Saturday, February 16, 2008

Duma Key

I bought this book couple of weeks ago - had not allowed myself any books for several months - but had to have it! I'm about 2/3 of the way thru - slow for my normal pace - but the eyes are less than cooperative anymore. All that aside, it is the best SK I've read for awhile - maybe since Hearts in Atlantis - and rivaling The Stand to become my favorite.

I find myself having so much in common with the major character - Edgar Freemantle. No, I wasn't a contractor, no I'm not a painter, but there are other similarities that go beyond verbal description. In this book, SK explores the theory that you can be overcome by the power of some place or some intangible object (for lack of a better word). The wildest part is, I believe this, and call me crazy, but Edgar has some speech problems due to an accident - I swear, while reading this book, I've experienced some of the same problems. I have to stop because I can't remember the word, or I say it wrong - like I called Renee's ex-roommate "Jory" - her name is Jami!

SK always says he aims for the laughter - I've laughed several times in this book. The best line I've EVER EVER read is this one regarding the mess in Iraq - "it started with the one with W for a middle name and a dick for a vice president".

Party on Stephen King!!

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