Friday, August 22, 2008


You know motivation is a very personal thing. It's between you and yourself only.

This came to me this morning from out of nowhere, and made me realize that although I am 48 years old, I still don't know everything and never will. But, I am motivated to keep going to try to learn as much as I can, do as much as I can, and never quit.

But, while I feel that way today, I tried to remember if there was ever a time I wasn't motivated. I'm sure there were times as a young adult, my lack of motivation for the positive things in life must have driven my mom crazy.

I was thinking about my son Lynn, he's not feeling well and his heart is broken from a recent break up. Lynn is a good person with a good heart, I know he is, but he's not motivated to use his energy in a positive way. One of his teachers said to me when he was a freshman in high school that he (the teacher) had not found what would motivate Lynn to use his talents and energy in a positive manner. At this point, I have not either.

And thinking about that very thing made me realize that he has all the tools he needs to do good, do right, and have a good life. He's been raised with a good foundation, although he's fighting it tooth and nail right now. He had two parents that both had amazingly strong work ethics. And there are hundreds of prayers said for this child on a daily basis.

When Lynn realizes all he needs is for himself to get up and get going, that it's all on and in him, he'll be fine!

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