Friday, July 20, 2007

One last ride on the Hogwarts Express!

Today is the day! Book 7 comes out at midnight - I'm sure I'll be sleeping BUT my sister, daughter, and nieces will be at the Grand Hallows Ball enjoying the festivities, drinking Butterbeer, and picking up the books Amy so graciously reserved for all of us.

I've reminded Renee (my daughter) that we have to get some snacks and Diet Coke for tomorrow. There'll not be any cooking or anything else until I know for sure what happens to Harry and the gang.

I don't know what to expect - I realize either Harry or Voldemort must die. My "glass half full" outlook and my own convictions tell me that good always triumphs over evil and that Harry will survive to go on and live a very happy and full life.

I mean, didn't Scarlett? And it took years for us to know what the rest of the story was!

Have a Potter weekend!!

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