Saturday, July 26, 2008

So, It's my Blog!

I got to thinking this week that I've not been blogging as much as I use to - and wondering why. Part of that I'm sure is that I am extremely busy right now - this week I worked 4 days at my part time job - something I don't like to do and takes way too much of a physical toll on me. Note to self - don't do that again!

And then I wondered if my tendency to skip blogging is that I've become aware that there are several folks reading my blog on a regular basis. That thrills me, but at the same time, I had a few days of cold feet during which I thought things like "be careful what you say" and "what if I hurt someone's feelings", etc. I suppose those moments of self-doubt creep over everybody, and I'm happy to report that mine are less frequent than they once were!

So, all of that said, I think I'm back.

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