
Folks starting coming in about 6:30 actually - I took a seat over from the registration table because it was close and looked comfortable, and that ended up working perfectly. I got to meet and greet almost every single person as they left the registration area!
It was so great to see friends I hadn't seen for so long- one person from the class of 1977, Sherry, I had not seen in 30 years. Seeing her brought tears to my eyes, again. I had thought about her so many times thru the years. A good friend since Jr. High, Tammy, made it in from Alabama and another great friend from high school, Margie was there too - I really enjoyed catching up with them!
I think everyone had a great time! I know some guys from the class of '79 want to do the same thing again next year - to which I responded - "I will give them my notes!" It was a blast, but I think I just want to be a guest next time.
I am so very glad to have had this opportunity to help plan and pull this thing off. Couldn't have done it without the rest of the planning crew, my friend the florist, my sister Amy and her husband Ben for scanning and printing pictures and for coming to take pictures that night, and of course Jimbo and Renee for being the legs SO many times!
Thanks guys FOR EVERYTHING, I love you all!
First, let me say that after all the planning and meeting, I was really very nervous. But as Saturday morning dawned, things started looking pretty good and I was really calm.
Picked Renee up at Lipscomb at 11:00 am and we headed downtown. This was after staying up until about 12:15 in the morning finishing up some posters with pictures from the yearbook and Renee and Chris loading up the van. That might have been a little bit of a problem because I moved Lynn home that morning, but hey, he made it!
We got to the venue and called the others to come down and unload the van. Then Renee and I headed over to get the balloons all helium'd up! When we got back, she went on upstairs with the balloons and then I went up to preview.
It was my first time to see the venue, which was phenominal to start with, then add to that the decorations, flowers, etc. Well, tears came to my eyes! It looked better than I could have imagined, the girls setting up had done a wonderful job and everything was perfect! We had some beautiful floral arrangements and lots of Glencliff red and blue everywhere! There was a special memento - a bookmark - that commemorated the event for each guest.
Home we went to rest - I laid down about 1:00 PM which meant I had about 3 hours to rest up. I even got a little sleep.
Up at 4:00 pm, into the shower, then dressed, etc. Jimbo met us here to follow us - we had to make one last stop to pick up the specially decorated cake - and head downtown.
We had live music, CD's between sets, lots of door prizes, lots of fun, and plenty of booze!
Folks starting coming in about 6:30 actually - I took a seat over from the registration table because it was close and looked comfortable, and that ended up working perfectly. I got to meet and greet almost every single person as they left the registration area!
It was so great to see friends I hadn't seen for so long- one person from the class of 1977, Sherry, I had not seen in 30 years. Seeing her brought tears to my eyes, again. I had thought about her so many times thru the years. A good friend since Jr. High, Tammy, made it in from Alabama and another great friend from high school, Margie was there too - I really enjoyed catching up with them!
I think everyone had a great time! I know some guys from the class of '79 want to do the same thing again next year - to which I responded - "I will give them my notes!" It was a blast, but I think I just want to be a guest next time.
I am so very glad to have had this opportunity to help plan and pull this thing off. Couldn't have done it without the rest of the planning crew, my friend the florist, my sister Amy and her husband Ben for scanning and printing pictures and for coming to take pictures that night, and of course Jimbo and Renee for being the legs SO many times!
Thanks guys FOR EVERYTHING, I love you all!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Two More Days!
Til the party of the century! Boy, don't I wish - but we are two days out and things are looking good. I'm excited to get there and see old friends and spend the time talking and catching up - I'm hopeful that everyone who has RSVP'd makes it and other friends drop by - we set it up as a cash at the door thing - so we could have more people than I imagine. Right now we at about 260-70 folks - that's quite a large group.
I will definitely post something about the party on Sunday - stay tuned!
I will definitely post something about the party on Sunday - stay tuned!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
I Cried for my Country Today
Well, actually yesterday, but that's not the point here.
I've been watching Good Morning America's Whistle Stop Train Tour all week. It has been great - they left New York and ended up in Washington DC. Between those two cities, they traveled the rails thru all sorts of little towns, stopping and getting off to meet the people. And, those people welcomed them with open arms, hearts and mouths.
A lot of the show this week was frank discussions over where folks stood and how their life was - where they were succeeding and where they were not having any luck.
I have no idea if GMA has a political affiliation or what any of the host's opinions are so I don't think the show is biased.
By yesterday I had an emotional breakdown where I literally wept for my country, my homeland, and how things are right now. The showed that folks on that were struggling with bills, loss of jobs and industry, increased food and energy costs, all the things that most of us are struggling with too.
One man was 94 years old and said for the first time since the Great Depression, he could not pay his taxes and eat. He didn't know what to do. There was the father who lost his job in the steel industry and does any kind odd job, etc. to make money to keep his family afloat. Moms with kids and doctor bills they couldn't pay because they had no insurance. And it wasn't all bad. There was the young boy who loved trains and arranged a train trip for his school, only to realize the train was not handicapped accessible and his own tears at having to leave some classmates behind.
Real people, good people, doing the best they can every day, and seeing that our government is failing them on every front. That's when I couldn't take it anymore and cried.
Not just cried, but moaned with agony that so many people are hurting in so many ways, and that while my life somedays seems so very tough, I am so blessed and have so very much.
And, out of that despair, I rose up with a new determination. One to be sure that everyone I know is registered to vote and does VOTE on November 4th. I have to do everything in my power to help things in this country, and that means that I have to do everything I possibly can to see a new administration in D.C. come January - and I mean 'new' in the party sense - not just another cloned copy of an idiot that needs his head pulled out of his ass!
I've been watching Good Morning America's Whistle Stop Train Tour all week. It has been great - they left New York and ended up in Washington DC. Between those two cities, they traveled the rails thru all sorts of little towns, stopping and getting off to meet the people. And, those people welcomed them with open arms, hearts and mouths.
A lot of the show this week was frank discussions over where folks stood and how their life was - where they were succeeding and where they were not having any luck.
I have no idea if GMA has a political affiliation or what any of the host's opinions are so I don't think the show is biased.
By yesterday I had an emotional breakdown where I literally wept for my country, my homeland, and how things are right now. The showed that folks on that were struggling with bills, loss of jobs and industry, increased food and energy costs, all the things that most of us are struggling with too.
One man was 94 years old and said for the first time since the Great Depression, he could not pay his taxes and eat. He didn't know what to do. There was the father who lost his job in the steel industry and does any kind odd job, etc. to make money to keep his family afloat. Moms with kids and doctor bills they couldn't pay because they had no insurance. And it wasn't all bad. There was the young boy who loved trains and arranged a train trip for his school, only to realize the train was not handicapped accessible and his own tears at having to leave some classmates behind.
Real people, good people, doing the best they can every day, and seeing that our government is failing them on every front. That's when I couldn't take it anymore and cried.
Not just cried, but moaned with agony that so many people are hurting in so many ways, and that while my life somedays seems so very tough, I am so blessed and have so very much.
And, out of that despair, I rose up with a new determination. One to be sure that everyone I know is registered to vote and does VOTE on November 4th. I have to do everything in my power to help things in this country, and that means that I have to do everything I possibly can to see a new administration in D.C. come January - and I mean 'new' in the party sense - not just another cloned copy of an idiot that needs his head pulled out of his ass!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
I've Got Edward-itis
I'd seen Stephenie Meyer on Good Morning America talking about her series of books starting with "Twitlight" recently. The series centers around girl named Isabella and a vampire named Edward. Initially, I have to admit that I thought to myself "hmm, this has been done - does anyone remember Buffy??" And, at that point I dismissed it as something I might consider reading, but probably not.
Then, enter Amy. Amy is not only my sister and great friend, but she's the one that turned me onto Buffy in the first place. (The Sunnydale in my title is just a small indication of how much the Buffyverse impacted the lives of the Martin 3)
Amy read Twilight - in less than two days I believe - then stopped and bought the 2nd book on her way home from work. That one is "New Moon". Before that week was over, Amy had read all 4 books, totalling about 2300 pages, the online version of "Midnight Sun", had started reading them again AND purchased for me my own copy of "Twilight".
I'm giggling the whole time because of the way Amy is reading - I would rather read than eat - something she discovered this week! She had read the Harry Potter's (my retribution to her for Buffy!), but not like this.
So I get started - a little skeptical at first I have to admit. By the end of the third chapter I was hooked! By the end of the 4th chapter I called Amy saying "OMG, OMG" which was all I could say at the moment except maybe that my next husband was going to be a vampire!!
So, I've got it - a severe case of Edward-itis - and I don't want no remedy! I'm well into the 2nd book in the series and I understand that when you finish the 4th one, you can only start over, a phenomenon called "revamping"!.
Amy has found all kinds of cute things - my favorties being a t-shirt that says "Edward Widower" or something like that since the wife is GONE over Edward, and a website called "twilightmoms" for those of us who are not teenagers but are desperatly in love with Edward.
Let me say this, if you've ever read a Nicholas Sparks book and marveled at how romantic he is - forget about it! He is not even in the t-ball ballpark compared to the major league of Edward!
AND, the movie starts November 21! Stay tuned for more updates!
Then, enter Amy. Amy is not only my sister and great friend, but she's the one that turned me onto Buffy in the first place. (The Sunnydale in my title is just a small indication of how much the Buffyverse impacted the lives of the Martin 3)
Amy read Twilight - in less than two days I believe - then stopped and bought the 2nd book on her way home from work. That one is "New Moon". Before that week was over, Amy had read all 4 books, totalling about 2300 pages, the online version of "Midnight Sun", had started reading them again AND purchased for me my own copy of "Twilight".
I'm giggling the whole time because of the way Amy is reading - I would rather read than eat - something she discovered this week! She had read the Harry Potter's (my retribution to her for Buffy!), but not like this.
So I get started - a little skeptical at first I have to admit. By the end of the third chapter I was hooked! By the end of the 4th chapter I called Amy saying "OMG, OMG" which was all I could say at the moment except maybe that my next husband was going to be a vampire!!
So, I've got it - a severe case of Edward-itis - and I don't want no remedy! I'm well into the 2nd book in the series and I understand that when you finish the 4th one, you can only start over, a phenomenon called "revamping"!.
Amy has found all kinds of cute things - my favorties being a t-shirt that says "Edward Widower" or something like that since the wife is GONE over Edward, and a website called "twilightmoms" for those of us who are not teenagers but are desperatly in love with Edward.
Let me say this, if you've ever read a Nicholas Sparks book and marveled at how romantic he is - forget about it! He is not even in the t-ball ballpark compared to the major league of Edward!
AND, the movie starts November 21! Stay tuned for more updates!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
One Thing
If there was one thing you could change in your life - JUST ONE - do you know what it would be?
Now, really think about that for a minute or two. Because that one thing may change every other thing in your life and those changes may not be good. Like it or not, the path we've taken is just that, and the alternatives may have been worse.
That being said, there is one thing in my life I wish I could go back and change. And no, it's not the idiot I married, believe it or not. It was a few years after him, and NO I didn't cheat.
I know the path my life has taken since then is different, and I can tell myself things could have been worse, but somehow I don't think so. I made a very stupid decision one day that costs me a bundle, mostly in the beat myself up category, but a bundle. I didn't commit murder or physically harm anyone or anything - stop trying to guess!
I've seen some hard days, some trying days, and days I didn't know where to turn next, but if they ever make a time machine that will let you go back, I think I might. Then again, the people and places in my life since then, well I can't imagine for one minute not having them. The friends I have now I would have never known, and I'd be a much poorer person without them.
And, even when we make bad decisions, things usually work out like they should - didn't I just rant about that yesterday?
Now, really think about that for a minute or two. Because that one thing may change every other thing in your life and those changes may not be good. Like it or not, the path we've taken is just that, and the alternatives may have been worse.
That being said, there is one thing in my life I wish I could go back and change. And no, it's not the idiot I married, believe it or not. It was a few years after him, and NO I didn't cheat.
I know the path my life has taken since then is different, and I can tell myself things could have been worse, but somehow I don't think so. I made a very stupid decision one day that costs me a bundle, mostly in the beat myself up category, but a bundle. I didn't commit murder or physically harm anyone or anything - stop trying to guess!
I've seen some hard days, some trying days, and days I didn't know where to turn next, but if they ever make a time machine that will let you go back, I think I might. Then again, the people and places in my life since then, well I can't imagine for one minute not having them. The friends I have now I would have never known, and I'd be a much poorer person without them.
And, even when we make bad decisions, things usually work out like they should - didn't I just rant about that yesterday?
Monday, September 8, 2008
Safety Issue
My last post got a little radical and I did something I didn't give any thought to - I mentioned the university that my daughter attends.
Imagine my surprise when I got an email from one of their staff! They actually have a filter that alerts him when the university name is used online in blogs, emails, etc.
The email was nice and more in a 'so you know' vein. But it got me to thinking, after all of the episodes of violence on college campuses, I am glad they have this capability in place. I'm sure that the 'radical' Lisa considers this an invasion of privacy and against the civil rights of Americans, but I have to tell you that 'mom' Lisa is just fine with it being in place!
When Renee started high school, I could not let her go without having a cell phone. So she got her first phone about two weeks before she started her freshman year. I thought I worried during high school, but as she went on the college, the fear became worse. Lynn got his phone about half way thru the 8th grade. How my parents managed to raise 4 of us without cell phones is beyond me!
I believe we have a purpose in life, and I believe everything happens for a reason. While I know that if God gave her to me 19 1/2 years ago to take her back at the hands of an assassin on the college grounds, it is something I'd have to accept. But I pray daily that is not His will for her life and that she remains safe.
And I never cease to be amazed that the worry you feel when they are babies is nothing compared to what you face when they are young adults!
Imagine my surprise when I got an email from one of their staff! They actually have a filter that alerts him when the university name is used online in blogs, emails, etc.
The email was nice and more in a 'so you know' vein. But it got me to thinking, after all of the episodes of violence on college campuses, I am glad they have this capability in place. I'm sure that the 'radical' Lisa considers this an invasion of privacy and against the civil rights of Americans, but I have to tell you that 'mom' Lisa is just fine with it being in place!
When Renee started high school, I could not let her go without having a cell phone. So she got her first phone about two weeks before she started her freshman year. I thought I worried during high school, but as she went on the college, the fear became worse. Lynn got his phone about half way thru the 8th grade. How my parents managed to raise 4 of us without cell phones is beyond me!
I believe we have a purpose in life, and I believe everything happens for a reason. While I know that if God gave her to me 19 1/2 years ago to take her back at the hands of an assassin on the college grounds, it is something I'd have to accept. But I pray daily that is not His will for her life and that she remains safe.
And I never cease to be amazed that the worry you feel when they are babies is nothing compared to what you face when they are young adults!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
My Rant on Sarah Palin
For a week now I've watched, listened, thought and tried my best to figure out what in the world John McCain was thinking! AND I'm saying him because it's obvious she is not thinking at all!
I understand she's been PTA president - that really prepares you to step up in a crisis time and do what - bake cookies or hold a carnival! Mayor of a town with somewhere between 6 and 9 thousand folks - I've heard the spread so I figure the town has grown some since she was first elected - hmm - don't see much in the way of an emergency there that could evoke great strength or knowledge. (unless Aunt Bea and Clara are arguing over whose hybrid rose is going to win the annual contest) And, finally governor of a state that, while having the largest land mass of all the states, has less people in the entire state than the city I live in. Tell me again what makes her qualified to potentially be president because I've missed it in this resume.
And I haven't even touched the family issues, which make ME sound like the conservative here. I'm all about voting for a woman, would rather vote for a woman anyday than a man and make that my mission, in most cases. This woman has a 5 month old special needs child! Not only that, but she is about to become a grandmother to an infant whose mother is a senior in high school and unmarried. (as a person who has been forced to deal with DCS for over a year now, can I tell you both instances amount to child neglect under Tennessee standards!)
Flip the switches on this - tell me what the Republicans would be saying if Chelsea Clinton was pregnant and unmarried. That exact philosophy or double standard is the very reason I have to vote Democratic - I can not stand the hypocrisy and 'holier than thou' attitude, demeanor and rhetoric I witness every time I'm forced to listen to someone who calls themself a Republican or conservative.
And to prove my point on this - my daughter is a sophomore at David Lipscomb University. That campus is all pro-Palin, ALTHOUGH, if you are considered immoral by openly admitting you've had premarital sex, or you are pregnant, married or not, you are not allowed to attend classes. And their excuse for Palin is "well, you can never tell about teenagers and what they'll do". They will support the mother to be a heartbeat away from being President of the United States because of some ill-conceived notion that she stands are all things biblical, while they would never allow her daughter to be accepted to their university.
Explain it to me like I'm a 5 year old!
I understand she's been PTA president - that really prepares you to step up in a crisis time and do what - bake cookies or hold a carnival! Mayor of a town with somewhere between 6 and 9 thousand folks - I've heard the spread so I figure the town has grown some since she was first elected - hmm - don't see much in the way of an emergency there that could evoke great strength or knowledge. (unless Aunt Bea and Clara are arguing over whose hybrid rose is going to win the annual contest) And, finally governor of a state that, while having the largest land mass of all the states, has less people in the entire state than the city I live in. Tell me again what makes her qualified to potentially be president because I've missed it in this resume.
And I haven't even touched the family issues, which make ME sound like the conservative here. I'm all about voting for a woman, would rather vote for a woman anyday than a man and make that my mission, in most cases. This woman has a 5 month old special needs child! Not only that, but she is about to become a grandmother to an infant whose mother is a senior in high school and unmarried. (as a person who has been forced to deal with DCS for over a year now, can I tell you both instances amount to child neglect under Tennessee standards!)
Flip the switches on this - tell me what the Republicans would be saying if Chelsea Clinton was pregnant and unmarried. That exact philosophy or double standard is the very reason I have to vote Democratic - I can not stand the hypocrisy and 'holier than thou' attitude, demeanor and rhetoric I witness every time I'm forced to listen to someone who calls themself a Republican or conservative.
And to prove my point on this - my daughter is a sophomore at David Lipscomb University. That campus is all pro-Palin, ALTHOUGH, if you are considered immoral by openly admitting you've had premarital sex, or you are pregnant, married or not, you are not allowed to attend classes. And their excuse for Palin is "well, you can never tell about teenagers and what they'll do". They will support the mother to be a heartbeat away from being President of the United States because of some ill-conceived notion that she stands are all things biblical, while they would never allow her daughter to be accepted to their university.
Explain it to me like I'm a 5 year old!
The Wedding
I can't remember how much, if anything, I'd said about the wedding.
Yesterday was my brother Larry and his wife Mitzi's 20th wedding anniversary. That's a pretty major accomplishment, especially in today's world.
For a good while, Mitzi has been planning a wedding. More than just a vow renewal, it was a full blown wedding with the long white dress and bridesmaids, etc. So that was last night.
My daughter, Renee, as well as their daughter, Meaghan, were bridesmaids. All the girls looked so pretty - they wore dresses colored "apple" - the deep dark red like a delicious apple. Larry's guys were all in black - with red ties - made for a very pretty scene.
After the ceremony, there was a party at the American Legion - which was a lot of fun and I ended up staying until 10:00 pm - which is a VERY LATE night for me. I'm almost always sitting up in my bed by 8:00 PM at the latest, earlier if something I watch regularly is on t.v.
I'm sure this morning they are very glad it is in the past - these things seem to take over all of your time, energy and money - and make for great memories - you're just always glad that they're over when they are. For their sakes, I wish more people had shown up - I know they invited about 300 folks and there was probably 50-60 there - not bad for a very rainy Friday night - I just worry their feelings were hurt.
There were some cutie pie kids - the flower girl, the ring bearer, and the attendant for the train were all just precious! Not to mention Austin looking so handsome in a white dress shirt and kackies.
I've been up awhile now, I sure do wish I'd brought home wedding cake to have with my coffee!
Yesterday was my brother Larry and his wife Mitzi's 20th wedding anniversary. That's a pretty major accomplishment, especially in today's world.
For a good while, Mitzi has been planning a wedding. More than just a vow renewal, it was a full blown wedding with the long white dress and bridesmaids, etc. So that was last night.
My daughter, Renee, as well as their daughter, Meaghan, were bridesmaids. All the girls looked so pretty - they wore dresses colored "apple" - the deep dark red like a delicious apple. Larry's guys were all in black - with red ties - made for a very pretty scene.
After the ceremony, there was a party at the American Legion - which was a lot of fun and I ended up staying until 10:00 pm - which is a VERY LATE night for me. I'm almost always sitting up in my bed by 8:00 PM at the latest, earlier if something I watch regularly is on t.v.
I'm sure this morning they are very glad it is in the past - these things seem to take over all of your time, energy and money - and make for great memories - you're just always glad that they're over when they are. For their sakes, I wish more people had shown up - I know they invited about 300 folks and there was probably 50-60 there - not bad for a very rainy Friday night - I just worry their feelings were hurt.
There were some cutie pie kids - the flower girl, the ring bearer, and the attendant for the train were all just precious! Not to mention Austin looking so handsome in a white dress shirt and kackies.
I've been up awhile now, I sure do wish I'd brought home wedding cake to have with my coffee!
Another Week Has Rolled Over Me!
It seems that Saturday is getting to be the only day of the week I have time to blog - must correct that ASAP.
This week rolled over me like a steamroller! I can't remember Monday at all, Tuesday I worked, Wednesday I went to work but was very upset because Lynn was supposed to be having his wisdom teeth cut out and I didn't know where or the details. A blessing happened in that the driver who was supposed to pick him up, etc. was out sick. So, I've made his appointment for next week and I will provide the transportation, so I can be there. And, he is going to an oral surgeon so I feel better. I thought they had him going to just the dental clinic over on Murfreesboro Rd and I figured they were about to butcher him.
Thursday Lynn had a counseling session and a doctor's appointment to follow up on his illness recently - so I was in the van from 8:30 AM until about 3:00 PM that day. Talk about exhausted!
AND, Renee still had class and work everyday and I still had to complete alterations on her dress for the wedding which was Friday night. I did something everyday on the class reunion and thought a lot about the history project which I'd love to just dump at this point.
All in all, to be sitting at the computer at 10:00 Saturday morning is pretty much amazing from my point of view. I can't play too long - too much stuff to do - but I have to catch up on some serious blogging - watch for multiple posts today!
This week rolled over me like a steamroller! I can't remember Monday at all, Tuesday I worked, Wednesday I went to work but was very upset because Lynn was supposed to be having his wisdom teeth cut out and I didn't know where or the details. A blessing happened in that the driver who was supposed to pick him up, etc. was out sick. So, I've made his appointment for next week and I will provide the transportation, so I can be there. And, he is going to an oral surgeon so I feel better. I thought they had him going to just the dental clinic over on Murfreesboro Rd and I figured they were about to butcher him.
Thursday Lynn had a counseling session and a doctor's appointment to follow up on his illness recently - so I was in the van from 8:30 AM until about 3:00 PM that day. Talk about exhausted!
AND, Renee still had class and work everyday and I still had to complete alterations on her dress for the wedding which was Friday night. I did something everyday on the class reunion and thought a lot about the history project which I'd love to just dump at this point.
All in all, to be sitting at the computer at 10:00 Saturday morning is pretty much amazing from my point of view. I can't play too long - too much stuff to do - but I have to catch up on some serious blogging - watch for multiple posts today!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Rolling Along
Wow, it has been a busy week!
I've continue to be busy with the class reunion - more on that later.
Monday night I attended the South Nashville Family Resource Center monthly meeting - I'm on that advisory board, but I had not been to any meetings for a year. After I got there, I remembered why. I like the director and think she's doing a fine job and the person she reports to who works for the lead agency, Vanderbilt, I adore. BUT, there is one member of this board I cannot stand to be around. I suppose I should just leave it at that, and remember that most people are doing the best they can anyway. But, one day, when I'm in a really bad mood, all bets are off!
Tuesday I worked getting things prepared for a training session on some cool software for the oral history project I've been working on - more on that later!
Tuesday night I had a class reunion meeting, etc. Anyway, by the end of the week, I'd been out of the house for two complete days and three evening outings. I am exhausted!
We had a great time Thursday night. Lynn and I went to Amy and Ben's to watch the Democratic Convention. Renee and her boyfriend came later. We had pizza and enjoyed the time together and the convention speeches. I'd been watching at home all week, but it was nice to watch with family and to chat during the in between times about what was going on - I enjoyed the coverage on television, but I liked having both my kids and Amy and Ben all together for some quality family time. That was the best part of the whole week!
I've continue to be busy with the class reunion - more on that later.
Monday night I attended the South Nashville Family Resource Center monthly meeting - I'm on that advisory board, but I had not been to any meetings for a year. After I got there, I remembered why. I like the director and think she's doing a fine job and the person she reports to who works for the lead agency, Vanderbilt, I adore. BUT, there is one member of this board I cannot stand to be around. I suppose I should just leave it at that, and remember that most people are doing the best they can anyway. But, one day, when I'm in a really bad mood, all bets are off!
Tuesday I worked getting things prepared for a training session on some cool software for the oral history project I've been working on - more on that later!
Tuesday night I had a class reunion meeting, etc. Anyway, by the end of the week, I'd been out of the house for two complete days and three evening outings. I am exhausted!
We had a great time Thursday night. Lynn and I went to Amy and Ben's to watch the Democratic Convention. Renee and her boyfriend came later. We had pizza and enjoyed the time together and the convention speeches. I'd been watching at home all week, but it was nice to watch with family and to chat during the in between times about what was going on - I enjoyed the coverage on television, but I liked having both my kids and Amy and Ben all together for some quality family time. That was the best part of the whole week!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Empty Nest Syndrome
I've heard of this and read about it, especially folks doing crazy things when their kids leave home, like have another one or adopt a few or lose their minds!!
I am very much looking forward to an empty nest. I actually had a nice sample last fall with Renee living on campus and Lynn in Memphis, the last couple of days, he's been at his foster mom's and Renee has been house sitting. So, it's just been me and the cat!
Been pretty quiet - I guess I've listened to a 1000 songs, watched a little t.v. and slept quite a bit. Not sleeping because of anything but sheer exhaustion, I've taken a few days off from work and then realized just how dog tired I really am.
Anyway, back to my subject, I'm looking forward to the kids being on their own. And, I want a smaller space, just enough for me, the cat is going with Renee, that I can have my books, a t.v. and the computer, that's all. I don't want to keep a bigger place than I can comfortably take care of and use all of. Right now, I never go past the computer in the living room, so there are three rooms in this house I rarely even enter.
That makes me wonder too about some of my friends and neighbors who've kept the big house even though all of the kids are long gone. I think that must be a burden though, I can barely motorvate enough to keep me afloat, I sure don't want to have to dust and vacuum rooms no one ever uses!
I think part of it too is that to truly downsize, you have to get rid of a lot of stuff. But it's just stuff!! But, it becomes important to physically maintain the memories and the appearance of being important to the memory.
My point is, I don't have to have the piano to remember taking Amy to her lessons, or Renee playing on it when she was a year old, or Meaghan's reindition of "Jesus Loves Me, Yes He Does". I don't have to have every piece of paper my children ever brought home from school to remember their school days (and yes, at one point, I had EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF PAPER!!)
Well, I'm hopeful to become an empty nester in the next 12-24 months - maybe - downsize to a one bedroom apartment and sit in the sun as often as weather permits.
I am very much looking forward to an empty nest. I actually had a nice sample last fall with Renee living on campus and Lynn in Memphis, the last couple of days, he's been at his foster mom's and Renee has been house sitting. So, it's just been me and the cat!
Been pretty quiet - I guess I've listened to a 1000 songs, watched a little t.v. and slept quite a bit. Not sleeping because of anything but sheer exhaustion, I've taken a few days off from work and then realized just how dog tired I really am.
Anyway, back to my subject, I'm looking forward to the kids being on their own. And, I want a smaller space, just enough for me, the cat is going with Renee, that I can have my books, a t.v. and the computer, that's all. I don't want to keep a bigger place than I can comfortably take care of and use all of. Right now, I never go past the computer in the living room, so there are three rooms in this house I rarely even enter.
That makes me wonder too about some of my friends and neighbors who've kept the big house even though all of the kids are long gone. I think that must be a burden though, I can barely motorvate enough to keep me afloat, I sure don't want to have to dust and vacuum rooms no one ever uses!
I think part of it too is that to truly downsize, you have to get rid of a lot of stuff. But it's just stuff!! But, it becomes important to physically maintain the memories and the appearance of being important to the memory.
My point is, I don't have to have the piano to remember taking Amy to her lessons, or Renee playing on it when she was a year old, or Meaghan's reindition of "Jesus Loves Me, Yes He Does". I don't have to have every piece of paper my children ever brought home from school to remember their school days (and yes, at one point, I had EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF PAPER!!)
Well, I'm hopeful to become an empty nester in the next 12-24 months - maybe - downsize to a one bedroom apartment and sit in the sun as often as weather permits.
Friday, August 22, 2008
You know motivation is a very personal thing. It's between you and yourself only.
This came to me this morning from out of nowhere, and made me realize that although I am 48 years old, I still don't know everything and never will. But, I am motivated to keep going to try to learn as much as I can, do as much as I can, and never quit.
But, while I feel that way today, I tried to remember if there was ever a time I wasn't motivated. I'm sure there were times as a young adult, my lack of motivation for the positive things in life must have driven my mom crazy.
I was thinking about my son Lynn, he's not feeling well and his heart is broken from a recent break up. Lynn is a good person with a good heart, I know he is, but he's not motivated to use his energy in a positive way. One of his teachers said to me when he was a freshman in high school that he (the teacher) had not found what would motivate Lynn to use his talents and energy in a positive manner. At this point, I have not either.
And thinking about that very thing made me realize that he has all the tools he needs to do good, do right, and have a good life. He's been raised with a good foundation, although he's fighting it tooth and nail right now. He had two parents that both had amazingly strong work ethics. And there are hundreds of prayers said for this child on a daily basis.
When Lynn realizes all he needs is for himself to get up and get going, that it's all on and in him, he'll be fine!
This came to me this morning from out of nowhere, and made me realize that although I am 48 years old, I still don't know everything and never will. But, I am motivated to keep going to try to learn as much as I can, do as much as I can, and never quit.
But, while I feel that way today, I tried to remember if there was ever a time I wasn't motivated. I'm sure there were times as a young adult, my lack of motivation for the positive things in life must have driven my mom crazy.
I was thinking about my son Lynn, he's not feeling well and his heart is broken from a recent break up. Lynn is a good person with a good heart, I know he is, but he's not motivated to use his energy in a positive way. One of his teachers said to me when he was a freshman in high school that he (the teacher) had not found what would motivate Lynn to use his talents and energy in a positive manner. At this point, I have not either.
And thinking about that very thing made me realize that he has all the tools he needs to do good, do right, and have a good life. He's been raised with a good foundation, although he's fighting it tooth and nail right now. He had two parents that both had amazingly strong work ethics. And there are hundreds of prayers said for this child on a daily basis.
When Lynn realizes all he needs is for himself to get up and get going, that it's all on and in him, he'll be fine!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Do you remember the first really bad crush you had? Lord, I do. It was so bad that it still can make me a little dizzy today.
I remember seeing him for the very first time. I was in the 10th grade and it was my first day at Glencliff High School. We were going to be at Wright Jr. High down the street because the high school was under construction. We all had to go to the gym to be sorted, like cattle!
As I reached the end of the hall that fed into the gym, I turned slightly left to go into the gym and saw this boy at the end of the hall near the door going outside. He was hanging with his 'homies'. They were laughing and cutting up and were about the last ones to enter the gym. I never took my eyes off of him! I was gone from that moment on!
He was a senior and I was only a sophomore and I doubt seriously that he ever knew who I was. I admired him from afar the entire school year, my best friend knew and teased me about him, but I didn't allow her to mention one thing about who he was. I can't describe him or call his name, some of you regular readers know him!
It was so bad that I blushed everytime I saw him, got flustered and couldn't speak, thought about him constantly, and dreamed about him often.
The funniest part of this now is that he is coming to the class reunion. Oh, I've been over it for years and years, I'm pretty sure he's married, probably fat and bald, hell, I'm fat and gray headed, but it's been a good laugh to remember that crush and how bad it was. I can only imagine if I'd ever felt that way about the man I ended up marrying!
I remember seeing him for the very first time. I was in the 10th grade and it was my first day at Glencliff High School. We were going to be at Wright Jr. High down the street because the high school was under construction. We all had to go to the gym to be sorted, like cattle!
As I reached the end of the hall that fed into the gym, I turned slightly left to go into the gym and saw this boy at the end of the hall near the door going outside. He was hanging with his 'homies'. They were laughing and cutting up and were about the last ones to enter the gym. I never took my eyes off of him! I was gone from that moment on!
He was a senior and I was only a sophomore and I doubt seriously that he ever knew who I was. I admired him from afar the entire school year, my best friend knew and teased me about him, but I didn't allow her to mention one thing about who he was. I can't describe him or call his name, some of you regular readers know him!
It was so bad that I blushed everytime I saw him, got flustered and couldn't speak, thought about him constantly, and dreamed about him often.
The funniest part of this now is that he is coming to the class reunion. Oh, I've been over it for years and years, I'm pretty sure he's married, probably fat and bald, hell, I'm fat and gray headed, but it's been a good laugh to remember that crush and how bad it was. I can only imagine if I'd ever felt that way about the man I ended up marrying!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Myspace Update
So today I've updated my myspace to include a picture of Obama and my about me section to be a rant about Obama and Republicans. I told Renee it was 4:16 on Saturday afternoon, and gave her two names that will bust me big time within 24 hours. Stay tuned for the update.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Reunion Blues
So today I've got the reunion blues! I'm still looking forward to it, but with a little less gusto than I've had. I'm sure that will improve again, we've just had a little problem with the venue and as of right now, we are homeless!
I have all the confidence in the folks working on that piece - and I'm sure we'll have a spot somewhere in this city! I think I'm just gonna take a reunion break for a week or so and let my mind rejuvenate itself!
That being said, school started this week in Nashville. My alma mater, and Renee's, is in dire need of parents to help the band. Same song, different year! This year I just can't commit to much, but I'll do what I can.
Renee and I sat down today with her class and work schedule so I could figure out the exact hours I'll be working for awhile, at least until we get her a car. Hopefully that will be soon.
It's be a lot sooner if that idiot in East Nashville would just pay. Folks tell me it'll get better between us oneday, especially if we are ever grandparents, but I don't see it. I started a new blog - one where I intended to vent all of my frustration, tell everything, sorta like the ultimate therapy trip - BUT - I cannot remember the name of it, my logon (since it was different) or anything. Total blank I draw - go figure that one!
Well, enough blogging for today - think I'll hit the deck for a little vitamin D thru the skin!
I have all the confidence in the folks working on that piece - and I'm sure we'll have a spot somewhere in this city! I think I'm just gonna take a reunion break for a week or so and let my mind rejuvenate itself!
That being said, school started this week in Nashville. My alma mater, and Renee's, is in dire need of parents to help the band. Same song, different year! This year I just can't commit to much, but I'll do what I can.
Renee and I sat down today with her class and work schedule so I could figure out the exact hours I'll be working for awhile, at least until we get her a car. Hopefully that will be soon.
It's be a lot sooner if that idiot in East Nashville would just pay. Folks tell me it'll get better between us oneday, especially if we are ever grandparents, but I don't see it. I started a new blog - one where I intended to vent all of my frustration, tell everything, sorta like the ultimate therapy trip - BUT - I cannot remember the name of it, my logon (since it was different) or anything. Total blank I draw - go figure that one!
Well, enough blogging for today - think I'll hit the deck for a little vitamin D thru the skin!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
I Hate Bitchy Men!
Can I say it loud enough? There's nothing worse that a bitch man!
My husband was a bitch! Oh yeah, don't let him hear anything that remotely resembled gossip, or that you knew something about someone, not only did he tell it, usually to the person it was about, he'd tell you told it, etc. I learned not to say anything in front of him - not even about the time of day!
Now, I'm facing this with my son! Oh yes, the bitch of all times. I'm somewhat involved in neighborhood things and there've been incidences with 2 houses lately in which some of his so-called friends live. I'm not sure these people are friends - they like Lynn when he has cash or they all need a ride - but otherwise, I'm afraid he'd just be stranded if he was the needy party.
But, since he's heard me discussing some of these situations, he's been on the phone to his little punk friends telling them what I've said and calling me a 'snitch'. Now, some of the activity has been illegal. Don't know who they think they're fooling - the whole world knows - but I've gotten to wondering if I'm about to be on a hit list because my bitch son can't keep his mouth shut.
What this means is that I never discuss anything neighborhood again if he's in hearing distance, act like I don't know anything about what's going on, and duck if I hear little pops (a damn daily experience in this 'hood)
Oh, he knows exactly how I feel about what he's done too - rest assured, I am better at being nice and act like I've had some raising on this blog, much more than I am in person, at least dealing with Lynn!
Anyway, if I could raise my leg more than 4 inches, I'd go to East Nashville and kick someone in the shins!
My husband was a bitch! Oh yeah, don't let him hear anything that remotely resembled gossip, or that you knew something about someone, not only did he tell it, usually to the person it was about, he'd tell you told it, etc. I learned not to say anything in front of him - not even about the time of day!
Now, I'm facing this with my son! Oh yes, the bitch of all times. I'm somewhat involved in neighborhood things and there've been incidences with 2 houses lately in which some of his so-called friends live. I'm not sure these people are friends - they like Lynn when he has cash or they all need a ride - but otherwise, I'm afraid he'd just be stranded if he was the needy party.
But, since he's heard me discussing some of these situations, he's been on the phone to his little punk friends telling them what I've said and calling me a 'snitch'. Now, some of the activity has been illegal. Don't know who they think they're fooling - the whole world knows - but I've gotten to wondering if I'm about to be on a hit list because my bitch son can't keep his mouth shut.
What this means is that I never discuss anything neighborhood again if he's in hearing distance, act like I don't know anything about what's going on, and duck if I hear little pops (a damn daily experience in this 'hood)
Oh, he knows exactly how I feel about what he's done too - rest assured, I am better at being nice and act like I've had some raising on this blog, much more than I am in person, at least dealing with Lynn!
Anyway, if I could raise my leg more than 4 inches, I'd go to East Nashville and kick someone in the shins!
Monday, August 11, 2008
RIP Bernie Mac and Isaac Hayes
The entertainment world lost two great icons this weekend, and both men were really way too young.
Bernie Mac - hilarious man! From the Kings of Comedy tour, the movies, especially Ocean's Eleven, and the t.v. show, I stopped clicking the remote if I ran into Bernie anywhere. The show with the kids, well, it got me thru a lot of bad days and made me laugh when I felt like crying dealing with my own kids. His time was way too short and his contributions cut way short.
Shaft - what else can I say? I remember the song so vividly back in the day - I was only 11, but everyone knew about the movie and the soundtrack. There was nothing smother than Isaac Hayes. Then you became "Chef" and showed us all your hysterical side!
My own children have enjoyed both of these men - it is indeed a dark day in our household. We will never forget either of you!
Bernie Mac - hilarious man! From the Kings of Comedy tour, the movies, especially Ocean's Eleven, and the t.v. show, I stopped clicking the remote if I ran into Bernie anywhere. The show with the kids, well, it got me thru a lot of bad days and made me laugh when I felt like crying dealing with my own kids. His time was way too short and his contributions cut way short.
Shaft - what else can I say? I remember the song so vividly back in the day - I was only 11, but everyone knew about the movie and the soundtrack. There was nothing smother than Isaac Hayes. Then you became "Chef" and showed us all your hysterical side!
My own children have enjoyed both of these men - it is indeed a dark day in our household. We will never forget either of you!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Reunion Updates
OK - so I told you you'd get tired of hearing about it.
We had a very successful meeting yesterday - even got a piece of chocolate pie too - which is heavenly!
It's about 7 weeks away and things seem to be coming along nicely. I believe the venue is square now - some changes there that had me a little nervous - but ok now. RSVP's are starting to come in a little more regular, and daily, so it's fun seeing who is planning on coming!
We're going to have blue and red flowers - Glencliff's colors are red and light blue - similar to what the old Houston Oilers had - well exactly actually! Still one of my favorite color combos of all times!
I'm really tired today though, so I'm going to close now and blog again when my brain has more strength!
We had a very successful meeting yesterday - even got a piece of chocolate pie too - which is heavenly!
It's about 7 weeks away and things seem to be coming along nicely. I believe the venue is square now - some changes there that had me a little nervous - but ok now. RSVP's are starting to come in a little more regular, and daily, so it's fun seeing who is planning on coming!
We're going to have blue and red flowers - Glencliff's colors are red and light blue - similar to what the old Houston Oilers had - well exactly actually! Still one of my favorite color combos of all times!
I'm really tired today though, so I'm going to close now and blog again when my brain has more strength!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Brad Paisley - Champion of World Peace
Does that title sound weird? If you've ever listened to one of Brad's songs, the words and the spirit in which he sings them lend to keeping the peace, especially in couples, in so many ways.
To start with, he just plain out makes fun of the way men are, but in a kind way, one that would make the hardest hearted of women stop and say, "Hey, he's got a point!".
His songs have made me cry, and made me laugh hysterically. I mean, the one where he's gonna miss her, but wait, he's got a bite. What woman couldn't love a man desperately if he sang "She's Everything" about her? I laughed my ass off at "I'm Still a Guy" and for a brief moment, think my heart softened just a little bit in regard to my ex-husband and some of his behavior.
But, the best song ever, ever, EVER is "Waiting on a Woman". The song pairs up an old man, talking to a young man, and how waiting on a woman would never be 'wasted time'. Hmm, one of Brad's album titles!
In my married life, I was always the one ready first, with the kids ready, and I waited. So, no comparison for me. But, my dad waited on my mother as long as I can remember to be ready. He'd be ready, pace for 1/2 hour, then go out to wash the car because he had to spend up some energy and she'd already yelled at him three times about the pacing!
The best part though is the chorus about men dying first, because their woman is not ready, and waiting on her inside heaven. My dad went almost 8 years before my mom - when I listen to the last verse of the song, I could picture him pacing around, licking his thumb and rubbing it against his forefinger, just one of his habits. But, I'm sure when she got there he grinned that little special grin as he said "you finally ready?"
AND, if there were cars in heaven, they were all washed up real clean!
To start with, he just plain out makes fun of the way men are, but in a kind way, one that would make the hardest hearted of women stop and say, "Hey, he's got a point!".
His songs have made me cry, and made me laugh hysterically. I mean, the one where he's gonna miss her, but wait, he's got a bite. What woman couldn't love a man desperately if he sang "She's Everything" about her? I laughed my ass off at "I'm Still a Guy" and for a brief moment, think my heart softened just a little bit in regard to my ex-husband and some of his behavior.
But, the best song ever, ever, EVER is "Waiting on a Woman". The song pairs up an old man, talking to a young man, and how waiting on a woman would never be 'wasted time'. Hmm, one of Brad's album titles!
In my married life, I was always the one ready first, with the kids ready, and I waited. So, no comparison for me. But, my dad waited on my mother as long as I can remember to be ready. He'd be ready, pace for 1/2 hour, then go out to wash the car because he had to spend up some energy and she'd already yelled at him three times about the pacing!
The best part though is the chorus about men dying first, because their woman is not ready, and waiting on her inside heaven. My dad went almost 8 years before my mom - when I listen to the last verse of the song, I could picture him pacing around, licking his thumb and rubbing it against his forefinger, just one of his habits. But, I'm sure when she got there he grinned that little special grin as he said "you finally ready?"
AND, if there were cars in heaven, they were all washed up real clean!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Community Work
This week, National Night Out Against Crime is Tuesday, August 8.
There will be a big party at the neighborhood high school - we're going to have hot dogs, popcorn, cotton candy, juice, water, a misting tent! big fans with water! a big circus tent! a big bingo game and activities for the kids like a moon bounce and some games.
Now I call all blow up with a generator bouncy things a moon bounce - no matter what they really are - space shuttle, king kong (yes, you should see it) or the duck - they are all moon bounce.
I would normally be really looking forward to this afternoon, I get to work at the registration table for the neighborhood association, which means I get to talk to everyone that comes by. Talking is my passion, if I'd ever had a job that paid me be the word, well, this blog wouldn't be here, or if it was, it'd be coming at you live from the beach on some remote Caribbean island I'd bought. One not too far out so I could have a bridge to themainland - well, that's a few blogs and a lot of psycho-therapy from ever being fixed.
Anyway, I think it'll be a great day - lots of activities, lots of community groups coming to have booths, police and fire, government departments with information, etc.
BUT, it's supposed to be 98 damn degrees Tuesday afternoon at 3:00!!!
For me that means stifling air that doesn't go much past my adam's apple, and certainly doesn't come close to inflating my lungs, even with all the albuterol I'll suck down. And, since I don't normally have enough sense to take care of myself on days like this, and I have this horrible habit of not saying NO, my sister Amy and my daughter Renee have forbade me to be there! Probably a good thing, I don't remember seeing an ambulance on the list of guests!
There will be a big party at the neighborhood high school - we're going to have hot dogs, popcorn, cotton candy, juice, water, a misting tent! big fans with water! a big circus tent! a big bingo game and activities for the kids like a moon bounce and some games.
Now I call all blow up with a generator bouncy things a moon bounce - no matter what they really are - space shuttle, king kong (yes, you should see it) or the duck - they are all moon bounce.
I would normally be really looking forward to this afternoon, I get to work at the registration table for the neighborhood association, which means I get to talk to everyone that comes by. Talking is my passion, if I'd ever had a job that paid me be the word, well, this blog wouldn't be here, or if it was, it'd be coming at you live from the beach on some remote Caribbean island I'd bought. One not too far out so I could have a bridge to themainland - well, that's a few blogs and a lot of psycho-therapy from ever being fixed.
Anyway, I think it'll be a great day - lots of activities, lots of community groups coming to have booths, police and fire, government departments with information, etc.
BUT, it's supposed to be 98 damn degrees Tuesday afternoon at 3:00!!!
For me that means stifling air that doesn't go much past my adam's apple, and certainly doesn't come close to inflating my lungs, even with all the albuterol I'll suck down. And, since I don't normally have enough sense to take care of myself on days like this, and I have this horrible habit of not saying NO, my sister Amy and my daughter Renee have forbade me to be there! Probably a good thing, I don't remember seeing an ambulance on the list of guests!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Can You Believe This?
OK - after all of the time I've sworn I would not give the man a nickel's break on what he owed me, I decided to sit down and recalculate child support.
I went back to the time I'd left him, calculcated the original amount I'd ask for of $100.00 per week - more than reasonable, but he said $400.00 per month was a lot of money!!!. I even reduced it to $50.00 per week after Renee graduated from high school. Added up to November 11 this year when Lynn turns 18, added the costs of their insurance premiums which I was granted by the court, and reduced it by not only what he has paid thru the courts but what he paid me before I got the court order. That whopping amount was $300.00 in 18 months!!
I didn't charge him the extra $20.00 per week I got in court because he declined any visitation with the kids. I didn't add up all the copays and deductibles I'd paid thru the years either.
Anyway, after all of that, the amount was $19,500 - about 10 grand less than what the state says he owes. But, I'll take it IF it means I never am forced to deal with him ever again.
BUT, guess what? Yep - he says that's too much and he's choosing just to forget it and not pay anything. And do you know how much that frickin idiot asshole paid this week - a whole $5.00 - yes FIVE DOLLARS!
If I'm ever forced to have to speak to him, he's always handy to tell me he's looking forward to the day that Jesus says to him something like 'well done good and faithful servant, enter into the gates of heaven.' Gives me the chance to remind him that first St. Peter's going to ask if he paid all of his child support! Shuts him up real quick!
I really believe there is a special place in hell for men like him!
I went back to the time I'd left him, calculcated the original amount I'd ask for of $100.00 per week - more than reasonable, but he said $400.00 per month was a lot of money!!!. I even reduced it to $50.00 per week after Renee graduated from high school. Added up to November 11 this year when Lynn turns 18, added the costs of their insurance premiums which I was granted by the court, and reduced it by not only what he has paid thru the courts but what he paid me before I got the court order. That whopping amount was $300.00 in 18 months!!
I didn't charge him the extra $20.00 per week I got in court because he declined any visitation with the kids. I didn't add up all the copays and deductibles I'd paid thru the years either.
Anyway, after all of that, the amount was $19,500 - about 10 grand less than what the state says he owes. But, I'll take it IF it means I never am forced to deal with him ever again.
BUT, guess what? Yep - he says that's too much and he's choosing just to forget it and not pay anything. And do you know how much that frickin idiot asshole paid this week - a whole $5.00 - yes FIVE DOLLARS!
If I'm ever forced to have to speak to him, he's always handy to tell me he's looking forward to the day that Jesus says to him something like 'well done good and faithful servant, enter into the gates of heaven.' Gives me the chance to remind him that first St. Peter's going to ask if he paid all of his child support! Shuts him up real quick!
I really believe there is a special place in hell for men like him!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
I've mentioned the class reunion coming up. As that time nears, I'm starting to feel a little stressed, but that's my personality on wanting everything to be picture perfect. I'm working on letting that go.
I did get my yearbooks out last weekend - an old friend from school who has remained a family friend for 30 years came over and we were discussing the reunion, etc. It was great fun to look at the yearbooks, and I've done so over and over, because everytime I look at them I'm remembering something I'd either totally forgotten or realizing something I'd never noticed, can't decide which on that. But it has been fun remembering people and updating on what we know about who.
One of the inevitables is that a lot of our folks have shuffled off this mortal coil in the last 30 years. In fact, just last week, two persons I remember well passed. One of them no word on what happened, not even a funeral service. On the other, we heard it was a heart attack. Kinda scary, but given our age, very probable, and especially given that heart disease is the leading cause of death among women, mostly because we think we're not the ones.
One thing I have rather enjoyed is this - looking at the pictures of us in those great 70's clothes and hair styles, earth shoes, wide belts and ties - well - in our faces you could see the future. I can still remember how it felt to be 17 or 18 and have the whole world laid out in front of me and feel like nothing was impossible. That feeling is why we go back, why we have reunions, and why we try to remember everyone and everything from those days - it's to recapture the way we were before the world's reality set in. Now don't get me wrong here, I'm not on a downer at all, I'm just saying there is a time of innocence that we find ourselves longing for, if only for a moment, now and then.
And, while everything may not be picture perfect that night in my mind's eye, if each of us can catch up with an old friend, laugh, remember those days with a warm heart and sincere smile, then we'll have had great success. I just can't wait!!
I did get my yearbooks out last weekend - an old friend from school who has remained a family friend for 30 years came over and we were discussing the reunion, etc. It was great fun to look at the yearbooks, and I've done so over and over, because everytime I look at them I'm remembering something I'd either totally forgotten or realizing something I'd never noticed, can't decide which on that. But it has been fun remembering people and updating on what we know about who.
One of the inevitables is that a lot of our folks have shuffled off this mortal coil in the last 30 years. In fact, just last week, two persons I remember well passed. One of them no word on what happened, not even a funeral service. On the other, we heard it was a heart attack. Kinda scary, but given our age, very probable, and especially given that heart disease is the leading cause of death among women, mostly because we think we're not the ones.
One thing I have rather enjoyed is this - looking at the pictures of us in those great 70's clothes and hair styles, earth shoes, wide belts and ties - well - in our faces you could see the future. I can still remember how it felt to be 17 or 18 and have the whole world laid out in front of me and feel like nothing was impossible. That feeling is why we go back, why we have reunions, and why we try to remember everyone and everything from those days - it's to recapture the way we were before the world's reality set in. Now don't get me wrong here, I'm not on a downer at all, I'm just saying there is a time of innocence that we find ourselves longing for, if only for a moment, now and then.
And, while everything may not be picture perfect that night in my mind's eye, if each of us can catch up with an old friend, laugh, remember those days with a warm heart and sincere smile, then we'll have had great success. I just can't wait!!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Child Support Hell
I'm sure any of you who've had to deal with child support could not have had a bigger idiot or asshole to deal with as I have - at least, I hope for your sakes you didn't.
The entire time I was married to him, he swore that he'd kill me dead before he'd pay me a dime. I've never decided for sure if that was one reason I stayed 10 years too long - could have been - but that's probably a book in itself.
Anyway, for the first year or so we were separated, I didn't do anything legal. Then, after my mom died I proceeded with divorce proceedings. Some of that was to keep him from calling her, etc., part was probably to spare her any added misery, and part was to spare me from both of them.
So, we go to court in November 2003 at which time I am awarded over $800.00 per month child support. He was driving a truck, making good money, and declined visitation with the kids (which gave me an extra $20.00 per week). He promptly left the courtroom, drove to his employer and quit his job!
To cut to the chase, I've collected about $6K the last two years from him - because the child support office has garnisheed everything they can. And, the monthly amount was reduced a couple of times because our daughter aged out and because he claims not to have any income at all now.
So, I am three months from my youngest child being 18 years old at which point the child support will stop accumulating. And, currently, he owes me over $29,000.00!!!!
And, it appears that he may actually be able to pay me off - not that he wants to or that he's not trying every way possible not to - in the fairly near future. He wants to settle for a lesser amount and call everything else even. In my mind, I might could agree to something, but my dollar amount and his will never mesh. One of my friends asked me why I'd even consider settling for a lesser amount - I have no answer for that. Except, that my mom said it best, I was stupid when I was with him. And, he's not cute, charming, or nice. Even Dr. Phil couldn't help that one!
AND, the kicker is - he wants to be able to dictate how the money is spent!! After 6 years of being alone all the time with the kids, him never taking them even for a day, 6 years of me being the one to do without so that they could have everything they needed and all they wanted I could afford to give them, 6 years of me working long hours, and multiple jobs, even after I went on 100% disability, 6 years of his judgmental degradation about any mistake Lynn makes but no accolades for either of them's accomplishments and successes. His comment to Renee was to make sure "your momma splits this money between you and Lynn"!
Is this man for real? Can you imagine how stupid I think he is - I won't be angry because I won't give him that control, but, the fact that after all these years he thinks I'm still stupid about him, in fact, he's banking on it, does chap my ass a bit! Then Amy says for me to be careful, if they make him pay me, he'll be over here trying to come back!! OMG - if anybody sees anything to make you suspect at all I've lost my mind, because that's what it would have to be, please please call the men in white coats and have me locked up!
Don't anybody get excited, or look for the postcard from the islands, I'll believe it when I see it!
The entire time I was married to him, he swore that he'd kill me dead before he'd pay me a dime. I've never decided for sure if that was one reason I stayed 10 years too long - could have been - but that's probably a book in itself.
Anyway, for the first year or so we were separated, I didn't do anything legal. Then, after my mom died I proceeded with divorce proceedings. Some of that was to keep him from calling her, etc., part was probably to spare her any added misery, and part was to spare me from both of them.
So, we go to court in November 2003 at which time I am awarded over $800.00 per month child support. He was driving a truck, making good money, and declined visitation with the kids (which gave me an extra $20.00 per week). He promptly left the courtroom, drove to his employer and quit his job!
To cut to the chase, I've collected about $6K the last two years from him - because the child support office has garnisheed everything they can. And, the monthly amount was reduced a couple of times because our daughter aged out and because he claims not to have any income at all now.
So, I am three months from my youngest child being 18 years old at which point the child support will stop accumulating. And, currently, he owes me over $29,000.00!!!!
And, it appears that he may actually be able to pay me off - not that he wants to or that he's not trying every way possible not to - in the fairly near future. He wants to settle for a lesser amount and call everything else even. In my mind, I might could agree to something, but my dollar amount and his will never mesh. One of my friends asked me why I'd even consider settling for a lesser amount - I have no answer for that. Except, that my mom said it best, I was stupid when I was with him. And, he's not cute, charming, or nice. Even Dr. Phil couldn't help that one!
AND, the kicker is - he wants to be able to dictate how the money is spent!! After 6 years of being alone all the time with the kids, him never taking them even for a day, 6 years of me being the one to do without so that they could have everything they needed and all they wanted I could afford to give them, 6 years of me working long hours, and multiple jobs, even after I went on 100% disability, 6 years of his judgmental degradation about any mistake Lynn makes but no accolades for either of them's accomplishments and successes. His comment to Renee was to make sure "your momma splits this money between you and Lynn"!
Is this man for real? Can you imagine how stupid I think he is - I won't be angry because I won't give him that control, but, the fact that after all these years he thinks I'm still stupid about him, in fact, he's banking on it, does chap my ass a bit! Then Amy says for me to be careful, if they make him pay me, he'll be over here trying to come back!! OMG - if anybody sees anything to make you suspect at all I've lost my mind, because that's what it would have to be, please please call the men in white coats and have me locked up!
Don't anybody get excited, or look for the postcard from the islands, I'll believe it when I see it!
So, It's my Blog!
I got to thinking this week that I've not been blogging as much as I use to - and wondering why. Part of that I'm sure is that I am extremely busy right now - this week I worked 4 days at my part time job - something I don't like to do and takes way too much of a physical toll on me. Note to self - don't do that again!
And then I wondered if my tendency to skip blogging is that I've become aware that there are several folks reading my blog on a regular basis. That thrills me, but at the same time, I had a few days of cold feet during which I thought things like "be careful what you say" and "what if I hurt someone's feelings", etc. I suppose those moments of self-doubt creep over everybody, and I'm happy to report that mine are less frequent than they once were!
So, all of that said, I think I'm back.
And then I wondered if my tendency to skip blogging is that I've become aware that there are several folks reading my blog on a regular basis. That thrills me, but at the same time, I had a few days of cold feet during which I thought things like "be careful what you say" and "what if I hurt someone's feelings", etc. I suppose those moments of self-doubt creep over everybody, and I'm happy to report that mine are less frequent than they once were!
So, all of that said, I think I'm back.
Monday, July 21, 2008
4 Random Sentences
I need to finish this post, I've really got to pee. Are the pie crusts thawed enough to prick yet? I hope Jimbo don't start coming to my house often. Wonder if Lynn is asleep?
One of the blogs I read, Shamelessly Sassy, you have to read it. She wrote just 4 random thoughts yesterday and challenged us all. Fun!
One of the blogs I read, Shamelessly Sassy, you have to read it. She wrote just 4 random thoughts yesterday and challenged us all. Fun!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
MowMow MooMoo
We had a very pleasant surprise last night - some friends who used to live in Nashville and now live in Huntington (about 120 miles west of here) called and were in town. They came by to visit, Ranessa, Lathan, his friend Ian, and Zipporrah.
When I met Ranessa, my son and her sons had become friends. So, we have 4 teenagers between us, then a little over two years ago, Zipporrah arrived. We were pretty excited here, for one thing we had not had a baby in our family for a long time. And, things had been a little rough for Ranessa, so that both of them were doing fine was a blessing. And, Zippy, as we call her in my house, was born on Big Blake's birthday.
I hadn't seen her for close to a year, and how she has changed. She's up running around everywhere, and in typical 2 year old fashion, all on her tippy toes. Talking ninety miles an hour and spotted the cat the minute she walked in. I could hear her going "mow mow, mow mow" all over the place.
I've noticed little kids do not say 'me-ow' with two syllables. It's always 'mow' just one sysllable rhyming with 'how'. So, Zip is running around calling 'mow mow, mow mow' and the cat is trying not to be seen.
We tried to tell her his name is "Moo Moo". He is named that because he is marked up just like a big fat holstein, and really resembles one of the little "Mary's Moo Moo" cow figurines that are doing a number of tasks, etc.
So she said 'moo moo' once, then she said 'mooooooooo' 'cow'. Hysterical. Try telling a two year old that the CAT is named MOO when MOO to her means COW. Good laugh for everyone.
I did forget how much energy a 2 year old has!
When I met Ranessa, my son and her sons had become friends. So, we have 4 teenagers between us, then a little over two years ago, Zipporrah arrived. We were pretty excited here, for one thing we had not had a baby in our family for a long time. And, things had been a little rough for Ranessa, so that both of them were doing fine was a blessing. And, Zippy, as we call her in my house, was born on Big Blake's birthday.
I hadn't seen her for close to a year, and how she has changed. She's up running around everywhere, and in typical 2 year old fashion, all on her tippy toes. Talking ninety miles an hour and spotted the cat the minute she walked in. I could hear her going "mow mow, mow mow" all over the place.
I've noticed little kids do not say 'me-ow' with two syllables. It's always 'mow' just one sysllable rhyming with 'how'. So, Zip is running around calling 'mow mow, mow mow' and the cat is trying not to be seen.
We tried to tell her his name is "Moo Moo". He is named that because he is marked up just like a big fat holstein, and really resembles one of the little "Mary's Moo Moo" cow figurines that are doing a number of tasks, etc.
So she said 'moo moo' once, then she said 'mooooooooo' 'cow'. Hysterical. Try telling a two year old that the CAT is named MOO when MOO to her means COW. Good laugh for everyone.
I did forget how much energy a 2 year old has!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Where Did the Week Go?
It's already Thursday morning - I'm working at home today which means I should really get up and get busy - I've got a million things to do. But, I can't believe it is Thursday already.
Remember when we were kids and each day seemed to last a year or two? It felt that way, especially during the school year when we just lived for Christmas break or summer!! I guess those days go so slow because you really don't have to do anything, you're just rolling along, playing kickball, fighting with the neighbor kids, making up shortly, riding bikes, sneaking off to the Dairy King to get an ice cream cone when you're sure your mom won't come down the big hill and catch you!
Now those were the days. Today, I need to do laundry, (somewhat embarassing, I am out of drawers!), work on the class reunion, work on the history project and get something done, organize myself for the book club meeting next Monday, hem a bridesmaid dress for an upcoming wedding, clean my bathroom, get some cooking done (yesterday was CSA day), follow up on a couple of things for a friend I work for part-time, deal with Lynn by talking to his therapist, and what am I doing? Crusing the 'net, reading blogs, posting to this one, just generally avoiding the day's required work as long as possible.
All the time knowing, that when I get started the day will be over before I know it, I'll only have 20% done what I thought I wanted to do, and I'll be exhausted and hobble off to bed.
I guess I'd better get started, the cat is looking at me all evil because his waterer is empty.
Remember when we were kids and each day seemed to last a year or two? It felt that way, especially during the school year when we just lived for Christmas break or summer!! I guess those days go so slow because you really don't have to do anything, you're just rolling along, playing kickball, fighting with the neighbor kids, making up shortly, riding bikes, sneaking off to the Dairy King to get an ice cream cone when you're sure your mom won't come down the big hill and catch you!
Now those were the days. Today, I need to do laundry, (somewhat embarassing, I am out of drawers!), work on the class reunion, work on the history project and get something done, organize myself for the book club meeting next Monday, hem a bridesmaid dress for an upcoming wedding, clean my bathroom, get some cooking done (yesterday was CSA day), follow up on a couple of things for a friend I work for part-time, deal with Lynn by talking to his therapist, and what am I doing? Crusing the 'net, reading blogs, posting to this one, just generally avoiding the day's required work as long as possible.
All the time knowing, that when I get started the day will be over before I know it, I'll only have 20% done what I thought I wanted to do, and I'll be exhausted and hobble off to bed.
I guess I'd better get started, the cat is looking at me all evil because his waterer is empty.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Sunday, Sunday
la la la da da da, Can't rest that day.....
Sunday always seem to be a busy day unless I specifically plan to sit in bed all day. Even then, unless both of my kids are out of town, I mean hundreds of miles away, it never works.
Got up early this morning, did the shower bit and headed to church a little earlier than usual. We have a church member whose mission is to get up early every morning and make his rounds to some grocery stores. He collects the food that's been pulled from the shelves and is about to go in the dumpster, most of which is still fine just not for the retail shelf. That food is supplementing not only our entire church family, but loads of friends and neighbors. This morning I loaded up my van to share with a few families I know, and brought home plenty for my own family. I did attend preaching too!
I mention this only to say the following - in the future we may all see that the acquirement of food to eat becomes more of full time job than the casual jump in the car, drive to Kroger task it has been for so many years. I don't want to go all 'Ruby Ridgish" here, but, I am trying to keep my eyes and options open. Readily available food may not always be our way of life. If I never realized or believe that before, I think about the multitude of folks who are benefiting from what's taking place at church and the folks who belong to the CSA's. Add to that the almost daily reminder that our food banks have diminished supplies and funds because of the demand - I know I'm right about looking for other options, etc.
Today I planned on doing some cooking up for the week - I still had produce to take care of before it was lost to spoilage. So that is in progress, and I get some more much appreciated help - my sister Amy and her husband Ben are starting a new eating plan tomorrow which required them to do some clearing of their own pantry - lucky for me and my kids!
So, sometime later today I will be glad to get up in my bed and rest. And be ever so thankful for the blessings of a good food supply my family has for the next week or two - it will give me a little room to be generous to those less blessed.
Today's challenge for you - give some thing, some money or some time away to someone less blessed than yourself!
Sunday always seem to be a busy day unless I specifically plan to sit in bed all day. Even then, unless both of my kids are out of town, I mean hundreds of miles away, it never works.
Got up early this morning, did the shower bit and headed to church a little earlier than usual. We have a church member whose mission is to get up early every morning and make his rounds to some grocery stores. He collects the food that's been pulled from the shelves and is about to go in the dumpster, most of which is still fine just not for the retail shelf. That food is supplementing not only our entire church family, but loads of friends and neighbors. This morning I loaded up my van to share with a few families I know, and brought home plenty for my own family. I did attend preaching too!
I mention this only to say the following - in the future we may all see that the acquirement of food to eat becomes more of full time job than the casual jump in the car, drive to Kroger task it has been for so many years. I don't want to go all 'Ruby Ridgish" here, but, I am trying to keep my eyes and options open. Readily available food may not always be our way of life. If I never realized or believe that before, I think about the multitude of folks who are benefiting from what's taking place at church and the folks who belong to the CSA's. Add to that the almost daily reminder that our food banks have diminished supplies and funds because of the demand - I know I'm right about looking for other options, etc.
Today I planned on doing some cooking up for the week - I still had produce to take care of before it was lost to spoilage. So that is in progress, and I get some more much appreciated help - my sister Amy and her husband Ben are starting a new eating plan tomorrow which required them to do some clearing of their own pantry - lucky for me and my kids!
So, sometime later today I will be glad to get up in my bed and rest. And be ever so thankful for the blessings of a good food supply my family has for the next week or two - it will give me a little room to be generous to those less blessed.
Today's challenge for you - give some thing, some money or some time away to someone less blessed than yourself!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
More Reunion News!
I'm sure that before September 27, my regular readers (and thank you all very very much) will get tired of hearing about the class reunion. Sorry, I'm pretty excited about it, but I promise not to get too way out of hand.
We met today at Rippy's in downtown Nashville. Three of the folks who came I had not seen in years so it was great to do some catching up, etc. Jane, our organizer, had brought the composite picture of our class (1978) so there was lots of "What ever happened to?" and "Do you ever see?", which was great fun.
We'll meet again in 4 weeks - next time we are meeting at The Diary King!! Now, if you're from Woodbine or anywhere remotely south in Davidson County, you know the "Dairy Dip". Jeff Jones, the owner, has an eat-in restaurant too which he has graciously offered to us whenever we want or need to meet. Thanks Jeff!
We did try the "Hog Sampler Platter" today while at Rippy's. Ribs, smoked sausage, brisket, chicken wings (hotter than blazes), cheese, onion rings, and pickles. I may have skipped something - but all very tasty. Rippy's will be catering the reunion with a Southern BBQ buffet so we will have excellent eats.
Biggest obstacle we face right now is getting the word out. We're not requiring reservations, but asking for RSVP's so we can get in the ballpark on food. Did I say this reunion is the entire decade of the 70's? It is, that's 10 years plus we are not excluding anybody from the late 60's or early 80's that was part of the high school experience with someone from the 70's. Potentially, we could have 1000 folks show up - I doubt that - but I would love to see 300-400 at least.
Well, that's it for the reunion right now. I have some work to do but I am shifting gears as of tomorrow and hitting the history project head on. I've set an August 30 deadline for myself and intend to keep it!
We met today at Rippy's in downtown Nashville. Three of the folks who came I had not seen in years so it was great to do some catching up, etc. Jane, our organizer, had brought the composite picture of our class (1978) so there was lots of "What ever happened to?" and "Do you ever see?", which was great fun.
We'll meet again in 4 weeks - next time we are meeting at The Diary King!! Now, if you're from Woodbine or anywhere remotely south in Davidson County, you know the "Dairy Dip". Jeff Jones, the owner, has an eat-in restaurant too which he has graciously offered to us whenever we want or need to meet. Thanks Jeff!
We did try the "Hog Sampler Platter" today while at Rippy's. Ribs, smoked sausage, brisket, chicken wings (hotter than blazes), cheese, onion rings, and pickles. I may have skipped something - but all very tasty. Rippy's will be catering the reunion with a Southern BBQ buffet so we will have excellent eats.
Biggest obstacle we face right now is getting the word out. We're not requiring reservations, but asking for RSVP's so we can get in the ballpark on food. Did I say this reunion is the entire decade of the 70's? It is, that's 10 years plus we are not excluding anybody from the late 60's or early 80's that was part of the high school experience with someone from the 70's. Potentially, we could have 1000 folks show up - I doubt that - but I would love to see 300-400 at least.
Well, that's it for the reunion right now. I have some work to do but I am shifting gears as of tomorrow and hitting the history project head on. I've set an August 30 deadline for myself and intend to keep it!
Friday, July 11, 2008
A Busy Week Indeed!
I can't believe I haven't posted all week - I knew I had been busy, but I didn't realize just how much until today.
I don't remember everything I did either! I know I had a meeting about the history project that went quite well, but, I will be so glad to be done with it! Met with Lynn's DCS and Phoenix Home folks yesterday - more on that in a minute. I've worked about 18 hours this week and have a class reunion meeting tomorrow. Whew!
I've said it before, but I want to say it again, I hope you NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER ever find youself having to deal with DCS. I've been dealing with them a year and still don't see rhyme or reason in what they do. And, it's all a game. Lynn has learned to play it quite well because he is always a player. As the roster changes from meeting to meeting, I've found it quite interesting to see who's playing who this time. I'm making notes, believe me when I say that when we are done with this, I'm going to write an expose' for the papers. I've seen every one of Lynn's therapist and case managers lie - if that gives you a clue - like I said it depends on who the audience is on who's lying this time.
I'm pretty excited about tomorrow - I'm a little worried about where we're meeting - and I need to check with them to be sure they can accomodate me with seating. We were supposed to meet on the roof of Rippy's in downtown Nashville, BUT, they have 20 steps and no elevator!! Besides, it'll be 95 degrees tomorrow so I'm thinking we just can't be up there. But, I'm excited because I believe some new folks are coming, and some I haven't seen for several years. Should be fun.
Right now, I'm looking for a poem or song lyrics that would do for the memorial table. Think about that and let me hear something from you. I've considered "One Sweet Day" by Mariah and "Who You'd Be Today" by Kenny Chesney. BUT, we went to school in the 70's so it would be cool to use something from back then. I really hope somebody suggest something!
I don't remember everything I did either! I know I had a meeting about the history project that went quite well, but, I will be so glad to be done with it! Met with Lynn's DCS and Phoenix Home folks yesterday - more on that in a minute. I've worked about 18 hours this week and have a class reunion meeting tomorrow. Whew!
I've said it before, but I want to say it again, I hope you NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER ever find youself having to deal with DCS. I've been dealing with them a year and still don't see rhyme or reason in what they do. And, it's all a game. Lynn has learned to play it quite well because he is always a player. As the roster changes from meeting to meeting, I've found it quite interesting to see who's playing who this time. I'm making notes, believe me when I say that when we are done with this, I'm going to write an expose' for the papers. I've seen every one of Lynn's therapist and case managers lie - if that gives you a clue - like I said it depends on who the audience is on who's lying this time.
I'm pretty excited about tomorrow - I'm a little worried about where we're meeting - and I need to check with them to be sure they can accomodate me with seating. We were supposed to meet on the roof of Rippy's in downtown Nashville, BUT, they have 20 steps and no elevator!! Besides, it'll be 95 degrees tomorrow so I'm thinking we just can't be up there. But, I'm excited because I believe some new folks are coming, and some I haven't seen for several years. Should be fun.
Right now, I'm looking for a poem or song lyrics that would do for the memorial table. Think about that and let me hear something from you. I've considered "One Sweet Day" by Mariah and "Who You'd Be Today" by Kenny Chesney. BUT, we went to school in the 70's so it would be cool to use something from back then. I really hope somebody suggest something!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Obama Baby!
Well - that's the way I've been hearing it for months!
Yes - I've said it before and I'll say it again - I am still a Hillary girl BUT most importantly, I am a Democrat and think that we must have a Democrat in the White House to 1 - get us out of the friggin mess we're in and 2 - lead us somewhere besides the poorhouse or prison camps.
If you can, please go to and sign up to get email updates, etc. Make a donation if you can at all, and believe me, I totally understand when you can't because there's not enough money left to eat after you've bought gas to go to work and back.
I'm attached a link to an interview in Rolling Stone - good reading!
Yes - I've said it before and I'll say it again - I am still a Hillary girl BUT most importantly, I am a Democrat and think that we must have a Democrat in the White House to 1 - get us out of the friggin mess we're in and 2 - lead us somewhere besides the poorhouse or prison camps.
If you can, please go to and sign up to get email updates, etc. Make a donation if you can at all, and believe me, I totally understand when you can't because there's not enough money left to eat after you've bought gas to go to work and back.
I'm attached a link to an interview in Rolling Stone - good reading!
Family Tree Research
My sister Amy signed up with and started to build our family tree. I did some work about 9 years ago for a few months - can't believe it's been that long! I can say this - the websites designed for this type work, etc. have come a long way.
I've passed on the stuff I had to Amy to add in - the coolest thing about now is that if you hit a common person to another person's public tree - you can link them, giving you the opportunity to share but expanding both trees.
Of course you can keep your tree private if you're not inclined to share. There are some folks who don't like to share if they've done the research themselves, but as for me, share on! What good is any knowledge I have if I keep it to myself?
They've also got book publishing capablility and poster options. You can actually upload pictures of your relatives into the software and create a poster with 4, 5 or 7 generations, including pictures. I sampled one of those today - I'm thinking it might be something cute for the kids for Christmas! Renee would definitely appreciate it now and I can hope Lynn would some day.
Random note: If you have speakers and can hear my playlist on the blog - the first song now is "Hey Mama" by Kanye West. Lynn introduced me to this song about 1 1/2 years ago and said he wanted to dedicate it to me. SO, even if he doesn't act like he knows anything - I know he does!!
I've passed on the stuff I had to Amy to add in - the coolest thing about now is that if you hit a common person to another person's public tree - you can link them, giving you the opportunity to share but expanding both trees.
Of course you can keep your tree private if you're not inclined to share. There are some folks who don't like to share if they've done the research themselves, but as for me, share on! What good is any knowledge I have if I keep it to myself?
They've also got book publishing capablility and poster options. You can actually upload pictures of your relatives into the software and create a poster with 4, 5 or 7 generations, including pictures. I sampled one of those today - I'm thinking it might be something cute for the kids for Christmas! Renee would definitely appreciate it now and I can hope Lynn would some day.
Random note: If you have speakers and can hear my playlist on the blog - the first song now is "Hey Mama" by Kanye West. Lynn introduced me to this song about 1 1/2 years ago and said he wanted to dedicate it to me. SO, even if he doesn't act like he knows anything - I know he does!!
Friday, July 4, 2008
Life according to George Carlin
I good friend sent this to me today via email - I thought it was great, especially since my earlier post had been so negative. Read and enjoy!
George Carlin on age.
(Absolutely Brilliant)
Do you realize that the only time in our lives when we like to get old is when we're kids? If you're less than 10 years old, you're so excited about aging that you think in fractions.
'How old are you?' 'I'm four and a half!' You're never thirty-six and a half. You're four and a half, going on five! That's the key
You get into your teens, now they can't hold you back. You jump to the next number, or even a few ahead.
'How old are you?' 'I'm gonna be 16!' You could be 13, but hey, you're gonna be 16! And then the greatest day of your life . . You become 21. Even the words sound like a ceremony . YOU BECOME 21 YESSSS!!!
But then you turn 30. Oooohh, what happened there? Makes you sound like bad milk! He TURNED; we had to throw him out. There's no fun now, you're Just a sour-dumpling. What's wrong? What's changed?
You BECOME 21, you TURN 30, then you're PUSHING 40. Whoa! Put on the brakes, it's all slipping away. Before you know it, you REACH 50 and your dreams are gone.
But wait!!! You MAKE it to 60. You didn't think you would!
So you BECOME 21, TURN 30, PUSH 40, REACH 50 and MAKE it to 60.
You've built up so much speed that you HIT 70! After that it's a day-by-day thing; you HIT Wednesday!
You get into your 80's and every day is a complete cycle; you HIT lunch; you TURN 4:30 ; you REACH bedtime. And it doesn't end there. Into the 90s, you start going backwards; 'I Was JUST 92.'
Then a strange thing happens. If you make it over 100, you become a little kid again. 'I'm 100 and a half!'
May you all make it to a healthy 100 and a half!!
1. Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctors worry about them. That is why you pay 'them.'
2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down.
3. Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, craf ts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain idle. 'An idle mind is the devil's workshop' And the devil's name is Alzheimer's.
4. Enjoy the simple things.
5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath.
6. The tears happen. Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person, who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. Be ALIVE while you are alive.
7. Surround yourself with what you love , whether it's family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge.
8. Cherish your health: If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.
9. Don't take guilt trips. Take a trip to the mall, even to the next county; to a foreign country but NOT to where the guilt is.
10. Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,but by the moments that take our breath away.
And if you don't send this to at least 8 people - who cares? But do share this with someone. We all need to live life to its fullest each day!!
George Carlin on age.
(Absolutely Brilliant)
Do you realize that the only time in our lives when we like to get old is when we're kids? If you're less than 10 years old, you're so excited about aging that you think in fractions.
'How old are you?' 'I'm four and a half!' You're never thirty-six and a half. You're four and a half, going on five! That's the key
You get into your teens, now they can't hold you back. You jump to the next number, or even a few ahead.
'How old are you?' 'I'm gonna be 16!' You could be 13, but hey, you're gonna be 16! And then the greatest day of your life . . You become 21. Even the words sound like a ceremony . YOU BECOME 21 YESSSS!!!
But then you turn 30. Oooohh, what happened there? Makes you sound like bad milk! He TURNED; we had to throw him out. There's no fun now, you're Just a sour-dumpling. What's wrong? What's changed?
You BECOME 21, you TURN 30, then you're PUSHING 40. Whoa! Put on the brakes, it's all slipping away. Before you know it, you REACH 50 and your dreams are gone.
But wait!!! You MAKE it to 60. You didn't think you would!
So you BECOME 21, TURN 30, PUSH 40, REACH 50 and MAKE it to 60.
You've built up so much speed that you HIT 70! After that it's a day-by-day thing; you HIT Wednesday!
You get into your 80's and every day is a complete cycle; you HIT lunch; you TURN 4:30 ; you REACH bedtime. And it doesn't end there. Into the 90s, you start going backwards; 'I Was JUST 92.'
Then a strange thing happens. If you make it over 100, you become a little kid again. 'I'm 100 and a half!'
May you all make it to a healthy 100 and a half!!
1. Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctors worry about them. That is why you pay 'them.'
2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down.
3. Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, craf ts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain idle. 'An idle mind is the devil's workshop' And the devil's name is Alzheimer's.
4. Enjoy the simple things.
5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath.
6. The tears happen. Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person, who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. Be ALIVE while you are alive.
7. Surround yourself with what you love , whether it's family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge.
8. Cherish your health: If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.
9. Don't take guilt trips. Take a trip to the mall, even to the next county; to a foreign country but NOT to where the guilt is.
10. Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,but by the moments that take our breath away.
And if you don't send this to at least 8 people - who cares? But do share this with someone. We all need to live life to its fullest each day!!
I am a Disillusioned Woman
Last weekend Lynn and I fought almost all weekend. He has plucked my last nerve, there's just no more I think, no more nerves to be plucked, no more skin to get under, no more hair to pull out. Somewhere in the course of the weekend, actually, when I was driving him back to his foster mother's - which took me ALL DAY Sunday to get him out of my house - he told me I was just a bitter old woman.
Rather stinging words from your son - but I admit I've not cut him any slack lately, about anything.
So during the week I mentioned it to one my friends, who promptly told me I am not a bitter old woman - I am just disillusioned and that is fine!
Been thinking about that - and it's really true. I have fought the bitter root , advice from a former church member about 16 years or so ago.
But I am disillusioned and here's why:
The marriage ended, so what, big deal! No person in my life, family or friend, wanted me to marry him and everyone saw what I didn't. He made me miserable everyday, but somewhere along the line my mom had told me "A bad dad is better than no dad" so I stayed until I just couldn't any longer, and she had long ago thrown in the towel on the idiot.
But, even though it finally ended, like a nightmare you think you'll never wake up from, I've come to realize it was never good. It wasn't like something happened, we didn't fall out of love, we didn't grow apart, it was never good. Wasn't it supposed to be good in the beginning and things just happen that lead you down the road to divorce?
But even that, I can deal with - like I said - who cares? - I'm so much better off and happier.
But then there are the kids! I've spent my whole life raising them, putting them first, and doing without anything I wanted and most stuff I needed to give them things they wanted and I wanted them to have.
Renee - she's appreciative most of the time. She's in school, she's working (2 jobs this summer) and trying to become a young adult who can stand on her own two feet. I worry about her health - she is diabetic - but mostly I worry about the young man she loves. He smothers her, and while that is cute and nice when you're dating, it's a disaster when you are married. He's a nice guy, but he doesn't have enough ambition to suit me and I discuss this with her. Not in the "You have to stop this", but "this may drive you crazy one day" and "you have to decide if you can live with this" kind of statements.
Then along comes Lynn - Lynn who is my payback for every single thing I ever did to upset my mother - down to just plain old stupid stuff like leaving cheese wrappers on the cabinet instead of putting them in the trash. Lynn - who insists he is a grown man, but is about 3 years old in reality. Lynn - who takes almost all of my energy on a daily basis and he's not even in my home full time right now. He's four months from being 18 and flat refuses to get a job. Says he doesn't want to go to school. His explanation to me on how he proposes to support himself is one that will lead to an orange jumpsuit with TDOC written on the back and Sunday visitations, to which I will refuse to go. Lynn who showed up at my house last night and said he'd been here until Sunday when I'd not planned on bringing him home because I needed a break from him. Lynn - who got his GED - thank God - but won't have a senior year, pictures, class ring, or graduation ceremony.
I wonder if I'd be happier if I'd been much more selfish raising them, if I'd made sure I had the things I wanted, if I'd allowed myself to have a social life that didn't revolve around supporting them in school, if I'd just said no to them. So, I am disillusioned. But, in another great saying from my mom, "This too shall pass".
Rather stinging words from your son - but I admit I've not cut him any slack lately, about anything.
So during the week I mentioned it to one my friends, who promptly told me I am not a bitter old woman - I am just disillusioned and that is fine!
Been thinking about that - and it's really true. I have fought the bitter root , advice from a former church member about 16 years or so ago.
But I am disillusioned and here's why:
The marriage ended, so what, big deal! No person in my life, family or friend, wanted me to marry him and everyone saw what I didn't. He made me miserable everyday, but somewhere along the line my mom had told me "A bad dad is better than no dad" so I stayed until I just couldn't any longer, and she had long ago thrown in the towel on the idiot.
But, even though it finally ended, like a nightmare you think you'll never wake up from, I've come to realize it was never good. It wasn't like something happened, we didn't fall out of love, we didn't grow apart, it was never good. Wasn't it supposed to be good in the beginning and things just happen that lead you down the road to divorce?
But even that, I can deal with - like I said - who cares? - I'm so much better off and happier.
But then there are the kids! I've spent my whole life raising them, putting them first, and doing without anything I wanted and most stuff I needed to give them things they wanted and I wanted them to have.
Renee - she's appreciative most of the time. She's in school, she's working (2 jobs this summer) and trying to become a young adult who can stand on her own two feet. I worry about her health - she is diabetic - but mostly I worry about the young man she loves. He smothers her, and while that is cute and nice when you're dating, it's a disaster when you are married. He's a nice guy, but he doesn't have enough ambition to suit me and I discuss this with her. Not in the "You have to stop this", but "this may drive you crazy one day" and "you have to decide if you can live with this" kind of statements.
Then along comes Lynn - Lynn who is my payback for every single thing I ever did to upset my mother - down to just plain old stupid stuff like leaving cheese wrappers on the cabinet instead of putting them in the trash. Lynn - who insists he is a grown man, but is about 3 years old in reality. Lynn - who takes almost all of my energy on a daily basis and he's not even in my home full time right now. He's four months from being 18 and flat refuses to get a job. Says he doesn't want to go to school. His explanation to me on how he proposes to support himself is one that will lead to an orange jumpsuit with TDOC written on the back and Sunday visitations, to which I will refuse to go. Lynn who showed up at my house last night and said he'd been here until Sunday when I'd not planned on bringing him home because I needed a break from him. Lynn - who got his GED - thank God - but won't have a senior year, pictures, class ring, or graduation ceremony.
I wonder if I'd be happier if I'd been much more selfish raising them, if I'd made sure I had the things I wanted, if I'd allowed myself to have a social life that didn't revolve around supporting them in school, if I'd just said no to them. So, I am disillusioned. But, in another great saying from my mom, "This too shall pass".
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Tales of an Idiot Chapter 557
You know I'm talking about the biggest idiot I've ever know, the ex-husband!! I don't have 556 other chapters of documentation about his stupidity, but I could! In fact, that may be a project for the winter. Unfortunately, I've tried to forget as much as possible about him and I'd really like to not dredge back up some of the stuff. Rather embarassing to think of the time and energy I spent dealing with him.
So, for this weeks dose of "Can you believe this idiot?". Renee's boyfriend is having some issues with his car - he needs a water pump. His mom took it to a shop for an estimate which was over $600.00 because they said he needed a timing belt too. I explained to the kids that he didn't really need a timing belt, but since the front of the engine had to come off to do the water pump, it was just easier to replace it then and there instead of going back in - the car's age and mileage warrants doing it. OK - kudos to me for knowing something!
I did suggest Renee could call her dad and asked what he'd charge - he was once a fairly decent mechanic and I really just hoped he'd give Chris a break on the money. Long story short, Renee had to leave a message - and she eventually talked to him and he's supposed to do the work this weekend. When I picked her up from work, she said she'd talked to him and he could do it. He had also explained to her about the timing belt - same think I'd say. So I said to Renee, "please tell me when he said that you said - that's what my momma said", to which she said yes and we died laughing!
When we got home - we discovered the second hysterical part to this story - he called the house before he called Renee's cell phone and left the following message: "Lisa, this is Ron (accentuated because he knows I HATE him being called Ron), (then a long pause), Renee's daddy. Tell her I just got the message and to call me".
I started laughing uncontrollably and hit the replay key for Renee - who said "Like you don't know who the f**k he is".
This is one of those times it doesn't pay to get mad, you just have to laugh. I should feel sorry for the imbecile, but I don't.
So, for this weeks dose of "Can you believe this idiot?". Renee's boyfriend is having some issues with his car - he needs a water pump. His mom took it to a shop for an estimate which was over $600.00 because they said he needed a timing belt too. I explained to the kids that he didn't really need a timing belt, but since the front of the engine had to come off to do the water pump, it was just easier to replace it then and there instead of going back in - the car's age and mileage warrants doing it. OK - kudos to me for knowing something!
I did suggest Renee could call her dad and asked what he'd charge - he was once a fairly decent mechanic and I really just hoped he'd give Chris a break on the money. Long story short, Renee had to leave a message - and she eventually talked to him and he's supposed to do the work this weekend. When I picked her up from work, she said she'd talked to him and he could do it. He had also explained to her about the timing belt - same think I'd say. So I said to Renee, "please tell me when he said that you said - that's what my momma said", to which she said yes and we died laughing!
When we got home - we discovered the second hysterical part to this story - he called the house before he called Renee's cell phone and left the following message: "Lisa, this is Ron (accentuated because he knows I HATE him being called Ron), (then a long pause), Renee's daddy. Tell her I just got the message and to call me".
I started laughing uncontrollably and hit the replay key for Renee - who said "Like you don't know who the f**k he is".
This is one of those times it doesn't pay to get mad, you just have to laugh. I should feel sorry for the imbecile, but I don't.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Playlist Updates
I am just really loving the playlist!! I don't have too many on my blog page - but my myspace is full at 100 - and I changed a bunch of them around. Every time I remember some old music from my youth - I can just go looking for it, find it and put it on the list.
Yesterday I must have been feeling a little melancholy - I added "Let's Just Kiss and Say Goodbye", "Have You Seen Her" and "I've Found Someone of My Own". These were all great songs that I remember from my childhood - I mean they're not even songs from my teenage years!! I also found "Love Grows Where my Rosemary Goes" and "Don't Call Us, We'll Call You" by a band named Sugarloaf!! Does anyone remember them?
You can't listen to "Have You Seen Her" without remember Sinbad's version of it on one of his specials - hilarious!! And the Five Man Electrical Band singing "Signs"! Tesla did a great job covering it a few years ago that I enjoy too.
Speaking of covers, have you heard Korn doing "Word Up"? Or Metallica doing "Turn the Page"? Both great jobs!
Funny thing is - you've got to know how old you're getting to be when you can tell your kids, who are singing their latest favorite song, who did that song in the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's!! And they think their music is so cool and new! NOT!!
Yesterday I must have been feeling a little melancholy - I added "Let's Just Kiss and Say Goodbye", "Have You Seen Her" and "I've Found Someone of My Own". These were all great songs that I remember from my childhood - I mean they're not even songs from my teenage years!! I also found "Love Grows Where my Rosemary Goes" and "Don't Call Us, We'll Call You" by a band named Sugarloaf!! Does anyone remember them?
You can't listen to "Have You Seen Her" without remember Sinbad's version of it on one of his specials - hilarious!! And the Five Man Electrical Band singing "Signs"! Tesla did a great job covering it a few years ago that I enjoy too.
Speaking of covers, have you heard Korn doing "Word Up"? Or Metallica doing "Turn the Page"? Both great jobs!
Funny thing is - you've got to know how old you're getting to be when you can tell your kids, who are singing their latest favorite song, who did that song in the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's!! And they think their music is so cool and new! NOT!!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Looking Forward to Monday
Does that sound crazy? I am looking so forward to tomorrow. A dear friend of mine I haven't seen in about 6 months is coming over in the morning. We're going to catch up on all of the news, and probably a little gossip too. She's been a great friend to me for several years and I'm looking forward to seeing her!
Have some plans tomorrow for after she leaves, I am about to begin listing on Ebay some of the things I've decided to part with - I've decluttered and decluttered and there is a ton of stuff that needs to find new homes. It's all very nice and in good shape, I just don't have the inclination for it any longer and don't plan to have room for it after next spring.
That's a story in itself, but if I can get these kids out into their own places, I am moving to something very efficient and much smaller where I can truly be retired, sit in the sun if I want to, read, play on the computer and just be lazy.
Anyway, I hope everyone has as good a day as I am looking forward to for Monday!
Have some plans tomorrow for after she leaves, I am about to begin listing on Ebay some of the things I've decided to part with - I've decluttered and decluttered and there is a ton of stuff that needs to find new homes. It's all very nice and in good shape, I just don't have the inclination for it any longer and don't plan to have room for it after next spring.
That's a story in itself, but if I can get these kids out into their own places, I am moving to something very efficient and much smaller where I can truly be retired, sit in the sun if I want to, read, play on the computer and just be lazy.
Anyway, I hope everyone has as good a day as I am looking forward to for Monday!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
I'm Sick of This Shit!
OK - I've gotten all the emails the last year or so with all of the things presumably wrong with Barack Obama. All the little 'excerpts' from his book - they're not officially excerpts if you rearrange the words, leaving or adding what you choose! I've seen all the little cut up videos - BUT - I have yet to find proof of one single thing proclaimed by those who claim they are trying to save this world from the anti-Christ!
And if you're easily offended, I'm about to piss you off! It never ceases to amaze me how otherwise reasonably intelligent people will just take someone's word for something so VERY important without checking out anything for themselves. How much of a dumb ass can you be?
There are folks out there saying everyday crazy stuff - like - hey - wasn't the world supposed to end last Thursday?? Or there's some upcoming date on which a cataclysmic catastrophe is supposed to take place that will wipe out most of the world's population and leave only a few stuck with the responsibility of starting it all over!!
Find out the facts - search for them - be able to prove what you're about to say - and know for sure who you are voting for and WHY!!!
While it was a fictional story, Tommy Lee Jones had a great line in the movie "Men in Black" - "A person is smart, people are stupid". It goes a little further than that, BUT, don't be a stupid person just following someone else's ill fated hysteria right to hell!
Cataclysmic catastrophe - elect John McCain and see!
And, as far as the stupidity about Obama's middle name - check out these FACTS:
In the registry of convicted felons in the State of Tennessee, there are 4 Husseins and 25 McCains. Someone's name DOES NOT say everything about that person!
And if you're easily offended, I'm about to piss you off! It never ceases to amaze me how otherwise reasonably intelligent people will just take someone's word for something so VERY important without checking out anything for themselves. How much of a dumb ass can you be?
There are folks out there saying everyday crazy stuff - like - hey - wasn't the world supposed to end last Thursday?? Or there's some upcoming date on which a cataclysmic catastrophe is supposed to take place that will wipe out most of the world's population and leave only a few stuck with the responsibility of starting it all over!!
Find out the facts - search for them - be able to prove what you're about to say - and know for sure who you are voting for and WHY!!!
While it was a fictional story, Tommy Lee Jones had a great line in the movie "Men in Black" - "A person is smart, people are stupid". It goes a little further than that, BUT, don't be a stupid person just following someone else's ill fated hysteria right to hell!
Cataclysmic catastrophe - elect John McCain and see!
And, as far as the stupidity about Obama's middle name - check out these FACTS:
In the registry of convicted felons in the State of Tennessee, there are 4 Husseins and 25 McCains. Someone's name DOES NOT say everything about that person!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
You Have to Vote
I've blogged some about politics, not a great deal, not as much as some of my old friends would have thought! Maybe because one of the blogs I used to read, well, his blog began to be full of all the ugly and disrepectful things I usually try to avoid, and, of course, they were all about Hillary.
All about Hillary because of two things - one, he's a big ass Republican and two, he's an even bigger ass chauvanistic pig. He's around 60 or so, but believe me when I say his attitude about women meets you about 10 feet before you see him. Not since my stupid ex-husband has a man infuriated me more - but - enough about him - he does not deserve these few words or any time in my universe.
I truly believe that major changes must take place for this country to proceed. Can you honestly say you are happy with the state of the economy? Do you have enough money? Are you not sick of pulling into a gas station? Can you buy whatever you want at the grocery store without counting as you go? Do you still have an active social life where dining out, movies, and other activites that are not free are part of your daily routine? When did you last go shopping just to shop - not for a necessity you'd had to plan for?
If you answered yes to these, are you giving back in any way? When's the last time you donated to the local food bank? Or made sure your elderly neighbor was getting enough to eat? Or that your other neighbor, the one with 3 kids, had enough food in her house? Or that her lights weren't cut off when you didn't see any lights on there last night, but you knew they were home? What about the family down the street where dad was hurt at work? Did you check to be sure they had gas in the car to go to the doctor or milk for the kid's cereal this morning?
Because you see, if you were able to answer yes to the first set, congratulations. The next paragraph are those who are struggling today. And, they're not struggling because they've been irresponsible or they haven't been cautious spenders or are wasteful consumers. No, they are the heart and the backbone of this country, and they are struggling because we've had an administration that has no clue about the real world. Excuse me, if you've never had to wait for anything in your life and you've never had to budget to cover your obligations, how can you propose to have any damn clue how to make decisions for the people as a whole?
There HAS to be CHANGE!! If you are not registered to vote, please do so today. If you need a form, call me - I have some and I will gladly mail you one or bring it to you, if you're in my neighborhood.
Voting is a right no American can take for granted, or fail to exercise. Hundreds of years have passed and hundreds of thousands of men and women have given their life to protect the way of living we have in America - don't take that lightly or disrepect it by not registering and voting.
If I see you, and I don't know, I will asked if you are registered to vote. And, I'll have forms with me if you're not! Even if you're going to vote Republican, I'll still give you a form. Oh, I'll try to teach you better too, but I'll give you a registration form.
And in the words of the late John Paul Jones , "I have just begun to fight!".
All about Hillary because of two things - one, he's a big ass Republican and two, he's an even bigger ass chauvanistic pig. He's around 60 or so, but believe me when I say his attitude about women meets you about 10 feet before you see him. Not since my stupid ex-husband has a man infuriated me more - but - enough about him - he does not deserve these few words or any time in my universe.
I truly believe that major changes must take place for this country to proceed. Can you honestly say you are happy with the state of the economy? Do you have enough money? Are you not sick of pulling into a gas station? Can you buy whatever you want at the grocery store without counting as you go? Do you still have an active social life where dining out, movies, and other activites that are not free are part of your daily routine? When did you last go shopping just to shop - not for a necessity you'd had to plan for?
If you answered yes to these, are you giving back in any way? When's the last time you donated to the local food bank? Or made sure your elderly neighbor was getting enough to eat? Or that your other neighbor, the one with 3 kids, had enough food in her house? Or that her lights weren't cut off when you didn't see any lights on there last night, but you knew they were home? What about the family down the street where dad was hurt at work? Did you check to be sure they had gas in the car to go to the doctor or milk for the kid's cereal this morning?
Because you see, if you were able to answer yes to the first set, congratulations. The next paragraph are those who are struggling today. And, they're not struggling because they've been irresponsible or they haven't been cautious spenders or are wasteful consumers. No, they are the heart and the backbone of this country, and they are struggling because we've had an administration that has no clue about the real world. Excuse me, if you've never had to wait for anything in your life and you've never had to budget to cover your obligations, how can you propose to have any damn clue how to make decisions for the people as a whole?
There HAS to be CHANGE!! If you are not registered to vote, please do so today. If you need a form, call me - I have some and I will gladly mail you one or bring it to you, if you're in my neighborhood.
Voting is a right no American can take for granted, or fail to exercise. Hundreds of years have passed and hundreds of thousands of men and women have given their life to protect the way of living we have in America - don't take that lightly or disrepect it by not registering and voting.
If I see you, and I don't know, I will asked if you are registered to vote. And, I'll have forms with me if you're not! Even if you're going to vote Republican, I'll still give you a form. Oh, I'll try to teach you better too, but I'll give you a registration form.
And in the words of the late John Paul Jones , "I have just begun to fight!".
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