Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Smackdown at the Towers

OK - so you guys all know I live at a retirement center. One of three towers actually in the group.

Well, Friday night there was a big fight out back between two young women - both in their 20's.

Why are 20 somethings living here? It is a HUD property and if they qualify under ADA because they are a little crazy!!!!! they can get in. Seems to me that is the majority of the population here now - explains a lot of things.

Like why one neighbor is so OCD that she jiggles her door know at lealst twelve times before she'll walk off - just has to be sure the door is locked and not coming open. I've seen it go on a full five minutes sometimes. Now, I just laugh to myself, but I'll bet she has to get a new doorknob soon.

Now, our mail is ready for pickup about 3:00 in the afternoon, at which time there is a rush on the mailboxes and I try to stay away. But, sitting back and watching, there is one man who checks his mailbox once an hour ALL DAY LONG!!!

Truthfully, it is sad. It's not fun nor fair when your mind won't work the way it was designed to, I'm sure neither of these two can help themselves at all and it's a blessing they can live on their own.

But, you gotta love the occasional smackdown!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Loving, Wanting, Needing

Today is Valentine's Day. For a lot of folks today, there will be demonstrations of how much they love each other - flowers, candy, balloons, plush, special dinners, sex!, and hopefully some time to reflect on what they really mean to each other.

I've spent a lot of time thinking this week, actually more like for a few months, about my life and why I am alone. I've made a few comments on facebook, etc. but I really have given it a lot of thought.

I was married for 14 years - and I wasn't happy for most of it. I stayed because I didn't want to hear "I told you so" from my mother and because I had two kids I thought really needed their dad to be there. I don't recall him ever taking me out on Valentine's Day for dinner - his idea of eating out was going thru the McDonald's drive thru! In the beginning he gave me some flowers - he was one of those men you'd see at Kroger on VD buying something. He did give me a card just about every year - it always made me wonder though - he signed the card "Rondal Martin" like I didn't know who he was and he never wrote anything else - although the cards were usually thoughtful and sweet.

This week I had an epiphany - my personality and character will not let me need someone!

I've given this a great deal of thought and am convinced this is true. I had been in love with others before Ronnie - but - there were lots of reasons those relationships didn't work out. When I realized I was falling in love with him, I wanted to be with him every second and I really felt like I needed him - in my life, beside me all the way, in good times and bad. I believed those words totally and completely.

But, I am a strong willed person and come from a long line of headstrong iron willed women. I don't think that is the problem - but after I was married, everytime I really needed Ronnie - needed him to support me and carry me for awhile, he let me down. Being pregnant with Renee was very hard - and I began to feel all alone. He didn't stay in town long enough to have our special dinner at the hospital or to drive me home - things I really needed him to do for me.

As the years went by - I found myself not relying on him for anything but trouble. I worked, I took care of the house, the kids and him. He brought home some money and gave me sex - that was the extent of his support for me. And, after years I evolved into a woman who would not let herself need anybody for anything. Years of hopes and plans being dashed and repeated failures time after time led me to never expect too much - to never need anyone else to do what they were supposed to - and the only rely on myself for what I needed. Expect nothing but failure unless I was 100% in charge and not depending on anyone else.

I've been separated from him almost eight years and I'm just now realizing all of this??? The walls I've built around me are too tall and two thick for anyone to ever penetrate. I'm at peace with that and just finally figuring it all out gives me a freedom I had not know before. It does make me sad too - I would have liked to share with someone again.

Meatloaf had a song back in the late 70's, early 80's where one line was "I want you, I need you, but there ain't no way I'm ever gonna love you. Don't feel back, 'cos two out of three ain't bad".

It takes all three for a loving caring healthy relationship.

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Weight of the World

There are many days I feel the weight of the world is all on my shoulders. That's not true of course, but there are just times I feel like that.

I've been enjoying playlist.com and Amy turned me on the blip.fm. These are both great sites to find music and create playlists. I've enjoyed them because of music I remember from 'back when' and finding music that I don't own.

And, in listening to the lyrics and singing along to oldies and current favorites, I've realized that my favorite songs of all have a personal message I truly believe in or address the human condition - and most of the time the human condition is not good.

I suppose most music is lumped into those categories if I thought about it, but indulge me, I'm trying to make a point.

I'm sitting here wondering these things (and yes, it's from the eclectic mix of songs I've listened to today):

1 - what really matters - WHAT REALLY MATTERS? Is it how many toys you accumulate while on this planet? Or how big a bank account you can accrue? Or how many foreign countries you've visited. If any of these are true, I'm already behind the 8 ball!

2 - when I leave, what am I leaving behind? Now I've even mentioned that this song by Linkin Park (Leave the Rest Behind) be played at my funeral. But seriously, what am I leaving behind? What will I be remembered for? I'm a long way from having any money, so no buildings will carry my name or be named for me in honor of all my contributions! And, will I be missed? I'm sure Renee and Lynn will miss me - Amy and Ben too - but am I making enough of a contribution for anyone else to say "Man, I sure miss Lisa" or "man, I wish Lisa were here" when the time comes I've shuffled off this mortal coil?

3 - have I done anything to help anybody on this planet have a better life? I'd like to think so - I hope I have encouraged a few folks when they were down to keep plodding on - I hope I've shared as much knowledge as I can with people - and I hope that just by smiling at someone I didn't know, maybe their day was a little improved. But, that's just not enough. I can't go to a third world country and dig wells, I can't donate a million dollars to build a school somewhere, but I need to make more of a contribution to my fellow man.

4 - and in light of that - where do I go from here? I feel burdened for those less fortunate for even though I'm basically broke, live in a small 1 bedroom apartment and own an 8 year old van - I am so blessed with love. And, I'm content with where I am in life and the life I've led - I am not full of regrets so that each day is sorrowful and angry. BUT, I know there is something else I can do to help someone.

So - I feel the weight of the world and the vast needs that will go unmet today. My heart aches for the babies born today that will be addicted to crack at birth, and aches for those you are given healthy births, but make that decision later in life to use drugs. It's going to snow tonight - and if I still worked downtown - I would see some homeless people lining up on the sidewalk grates that blow warm air as I headed home. And, I wonder if everyone in my building has had supper tonight? There are a lot of hungry people in this world.

These feelings and my awareness of some of what goes on in the world, oh I have no doubts I know little of what is really bad, well, it shapes my daily routine, it shapes the way I think, what I say, how I vote, and what I teach my children. And, I believe each of us is personally responsible to try and improve the condition of our fellowman. I know I can't give money to a crack addicted person who asks - but I can bring them something to eat. I can't take anyone in to my home, but I can be charitable with my time and resources to help places that help homeless.

And I can pray. And pray a lot - every day - and many times during the day - even if it is a sentence prayer but even a few words mumbled or felt deep within, when there is true heartfelt emotion that accompanies them - are the prayers God wants us to pray for each other. That I can do plenty of - and I will do more tomorrow than I've done today.

Sunday, January 31, 2010


For the first time this year we got snow! About 5-6 inches or so - well - it's snow with ice on top and it's all glittery and shiny. It's been cold enough that it has not melted anywhere.

The main roads in Nashville have been scraped and they are pretty passable - side roads are still a mess. I'm sure there is no school again tomorrow - I haven't been out since Wednesday and don't expect to go out tomorrow - although I really do need to go to work. BUT, I'm sure I won't make it.

Lynn has my van - which scared me to death. The one good thing - he has broken the key and cannot unlock the door and if it was unlocked, he can't start the van. Amy and Renee have duplicate keys - but they are both snowed it. Thank God - Lynn can't be out driving on the slick roads.

I should never let him have the van - he was supposed to take care of some very important business Thursday morning - which he didn't of course - so I had let him take it. When I get it back, he'll never get it again. I've said that 100 times, but I have to stick to it. He's just so stupid and special needs that I feel sorry for him. That's for a whole other blog!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Where was I?

Twenty one years ago right now I had finally gotten a little relief (epidural YES!) and was dozing off and on. We'd been at the hospital since 5:00 AM and it was plain to see that this child we're waiting on is taking her sweet time.

Just a little under 11 hours from now at 5:55 in the morning, my baby will be 21 years old!

Today I've done a lot of reflecting - some of the funnies, some of the hurts, some of the sads, and all of the love. Renee has been a pure joy to me from the moment I realized I was pregnant. At some point in her life, but not too soon, I hope she will know the joy of being a mom and how much you can love someone.

She is a very special young woman, and that's not just because I am her mom and maybe a little prejudiced. She is thoughtful and caring about everyone she meets. She has unusual empathy for children and the elderly - the folks here where I live think she is a doll! And she is!!

It's easy for me, when I start thinking about the last 22 years, to only remember the things I did wrong or the times I should have made a better decision. Renee reminds me everyday that I did a lot of things right!!

I picked Martina McBride's song "In My Daughter's Eyes" for Renee's part of the family video Amy and Ben put together. The words of that song were never more true for any two persons than for me and Renee - I may have been an okay person before she came, but she truly rescued me and made me try everyday to be a better person. I don't know how Martina sang that song - I'm crying right now.

Renee - I love you more than you can ever imagine! Thank you for being who you are!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Back on Internet at Home

Yes - I am finally back on the Internet from home. I got a wireless modem and adapter and Ben came over and got it all hooked up and working! Thanks so much - I'd be lost without his help!!

It has been fun already - I've actually done some work for the flower shop, read emails, poked around a little, updated my blogs, and now I'm about to embark on the adventure thru fan fiction that my sister and daughter are so addicted to - this may be the last you hear from me if I get hooked.

Seriously, I can handle it!! Will let you know how the reading goes!