Saturday, January 26, 2008

Warmer Days Ahead

This week it has been too too cold here! The temp was in the teens a couple of mornings - sure does make it hard for these bones to get up and move around. I ended up going out everyday though, to work and other errands. Thursday was an extrememly busy day and when I hobbled in that evening - I took three ibuprofen and went to sleep. I slept until 8:42 Friday morning - a good indication of just how tired I was since I'm usually awake by 6:00.

The weather forecast this morning says warmer and wetter than usual for February - which sounds pretty good to me. I don't care for hard driving rains, but I can tolerate the rest. At least, maybe it won't be in the teens again.

I was thinking, that little furry critter will make an appearance next Saturday. I know it is just folk lore - he's what? 70% wrong - but I always hope he doesn't see his shadow and the thought of spring looming on the horizon gets me thru February.

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