Monday, March 23, 2009

Next Stop, Forks Washington

So the DVD's came out this weekend! Amy and Renee were at Borders on West End Friday night to get the special edition they had for sale and to get the GQ magazine in which Rob Pattinson had a spead. Woo hoo!!

Amy hit Target early Saturday morning for more purchases, since their special edition would be different. That's the one I got - has two extra discs of deleted scenes, commentary, etc.

We went to Amy and Ben's to watch the movie Saturday afternoon. It was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed seeing it. At the theatres, the screen had been just a little too big and I had to sit pretty close (wheelchair seating), so, watching it on their television was awesome. I made a tossed salad and got donuts, Amy got pizza and crazy bread! We had a really nice time!

I haven't watched the movie again at home, but I probably will tomorrow. I'm not working and will probably treat myself to at least 1/2 day in bed!

Edward is the bomb!

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