Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Change is Coming

So I've been talking about moving for awhile now, and planning on it. But, something happened today that makes it all the more real and so so soon.

My son, no stranger to problems, it seems, has been causing quite a few problems in the neighborhood with his car and friends. As of today, I have a 30 day notice to leave the premises from which I live.

Now, as of today, I no longer have a lease to hold anyone to - so I'm grateful for the 30 days. She could technically have given me 3 and I'd be up a creek in a big way.

I've been packing and sorting since November, but I think I'd better step up the pace. The next few days will be rather hectic.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Moving Day is Coming!

So - everything is set at Trevecca. All I need now is an apartment. Right now there is not a one bedroom open, but he thinks there will be soon. So, I will wait. At this point, as long as I get moved before the worst heat of the summer I'd be good - I hate trying to come in across that deck in August and September. It faces west, so you can only imagine how hot it gets - you will feel like you're going to die just trying to get the door unlocked.

I noticed yesterday that Kmart has their bedding plants, etc. all out and the fenced part of the parking lot with soil, etc. That is the sign I always look for that spring is about to be here! I may go ahead a get a couple of hanging baskets - I have usually let them die about half way thru the summer - so maybe I'll get to enjoy them for awhile.

I have made a list - that's where I always start - with the list. It seems rather daunting right now, but I'm sure it will get better.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Today would have been my 21st wedding anniversary, had I stayed married.

It probably sounds crazy, but I always remember this date and reminisce some about how it used to be. I suppose time does heal all wounds because I don't feel the extreme animosity toward my ex-husband like I once did and I am able to talk about funny or good things that happened. I can even talk about the bad without getting mad or crying.

I actually saw him yesterday. He was in Nashville for physical therapy and came by the house - I had a letter from the child support office he needed a copy of. Both of the kids were here so he got to see them and we sat at the dining room table and talked. He played with Isaiah who promptly spit and hissed like no tomorrow at him!

He has aged, and the years haven't been too kind to him either. Now, we are both just older sicker people who don't need to waste any time on hate or revenge. But, I think we must have reached a point of being able to deal with each other respectfully. It's about time!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Next Stop, Forks Washington

So the DVD's came out this weekend! Amy and Renee were at Borders on West End Friday night to get the special edition they had for sale and to get the GQ magazine in which Rob Pattinson had a spead. Woo hoo!!

Amy hit Target early Saturday morning for more purchases, since their special edition would be different. That's the one I got - has two extra discs of deleted scenes, commentary, etc.

We went to Amy and Ben's to watch the movie Saturday afternoon. It was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed seeing it. At the theatres, the screen had been just a little too big and I had to sit pretty close (wheelchair seating), so, watching it on their television was awesome. I made a tossed salad and got donuts, Amy got pizza and crazy bread! We had a really nice time!

I haven't watched the movie again at home, but I probably will tomorrow. I'm not working and will probably treat myself to at least 1/2 day in bed!

Edward is the bomb!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Only 7 more Days!

Twilight comes out on DVD next Saturday!! I haven't seen the movie since early January - so I am very ready to see it.

Amy plans to be at Target that morning when they open to purchase our copies. And later that day, we're getting together at her house to watch it on the big television. Now, to call Amy and Ben's television a big screen would be just rude - their television is more like a movie screen. Their den is awesome and it's quite exciting to watch things on their t.v. Once we were there watching an Ozzy concert, it was just like being at the real thing. The sound system is great and I just can't wait to be there next weekend!

We're going to get pizza too - maybe we'll watch it more than once! I'm not even sure what time we're supposed to be there, but I'll bet Amy will have already watched it once by the time we get there!

ummm - Robert Pattinson up close and personal!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Rain, Sleet, Snow, Ice, Hail

I think we've seen it all in the last 24 hours. I've decided to stay home again today - it's just too messy and my jaw still hurts and is sore. I don't see any reason to go outside and make it worse - and there's nothing better than sitting up in bed all day on a rainy day!

Except of course, I've gotten up, showered, ate something, and am sitting at the computer with the idea that I will finish the reunion yearbook and get it to the printer tomorrow. I'd also like to make some progress on the history project I've been working on - I have just about 3 weeks to try and finish up most of it - and I really need to get that done. Dreading it is what holds me back, but when I get started it usually rolls right along.

I think dreading something is the worst - and I'm really trying not to do that - just to tackle it headon and get it over with. I think I used to be like that - but I suppose as some things got really hard, or I had a physical reason to put something off - my approach changed. I'm working hard now to get that 'get 'er done' mentality back!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It was 80 Degrees yesterday - and Snow is forecast!

Yep - it was 80 degrees here in Nashville yesterday. Today it is a windy 44 and snow is predicted for the week hours of the morning. I don't expect we'll get any accumulation since the ground will be so warm, but then again, I should be prepared.

I imagine there is a run at Kroger right now - and I should have gone yesterday. The only thing in my fridge today is a few condiments, an 8 oz package of cream cheese and a small bag of baby carrots!

That doesn't bother me - there's crackers and peanut butter, plus all kinds of stuff in the pantry - but it is rather funny to watch my 18 year old son open the fridge and look at all the space. And, he'll do it again knowing I have not left the house like he thinks something will magically appear. No Lynn, the carrots will not grow into turkey and Doritos!

That's one of those things about men that I will never understand and for which I do not think there is any other explanantion except that they are brain damaged. Yes, they are brain damaged and science proves it.

Well, I suppose that it is for me today - I'm rather lethargic today - must be the weather!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Dental Woes

Oh me - I woke up Saturday morning with a tooth doing a dance in my head! I mean it was stomping!! There is nothing worse than it being a Saturday or Sunday morning that a tooth wakes you about 3:00 AM dancing a jig. I hope you never feel it, but believe me, if you do you'll remember what I've said today.

I saw the dentist today - there is a plan of action but he will have to go over it with my medical doctor since there are so many obstacles in the way there, and no many meds. The medical doctor says I'll be back on Lovenox, ugh! It's just part of life though, and this wouldn't be so bad if I'd kept up with my oral health. I had not been in 6 years - and that was when another tooth was dancing a jig!

So I will get all cleaned up, scaled, get some fillings, one tooth pulled, and I'll keep up with it from this point on - good dental health is indicative of good heart health and it is far more important than I've let it be, take care of your teeth!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Movie Quotes

Have you ever noticed just how much movies will impact your life? Especially that movie that you really liked and have watched multiple times.

In my house, we are constantly using lines from movies in our conversation with each other. In fact, my 18 year old son, Lynn, and I can not have a conversation that one of us does not pull a line from the Friday trilogy of movies. The first "Friday" is my favorite! I've probably seen it 50 times, which is only maybe a third of how many times Lynn has seen it.

"you ain't got to lie" - what I say to him just about every time he comes in and I asked him where he's been.

"dang, we ain't never got nothing" - that's Lynn when he opens the refrigerator door.

"What's up Big Perm, uh, Big Worm?" - that's just the way Lynn says hello to me most of the time.

I have to say this - Lynn and I have gone several rounds of yelling, cussing, screaming, slamming doors, just about everything except throwing punches. But, when it's all over one of us will quote something from Friday and we both laugh.

Should have seen us the other day, we were going down Nolensville Road and saw a man walking who looked just like Ezell from the movie. Hat on cockeyed, etc. everything! We were screaming laughing, "You can't catch no crackhead!"

And, a Friday never passes around here that I don't say, "It's Friday, you ain't got no job, you ain't got s**t to do!".

I say the family that laughs together, stays together!