Saturday, November 5, 2016

Challenge to Pray - first posted Sept 5 2015

Challenge to Pray

My post yesterday was inspired by all the rhetoric I hear about Mexicans and Muslims and how they are ruining our country.  I don't agree with that at all - but I was led to share some personal thoughts on prayer.

The Islamic faith dictates prayer at least 5 times per day and each prayer ritual is from 10-15 minutes in length.  So for the sake of my pending argument, let's go with 5 x 10 and count 50 minutes per day in dedicated prayer.

Even though I say a prayer in the morning and something longer in the evening and a few sentence prayers through the day, "Give me strength", etc. I don't come close to spending 50 minutes a day praying.  

So today I am challenging myself and all of you to spend at least 50 minutes a day in prayer.  Earnest prayer - where you really talk to God and let him communicate to you!  Pray sincerely - not just words but what's really on your heart.  Praise Him for who He is, all powerful and omnipotent.  Confess your sins asking for forgiveness and fortification not to repeat them.  Thank Him for everything He's provided, including this world we live in.  Ask for what you need.  

I just think if we'd all spend at least 50 minutes a day praying, we could really see some changes.  If nowhere else but in our own lives, which will in turn, change the world.

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