Friday, March 28, 2008

Queen of the Nerds

Recently my council representative told me I was such a nerd! It was because I'd forwarded an email with tips on how to save gasoline - like fueling in the early morning while it was cool and to keep the tank full so there is less evaporation.

Read on!

OK - not that I have time to do this - but I got a bee in my bonnet about movies that had won Best Picture and wanted to be sure and watch all 80 of them. Well, then I got this bright idea that I needed to not only watch the 80, but all the nominees as well. Mind you, that is well over 400 films since the early years would see 10-12 nominees instead of the 5 to which we are accustommed.

Now that I have this list in an Excel spreadsheet - talk about NERD!! - would you like a copy so you can participate in my ascension to the Queen of the Nerds?

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