Monday, August 11, 2008

RIP Bernie Mac and Isaac Hayes

The entertainment world lost two great icons this weekend, and both men were really way too young.

Bernie Mac - hilarious man! From the Kings of Comedy tour, the movies, especially Ocean's Eleven, and the t.v. show, I stopped clicking the remote if I ran into Bernie anywhere. The show with the kids, well, it got me thru a lot of bad days and made me laugh when I felt like crying dealing with my own kids. His time was way too short and his contributions cut way short.

Shaft - what else can I say? I remember the song so vividly back in the day - I was only 11, but everyone knew about the movie and the soundtrack. There was nothing smother than Isaac Hayes. Then you became "Chef" and showed us all your hysterical side!

My own children have enjoyed both of these men - it is indeed a dark day in our household. We will never forget either of you!

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