Sunday, August 10, 2008

Reunion Updates

OK - so I told you you'd get tired of hearing about it.

We had a very successful meeting yesterday - even got a piece of chocolate pie too - which is heavenly!

It's about 7 weeks away and things seem to be coming along nicely. I believe the venue is square now - some changes there that had me a little nervous - but ok now. RSVP's are starting to come in a little more regular, and daily, so it's fun seeing who is planning on coming!

We're going to have blue and red flowers - Glencliff's colors are red and light blue - similar to what the old Houston Oilers had - well exactly actually! Still one of my favorite color combos of all times!

I'm really tired today though, so I'm going to close now and blog again when my brain has more strength!

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