Saturday, February 28, 2009

Yearbook Woes

Remember the class reunion, oh what almost 6 months ago now? I had this grand idea to publish a yearbook - and I anticipated huge sales, etc. Ha ha ha!!

Then lots of things happened, and I've still not finished the yearbook. But I am very close. I finally got most everything in - I'm just working on captions for the pictures now. I sure hope I can take it to the printer this week and get it back before Friday!! Then I will be done!

For sure I will be done with that project - I only have maybe two more until I can really retire. I've still got to finish the history project for which a hard deadline of May 31 has been set. That's good, because obviously for two years left to my own I've not made it a priority.

The only other thing I think is to write up a brief history of my side of town for a cookbook that is being published this spring and submit my recipes to her for inclusion.

Oh yeah, and pick out an apartment, pack, move and unpack, get both of the kids moved and settled. Not much to do between now say April 1? I'll never make that - I'm shooting for June 1 on the moves!

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