Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Boy - I didn't mean to sound so negative in the last two posts! I guess I got to banging on the keyboard and maybe should have waited a day or two before posting them. But, they are the truth and I'll let it go at that - today!

I will be so glad when my son is back home fulltime. We had a wonderful visit this weekend - it's so nice to see him cheerful, bright eyed, and laughing! He reminded me of the little boy who use to come curl up in my lap all the time!!

He's no longer a little boy though - he's up to 6 ft 1 1/2 inch - and that 1/2 inch is very important!! He has lost about 40 lbs, which he needed to, so he looks great!

No more details - just to say it's still been the hardest thing I've ever been through and I hope and pray daily the upward motion continues.

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