Sunday, March 2, 2008

Warm Weather Brings out the Goonies!

Last night was the first somewhat warm night we've had in Nashville since late fall. It got down into the 40's after midnight, but before that, it was relatively nice considering where we'd been. What I noticed was that most of the teenagers around here (including my son) were outside, hooping and hollering and being way too noisy way too late. I hope this is not a precedent being set for the spring because it will not fly - not around here.

Today we're expecting 70 degrees here - I can't wait because I plan to sit on the deck with my book for awhile if it gets that warm. The other great thing is that I turned the central off yesterday - so - if this weather hangs in for a few days, I'll get a break on the electric bill and that would be wonderful!

I'll be complaining when it's a hundred in the shade I'm sure, but right now I'm elated to see warm weather becoming a daily thing, along with the extended daylight hours.

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