Monday, June 23, 2008

Too Many Projects, Too Little Time

Starting to feel a little rush here - I tend to do this to myself quite a bit. I think I must thrive on the anxiety!

Actually, I have this history project I've been working on for close to 2 years. Quite honestly, I've avoided it the last few months because I became disillusioned with the original mission and sponsor. But, with an August 31 deadline looming, I have no choice now but to get this thing done.

So today, I'm trying to make myself spend sometime every day working on it. My goal now is to get it out of my hair, but, I can't just do a half-ass job at it! See why I'm feeling the pressure. BUT, if I go ahead and get it done, I can devote more time to the things I've having fun with - like the class reunion stuff and the new book club starting in the neighborhood!

I've really got to make a list of my chores for the next few months and priortize them - or I'll never get retired!

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