Monday, September 17, 2007

Election Results & Bigotry

I think I started this entry, then left it for some reason. Anna was re-elected to the 16th! YEAH!! Karl Dean won - I'm fine with that. The council at large members - I'm ok with all but one - I don't particularly care for Charlie Tygard - I don't particularly care for most old white men - so he loses out by default.

It's my own problem I suppose, but of all the prejudice and bias I've ever been subjected to - either because my husband was black (God forbid!), my kids are biracial, I was overweight - it has always been at the hand and mouth of some old white man.

I went in a well known furniture store once, looking for new living room furniture. I was alone and looking at a patterned print I liked - he informed me that only "black" people bought that, I should be shopping on the other side of the store. He had no idea of course that I'd was about to marry a black man - and he continued on some racial slurs, all of which I can't remember because I was blinded by rage. Needless to say, I didn't buy anything. I have no clue what I said to the man, but as I turned to walk out, he was standing with his mouth hung open. I've only lost myself in anger a few times, this was one of them!

Ever notice that I go all around the world in my post - I just don't stay on subject very well do I? Well, my mind spirals out of control and I just can't help it!

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