Monday, December 10, 2007

My Space

Man - I need some new pictures of myself and the kids on this site. Not to mention my myspace page needs updating too.

That was a stretch - me getting onto myspace and signing up. It was all supposed to be for kids right? Well NOT! There are a lot of us parents out there - and we correspond with each other etc. I've met up with some old friends from high school - made some new friends - and it's been a lot of fun.

My own space is not so pimped out - Lynn has floaties on his - and pictures that should embarass his mother. Renee's is cool too - she always has the prettiest backgrounds, etc.

I like to copy some of her stuff - there was this quiz about rock, paper, scissors I took and put on mine. I like it - it says I'm a rock and pretty much describes my personality right on target. And you know, it was only about 5 or 6 questions, not many. You just are who you are!

If you don't have a My Space - get one. You'll have fun with it - it's not as good as blogging but pretty damn close!

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