Friday, October 12, 2007


For a year or so I've been on a mission - to declutter my house as much as possible. That's a tough one - I'm from a long long line of pack rats. You'd never believe how much stuff my mom had - and my grandmother before her.

The kids and I have lived where we do for 5 years - when I first moved in I had a philosophy - no cardboard boxes anywhere in any closet. If it wasn't out being used, or displayed, and couldn't be scrapbooked, it had to go. That worked well, but then my Mom passed away, and I brought tons of stuff into the house. I finally found a place for all of it - and every closet, cabinet, cupboard, nook and cranny I had was filled to the brim!

I've used HGTV and Martha Stewart as resources on organizing, along with The Fly Lady, which helped me tremendously. I'm still not where I need to be - but I am getting better. I like to see space when I look in closets - especially on the shelves and when the floor is empty.

Today I'm adding a website to my blogpage - and a couple more blogs I like. I have a tremendous amount of fabric and sewing projects that I want to work thru - these blogs have some great ideas on keeping it organized and actually getting the stuff done.

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