Wednesday, December 31, 2008

It Don't Get Better than Skynyrd!

Today my son asked me a question - first, I guess it was rhetorical because I'm sure he knew what the answer was going to be, but second, I was glad he asked!

He came out of his room and said "Mom, you know that song "Freebird? Isn't that the greatest rock and roll song ever? What is the greatest rock and roll song ever?"

I'm quite sure I said something like, "heck yeah it's Freebird - wanna hear it?" Took me about 10 seconds to start it playing on playlist - the version I have is the live one from "One More From the Road". Of course, I am saying the words Ronnie Van Zant said just right before he said them.

I did tell him that I was a redneck thru and thru, Southern born and bred and damn glad of it!

There may be hope for him yet!

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