Saturday, February 28, 2009

He Got His LIcense!

Well, we passed a huge milestone on Friday. My son passed the written part of the driver's exam on Thursday and was able to get an appointment for the driving portion on Friday, which he passed!! FINALLY!!!

He was difficult to teach, at best. His first statement to me in the van was "Don't tell me anything until I do something wrong!" To which I responded, "That won't work, I am a big woman and it'll take a crane to get me out of her if you turn me over in a ditch". Needless to say, there was more yelling and grunting than I'd ever experienced teaching Renee.

But, at last now he can drive somewhat legally. He has not been added to the car insurance - I don't think I can pay for an 18 year old male - but I plan on him getting a car I've lined up later this week and I'll help him get it started, but insurance will be up to him to pay.

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