Thursday, August 23, 2007

I Love Nashville!

Last night I had to drive over to East Nashville to scope out a place I need to go next week - I usually do that because I like to know where I'm going and I don't like to be late, especially if I was driving around looking for the place!!

I drove over the newest bridge over the Cumberland River - I believe it's called the Korean War Vets bridge - it connects 1st Avenue and Shelby right by the Titans stadium. When you are on the bridge, the view of the city is gorgeous! You can see the river, the stadium, the new art sculpture, Riverfront Park, and most of the high rises. Quite a pretty site!

I realized right then that I love Nashville! Oh yeah, there are parts I don't like and we have some problems, but I can't imagine living anywhere else. It was a good thought for me - I'm part of a web based list serve for my city council district that usually has nothing but complaints and bickering - looking over at the city and feeling the way I did renewed my faith in my fellow man, even those on the list serve! It made me remember that I'm proud to be a Nashvillian and I'll probably stay right here until I die.

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