Sunday, July 22, 2007

Finished in just under 9 hours!

Yes - I finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in just under 9 hours of reading! It's a good read!

It started out a little confusing - it did not pick up exactly where Half Blood Prince had ended, and I guess I thought it would. But, it's easy enough to catch up to the time diference.

I did find it a little slow during the pages 200's - I'm not sure if it was the book or it was just me. But, I knew it would pick back up to the pace I was expecting!

I've decided not to put spoilers in this post - I think I'll wait until about Tuesday or Wednesday - I need to give those readers I discuss it with a chance to finish up!!

Just one hint - don't believe any of the hype about two (2) people dying!

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